

Entities identify the product that is being managed at the farm. Entities must be created before any field or journal transactions can be entered. Entities are manually created or alternatively created by posting GPA>Planning>Movements.


The following items must be created prior to creating an Entity:


The following procedures are outlined in the Entity document:

Create an Entity

The 'Add' Entities option is initially used to add the entity to the system. If entities are going in multiple houses, the first line with the farm level must be created. From there, house numbers can be entered to outline the multiple houses. Each following line will duplicate when creating a line from the same screen.


  1. In SMTS>GIM>Master Data, select Entities.
  2. In the Entities main index, click to create a new entity.
  3. The New GIM Entities dialog box will appear to add a new entity.
  1. From the Farm No drop-down menu, select the farm where the entity resides.
  2. In the Entity No field, enter the code that identifies the entity. Entity no will default only if the Entity No Prefix is entered and the registry is set to one of the options discussed during the Entity No Prefix question. If the Entity No is set to manual, then the Entity No is manually entered.

  3. House No is used If the granularity is defined in Houses. If so, a house number can be assigned to the entity from a predefined list of houses for the farm. The house can only be assigned after the top level entity is created.

  4. Pen No is used if the granularity is defined at the pen level. If so, a pen can be assigned to the entity. The pen can only be assigned after the top level entity is created.

  5. Entity Stage represents the stage of the entity when it is being added to the system. The stage will default based on the stage of the selected farm. Available options are: Nursery, Wean to Finish or Finish.

  6. Production System defines the house set-up of how the pig will be grown. The number will be automatically generated.

  7. From Product No, select the product that is assigned to the entity.

  8. Formula Assignment No is used if FDSA is being utilized, and assigns the feed formulas to the entity. Formula assignment numbers must be set up previously in: General>General> Products>Feed>Feed Formulas. If applicable, select the formula number from the pre-defined list.

  9. Breed No is an  optional field to enter the breed code if breed tracking is utilized.

  10. Status indicates if the entity is active or inactive, and will default to Active. If the entity is no longer active, de-select the flag.

  11. Select the Stock Density Code. Options available are 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, Not Set.

  12. In the Attachment field, any type of file can be attached. (Example: Word document, picture, music or video clip).

  13. Attributes default from the house or farm with the option to modify when creating a new entity. Attributes can be created in: Admin> Business> General> Definitions>Attributes>Attribute Definitions. They can be assigned to the Farms and in Houses in the required tabs.   Examples of attributes include:


View the Entity Master

Once the entity has been created and saved, it can be viewed in the Entity Master. The fields in the Entity Master are read-only and cannot be modified, except when a new entity is being created. After the entities are created, the screen is read only. The Entity Master is designed to group all transactions posted against a sow. 


There are numerous tabs in the Entity Master.


The General tab contains the basic details for the entity. If an entity is manually created, the date fields in the General tab can be entered manually or modified.



  1. In the Entities main index, select the entity to be viewed and double-click to open and view the entity. Alternatively, click the button, or right-click and select 'Edit'.
  2. Click on the General tab.
  1. Farm No identifies the farm where the entity resides.
  2. Farm Name displays the name of the farm.
  3. Entity No identifies the entity.

  4. Entity Stage represents the stage of the entity when it is being added to the system. Available options are: Nursery, Finish or Wean to Finish.

  5. Born Date displays the date the animal was born.

  6. Status indicates the status of the entity.

    1. Active: Entity is active. Costs and transactions are being entered to the entity

    2. Inactive: Entity is sold but transactions and costs can still be entered to the entity. Entities will be set to 'Inactive' when the final pickup flag is set in a movement transaction.

    3. Closed: Transactions and costs can no longer be recorded to the entity.

  7. Breed No displays the breed code, if breed tracking is utilized.

  8. Breed Name displays the name of the breed.
  9. Tech Advisor No identifies the technical advisor for the entity.

  10. TA Name displays the name of the tech advisor.

  11. Tech Supervisor No identifies the technical supervisor for the entity.

  12. TA Super Name displays the name of the tech supervisor.

  13. Product No identifies the product.

  14. Product Name displays the name of the product.

  15. Stock Density Code displays as 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x or Not Set.

  16. In the Attachment field, any type of file can be attached. (Example: Word document, picture, music or video clip).

  17. The Notes section can be used to add any additional information related to the entity.

  18. First Dated Moved In indicates the first date the animals were moved in.

  19. Last Date Moved In indicates the last date the animals were moved in.

  20. Avg Date Moved In indicates the average date the animals were moved in.

  21. First Date Moved Out indicates the first date the animals were moved out.

  22. Last Date Moved Out indicates the last date the animals were moved out.

  23. First Date Sold indicates the first date the animals were sold.

  24. Last Date Sold indicates the last date the animals were sold.

  25. Avg Date Sold indicates the average date the animals were sold.



The Statistics tab summarizes the data from the Processing Transactions.


