internal processing


Processing transactions are completed in separate transactions depending on the type of transaction.


The Entity must be created before creating an Internal Processing transaction.


The following procedures are outlined in the Internal Processing transaction document:

Create an Internal Processing Transaction

There are several tabs in the processing transaction to record the statistical processing data for the entity. The


  1. In SMTS>GIM>Movements>Processing, select Internal.
  2. In the Processing Transactions (Internal) main index, click to create a new internal processing transaction.  



The General tab is comprised of three parts:



  1. Click on the General tab.



  1. From the Plant No drop-down menu, select the plant that is being processed for the transaction.
  2. Plant Name will default in from Plant No.
  3. Select the Entity No to identify the entity for the transaction.
  4. Order Line Items
  5. Load No is an optional field to identify the load number of the delivery.
  6. Ref No is an automatically generated field and displays a unique reference number for the transaction.
  7. Trans Date displays the date of the processing transaction.

  8. Event Date defaults to the trans date. The date may be changed if the transaction actually occurred on a different date, however this date does not affect inventory or accounting.

  9. In the Trans Time field, enter the time of the transaction.

  10. Vehicle No is an optional field to identify the vehicle used to transfer the product from farm to plant. Vehicles must be set up prior in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Vehicles.

  11. Driver No is an optional field to identify the driver that transfers the product from farm to plant. Drivers must be set up prior in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Drivers.

  12. If the transaction is a plant-type transaction, Live Haul Crew No can be used to selected a crew that is assigned to the plant for the processing transaction. Crews must be set up prior to use in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Live Haul Crews.

  13. Haulage Vendor can be used to select the haulage vendor, if applicable.

  14. In the Head field, enter the total number of animals being processed.

  15. In the Gross field, enter the gross weight of the loaded truck.

  16. In the Tare field, enter the weight of the truck after it has been unloaded.
  17. The Net field will default in with the weight of the truck delivered to the plant.
  18. Select the Truck Wash flag if the truck was washed at the plant.
  19. Select the Final Pickup flag if this is the last pick-up of the hogs from the farm.
  20. Select the Final Farm Pickup Flag if the final pickup for the entity has occurred. This will mark the entity as 'Sold'.
  21. Select the Pickup Type. Available options are: Cleanout, First Cut or Other.
  22. Selecting the Void flag will cancel the transaction and exclude it from farm and entity data.

  23. The Tattoo ID field is optional and can be used to enter the animal ID stamped at tuck unloading time.
  24. In the DOA field, enter the number of head hogs on arrival at the plant.
  25. In the DOA Weight field, enter the weight of the animals that arrived dead on arrival to the plant.
  26. In the Live Weight field, enter the weight of the animals to be processed net of DOA. This can be entered in lbs or kgs.
  27. Enter the Base Rate per live animal.
  28. In the Carcass Price field, enter the total price per dead animal.
  29. Total Price will calculate and default in once the transaction is saved.
  30. Select the Lean Percent Pay flag if...
  31. In the Notes field, enter any additional information relating to the processing transaction.
  32. Sales SKU No is used to determine the product being sold, and is set up on the animal product.
  33. If the hogs are sold on a contract, the Contract No field is used to enter the contract number.
  34. Order No is used if the processing transaction is to an external plant where hogs are sold to the plant. When the processing transaction is created, the Order No field will populate with the sales order number that is created.
  35. From Forklift Code, select the forklift that is used for the processing transaction. Forklifts must be set up prior to use in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Forklifts.
  36. Pre-Post Status will default in and indicates if the transaction is Active or Posted.
  37. In the Ship Date field, enter the date the animals will shipped.
  38. In the Received Date field, enter the date the animals were received.
  39. Selecting the Void flag will cancel the transaction.
  40. Creation Date indicates the date the transaction was created.

  41. Last Mod Date indicates the date the creation was last modified.



The Detail section is comprised of two components:



The Detail section is used to enter specific information for each animal/carcass.