  1. Age indicates the age of the entity.
  2. % Mortality is a calculated field representing: (Mortality/Head Placed) *100.
  3. Avg Weight In indicates the average weight of a single pig at the farm when the product is received at the farm.
  4. Avg Weight Out indicates the average weight of a single pig at the time of transfer.
  5. Feed Used Per Head indicates the amount of feed consumed per swine.
  6. Days On Farm displays the number of days the pigs were on the farm.
  7. Avg Daily Gain Per Head represents the average daily weight gained per pig.
  8. Feed Conversion indicates the feed consumed / total weight sold.
  9. Weight Gain Per Head represents the average weight gain from the date the entity is place until the date the entity is sold.
  10. Adjusted Feed Conversion indicates the feed consumed / weight sold after processing adjustments.


Field Service

The Field Service tab is used to view all of the GIM transactions related to the entity. The data is derived from the Field Transaction.


  1. Age indicates the age of the entity.
  2. Trans Date indicates the date of the transaction.
  3. Weight displays the total weight of the swine.
  4. Mortality displays the total mortality rate for the swine.
  5. Feed Consumed indicates the amount of feed consumed.


The information in the Feed/Nutrients tab is derived from General>General>Products>Feed>Feed Formulas if FMIM is not being used. Otherwise, the data is derived from FMIM>Feed Formulas

  1. Name displays the name of the feed or nutrient.
  2. Feed Record Type describes the type of feed record of the transaction. Each time a transaction occurs regarding feed and is posted to the journal transactions, it  is represented here.
  3. The Week fields indicate the week ending date that represents the transactions that occur during this time period.
  4. Total Amount is the accumulated totals for all of the weeks.



The Costs tab represents all of the costs associated with the flock and is broken down by the accounts set-up in the Chart of Accounts Master. Costs are derived from the journal transactions.


  1. Account Name displays the name of the account holder.
  2. Complex Account No displays the complex account number.
  3. Location Group No identifies the location group.
  4. Cost Object No displays the cost object number.
  5. Stage No displays the stage number and is derived from the entity stage of the flock.
  6. Cost Element No displays the cost element number.
  7. User Account No displays the number of the user account.
  1. The Week fields are derived from the journal transactions as the week ending on the date the transactions took place.
  2. Total Cost is a calculated field for the total cost for the entity.
  3. Total Cost Per Unit displays the total cost of each unit.


Inventory Detail

The Inventory Detail tab displays the inventory and the transactions associated with the inventory. The information in the Inventory tab is derived from Field Transactions.


  1. Complex Entity No identifies the entity.
  2. Inventory Date displays the date that is the week's ending date.
  3. Head Count displays the number of swine involved in a particular transaction. For example, in a Field Transaction for Mortality, 10 swine died, so the 10 swine will be the "head count". These numbers will include mortality and culls, swine placed, swine moved, etc. Anything that will add or subtract from the beginning inventory needs to be included in the head count.
  4. Event Type indicates where the transaction originated from.
  5. Ref No displays a unique reference number for the entity transaction.
  6. Accumulated Head Count displays the...

  7. Entity Stage represents the stage of the entity when it is being added to the system. Available options are: Nursery, Wean to Finish or Finish.



The Traceability tab is used to record details about inseminations of the gilts. The information will default in from the Insemination transactions. There are two sections in the tab:


The Insemination section contains details relating to the insemination of the gilts.

  1. Complex Breed Group No identifies the breed group of the sow.
  2. Farm Name displays the name of the farm where the sow is located.
  3. Product No identifies the semen product used for the insemination.
  4. Product Name displays a description of the semen product.
  5. Service No records the number of inseminations within the current cycle.
  6. Insemination Type indicates whether the insemination was Natural or Artificial.
  7. Trans Date indicates the date the insemination occurred.
  8. Event Date is usually the same as the Trans Date but can be changed if required and used to record a date in a closed period in order to capture late  inseminations occurring in a closed period.
  9. Ref No displays a unique number to identify the insemination transaction.
  10. Selecting the Void flag will cancel the transaction.
  11. Usage...
Insemination Details
  1. Trans Code identifies the type of transaction.
  2. Lot No identifies the lot where the semen is located.
  3. Quantity displays the total amount of units used.
  4. Selecting the Void flag will cancel the transaction.
  5. Time displays the time that the insemination occurred.



The Source section contains details relating to the insemination sources.


  1. Complex Breed Group No identifies the source of the semen.
  2. Farm Name displays the name of the farm where the sow is located.
  3. Product No identifies the semen product used for the insemination.
  4. Head Shipped displays the number of
  5. Transfer Date indicates the date the semen was shipped.