  1. Select the Details tab and clickto add a new detail line.



  1. In the Carcass ID field, enter a unique identification that is placed on the carcass for reference.
  2. Enter the Fat Depth measurements of the carcass.
  3. Enter the Meat Factor measurement.
  4. Enter the Muscle Depth measurements.
  5. Percent Lean is used to indicate the percentage of lean meat.
  6. Select the Probe flag if a metal probe was used to obtain the fat percentage.
  7. Sequence is a numerical field to indicate the order in which the carcass was processed.
  8. Price will default in with the total price of the animals.
  9. From Carcass Type No, select from a list of user-defined carcass types. Carcass types must be created prior to use in: Admin>Business>SMTS>Definitions>Carcass Types.
  10. From Trim Cut Type No, select from a list of user-defined trim cut types. Trim cut types must be created prior to use in: Admin>Business>SMTS>Definitions>Trim Cut Types.
  11. Condemnation No is used to enter a reference number for the condemnation.
  12. In the Pre Trim Weight field, enter the weight of the carcass before trimming, in either lbs or kgs.
  13. In the Post Trim Weight field, enter the weight of the carcass after trimming, in lbs or kgs.


Scale Details

The fields in the Scale Details section default in and cannot be modified.

  1. Enter the Gross Zero Weight.
  2. Gross Zero Weight Date Time displays the date and time that the gross zero weight was recorded at the scale.
  3. Gross Weight Scale Ref displays the reference number for the gross zero weight scale reading.
  4. Gross Wt Date Time displays the date and the time that the gross weight was recorded at the scale.
  5. Gross Wt Scale Ref displays the reference number for the gross weight scale reading.
  6. Enter the Tare Zero Weight.
  7. Tare Zero Weight Date Time displays the date and time that the tare zero weight was recorded at the scale.
  8. Tare Zero Weight Scale Ref displays the reference number for the tare zero weight scale reading.
  9. Tare Wt Date Time displays the date and time that the tare weight was recorded at the scale.
  10. Tare Wt Scale Ref displays the reference number for the tare weight scale reading.
  11. Tare Auto Manual indicates the tare setting of Auto or Manual.



The Rejects section is used to enter information related to rejections of the hogs.


  1. Select the Rejects tab and clickto add a new reject line.
  2. From Processing Reject No, enter the reason for the rejection. Rejection codes must be set up prior to use in: Admin>Business>SMTS>Definitions>Processing Reject Codes.
  3. In the Head Count field, enter the number of hogs that were rejected.
  4. Enter the total Weight of the hogs being rejected.
  5. In the Price field, enter the deduction amount for the selected code.


Internal Add On

The Internal Add On section contains information for any internal add-ons. All details will default in.


  1. Product No identifies the internal add-on product.
  2. Product Name displays a description of the product.
  3. Rate indicates the rate of the add-on.

Post a Processing Transaction

Once the processing transaction has been saved and closed, it will need to be posted. The posting process will lock the transaction from further edits and post the statistics to the entity. As well, if the processing transaction is to an external plant, the posting process will automatically create the sales order and order shipment. For external processing, a journal transaction will be created to debit the accrued receivable and credit sales revenue as well as the cost of sales and inventory, only if an internal price is established.  

Journal entries will not be created for internal processing transactions unless there is an internal price assigned to the product. If that is the case, there will be a journal transaction created at post where it will credit the flock value and debit the plant inventory for the internal prices established for the product. There is a switch in setup to determine if the product is priced based on a $/head or a $/lb or kg.

  1. In the Processing Transactions main index, select the required transaction, rick-click and select 'Post.' Alternatively, click the green check mark in the top menu bar and select 'Post'.
  2. To un-post a processing transaction, select the required transaction and right-click to select 'Unpost'.  This process will set the transaction status to 'Reversed' status, which allows the transaction to be edited.