Health Status

The Health Status tab represents the most recent health status transactions based on the Entity Health Status transaction. The Entity Status transaction will always override the lab test transaction for the same test code.

*Note: The Health Status tab is only used in version 7.26 and up.


  1. Complex Entity No identifies the entity for the health status transaction.
  2. Record Type identifies the type of record.
  3. Health Status displays a description of the animals` health and will be either Positive or Negative.
  4. Trans Date displays the date of the health status transaction.
  5. Ref No is a unique reference number used to identify the health status transaction.
  6. Analysis No identifies the analysis code for the lab test.
  7. Analysis Name displays a description of the analysis.
  8. Placement Control Status is a read-only field that represents the placement status of the hogs.
  9. Transfer Control Status is a read-only field that represents the transfer status of the hogs. This will default to `Not Tracked`.  Available options are:
    1. Tracked - will have no impact on the transfer, but will be displayed in Health Status views.
    2. Transfer to Same Status - source entities can be transferred to a destination entity with the same status for the lab test code.
    3. No Transfer - entities cannot be transferred.
    4. No Tracked - lab test code is not tracked for transfers.
  10. Processing Control Status is a read-only field that represents the processing status of the hogs. This will default to `Not Tracked`. Available options are:
    1. Tracked - will have no impact on process planning, but will be displayed in Health Status views.
    2. End of Day - BRPA/TPA/SPA/GPA will schedule the entities to be killed at the end of the day. LHS will schedule picks ups at the end of the scheduled processing day.  
    3. End of Week - BRPA/TPA/SPA/GPA will schedule the entities to be killed at the end of the week. LHS will schedule picks ups at the end of the scheduled processing day.
    4. Not Tracked - lab test code is not tracked for processing transactions.
  11. The Comments field contains any additional information related to the transaction.
  12. Close and save the entity record.



There are additional options in both the main menu and the transaction screen.

Menu Options

Add/Change Entities

This option is used to add a new house/pen or modify an existing entity.

  1. Select any record for the entity that is to be added or modified
  2. Right-click and select Add/Change Entities or select Options>Add/Change Entities
  3. Click to add a new house record or select the line that is to be edited.
  4. The details will default from the previous record for new houses.
  5. The Farm No cannot be modified in this screen. Use the Complex Entity Number Change option to modify the Farm No.
  6. The Entity No cannot be modified in this screen. Use the Complex Entity Number Change option to modify the Entity No.
  7. If the granularity if defined as FFH or FFHP, enter the House No and/or Pen No for new records. Existing records cannot be modified. Use the Complex Entity Number Change option to modify the Entity No.
  8. Modify all other fields as required. Details are outlined in Create New Entity

Complex Entity Number Change

  1. Select the FF record for the entity to be modified.
  2. Select Options>Complex Entity Number Change.
  3. Select the Farm No.
  4. Enter the Entity No. Note that all houses and pens must exist in the source and destination farm for the option to be used.
  5. Click OK to modify the complex entity number.


This option determines if costs are calculated on a weekly or monthly basis.

Transfer Cost Mode

This option determines what costs are included where displaying the data in Entities>Costs. The options available are indicated below. The selection will save to the user profile until the option is modified again.

  1. Exclude Sales and Processing - the costs will not be included for any transactions that are recorded for sales and processing
  2. Exclude Transfers Out - will not display costs for hogs transferred out to another farm or entity
  3. Exclude Transfers - excludes all costs for both transfers into the entity and transfers out of the entity
  4. Exclude Transfers In - will not display costs for hogs transferred into the entity
  5. All Transactions - displays all cost transactions including sales, processing and transfers

Data Mode

The Data Mode determines the data that is displayed for the entity. The selection will save to the user profile until the option is modified again.  Available options are:

  1. Actual - represents the data for the current stage of the entity
  2. Life of Entity - represents the data for all stages of the entity

Print Barcodes

This option will print the barcodes for the entities filtered in the selection dialog. The custom barcode report must be created prior to using this option.


  1. Select Options>Print Barcodes
  2. Select the Custom Report Layout.
  3. If printing the codes for specific entities, click the drop-down in Complex Entity No and select the required entities.
  4. If printing barcodes for all entities, select the Farm Type of the barcodes to be printed.
  5. Select the Granularity for the barcodes. Options will be Entity, House or Pen.
  6. Click OK to print the barcodes based on the specified filters.

Product Usage

This option displays all product usage transactions related to the Entity.

Change House No

The Change House No option is used to move the hogs from one house to another house within the same entity.


  1. Select the FFH record to have the house number changed.
  2. The user will be prompted to confirm that the change will modify all FFH and FFHP records for the selected house. Click Yes to continue or No to cancel.
  3. In the dialog, select the New House No.
  4. Click OK to change the house number for the selected entity.


Transaction Options

There are also additional options available in the Entity transaction screen.