order shipments


Order Shipments are sourced from existing sales orders and remove the product from inventory.


A Sales Order must be created prior to creating an order shipment.


The following procedures are outlined in the Order Shipment document:

Create an Order Shipment


The General tab contains the following components:

Order Shipment Header

The order shipment header contains the base data to outline the shipment. The header is divided into three sections to group the data. Most of the information defaults in and is derived from the associated sales order.


  1. In TMTS>BIM>Transactions, select Order Shipments.
  2. In the Order Shipment main index, click the button to create a new order shipment
  3. Click on the General tab.



  1. From the Order No drop-down menu, select the sales order to be shipped. Order No is an auto-assigned unique number that was assigned to the order when it was initially created.  
  2. Cost Center No will default in and identifies the cost center from where the product will be shipped.
  3. Cost Center Name will default in and displays the name of the cost center.
  4. From Farm No, select the farm from where the product will be shipped.
  5. Farm Name will default in and displays the name of the farm.
  6. Enter the Ship Date to indicate the date that the product will be shipped.
  7. Enter the Delivery Date to indicate the date the product will be delivered.
  8. Delivery Time will default in with no option to modify.
  9. Ship Method will default in if applicable, with no option to modify.
  10. Driver No is an optional field to identify the driver who will be transferring the product. Drivers must be set up prior in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Drivers.

  11. Driver Name will default from Driver No and displays the name of the driver.
  12. Vehicle No is an optional field to identify the vehicle used to transfer the product. Vehicles must be set up prior in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Vehicles.

  13. Vehicle Name will default from Vehicle No and displays the name of the vehicle.

  14. Ref No is a unique reference number that identifies the order shipment transaction. This can be manually or automatically entered.

  15. Load No is an optional field to enter the load number of the shipment.

  16. Sale Trans Code identifies the type of transaction and will default to Sales.

  17. In the Notes field, enter any additional information relating to the order shipment.


Ship To

The Ship-To tab contains the base data for the ship-to customer. The details in the tab will default in from the sales order with no option to modify.

  1. Ship-To No displays the code that is used to identify the ship-to customer.
  2. Ship-To Name displays the name of the ship-to customer.
  3. Address 1-3 fields display the address details of the ship-to customer.
  4. City displays the city in which the selected ship-to customer is located.
  5. State displays the state in which the selected customer is located.
  6. Contact defaults from the primary contact defined on the Ship-To customer.
  7. Contact # defaults from the Ship-To customer and displays the main contact telephone number, if applicable.
Deliver To

The Deliver-To tab contains the base data for the deliver-to customer. This tab will be populated if the deliver-to customer is set up in the Business Usages tab of Customers. The details in the tab will default in from the sales order with no option to modify.


  1. Deliver-To No displays the code that is used to identify the deliver-to customer.
  2. Deliver-To Name displays the name of the deliver-to customer.
  3. Address 1-3 fields will default in and display the address details of the deliver-to customer.
  4. City displays the city in which the selected deliver-to customer is located.
  5. State displays the state in which the selected customer is located.
  6. Contact defaults from the primary contact defined on the Deliver-To customer.
  7. Contact # defaults from the Deliver-To customer and displays the main contact telephone number, if applicable.


Order Shipment Details

The Detail lines and fields in the Details tab will default from the selected sales order.


  1. Line Index identifies the line number of the order.
  2. Sales SKU No identifies the product that is being shipped.
  3. Sales SKU Name displays a description of the product being shipped.
  4. Complex Entity No displays the entity number of the farm.
  5. Cost Center No indicates the cost center where the product is being shipped from.
  6. Cost Center Name defaults from Cost Center No and displays the name of the cost center.

  7. Quantity Ordered displays the number of units ordered that are requested to be shipped.
  8. Quantity Shipped displays the quantity of units that were actually shipped. This field will be populated when the product inventory is selected.
  9. Variance will be automatically calculated and displays the difference in unit amounts between Quantity Ordered and Quantity Shipped, if applicable.
  10. The Complete flag is selected if the order shipment is complete and shipping has been completed.
  11. If the order was not completely shipped, but the remaining quantity will be shipped on another shipment, select the Back Order flag. For example, if 1000 units were ordered, but only 750 are available to be shipped today, and the remaining 250 will ship tomorrow, then the back order flag should be selected. On the other hand, if only 750 units are available to be shipped and the remaining 250 units will never be shipped, the back order flag should be left de-selected.
  12. Allow Any % Over defaults as a read-only field from the product and lets the user know if additional quantities from the order quantity can be shipped. If this flag is selected, there is no limit on the product amount and the customer can be shipped any quantity over the specified product units.
  13. Max % Over defaults as a read-only field from the product and is used when the product has a tolerance percentage for the order shipment. (Example: The order shipment has 100 units. Max % Over is defined as 5%, which means the receiving transaction will allow up to an including 5 additional units).


Additional Details

Within the Details tab, there is a child grid to add additional details relating to the order shipment.

The child grid section is comprised of three tabs:


Entity Shipped
  1. Click on the Line Index tab to display the child grid.
  2. Click to add a new item line.
  3. The Select Entities for Shipment dialog box will appear with all available entities.

  1. Select the required Complex Entity No and in the Units Entered field, enter the number of units to be shipped.
  2. Click 'OK'.


  1. Complex Entity No displays the entity where the product is shipped from.
  2. Quantity displays the number of units shipped.
  3. Select the Final Farm Pickup flag if the final pick-up from the farm has been completed.
  4. Select the Final Pickup flag if this is the last pick-up of the product at the farm.


Field Products

Field products can be added when selling a field product, such as medication, vaccination, or miscellaneous supplies.


  1. Click to add a new line item.
  2. In the pop-up dialog box, select the required field product and in the Units Entered field, enter the number of units to be shipped.
  3. Click 'OK'.


  1. Lot No is a unique identification number for the field product, and is optional.
  2. Quantity displays the amount of field product units that are being shipped.
  3. Product No displays the code for the field product.  
  4. Product Name defaults from Product No and displays a description of the product.


Bill of Materials

The fields in the Bill of Materials tab will default in from the sales order.



  1. Product Type displays the type of product ordered.
  2. Product No identifies the product.
  3. Lot No indicates the lot number of the product, if applicable.
  4. Location No identifies the location of the product, if applicable.
  5. Quantity displays the total amount.
  6. Inventory Units displays the total number of units of the product.
  7. Shipped Units displays the total number of shipped units.
  8. Order Units displays the total number of units in the order.
  9. Select the Override flag to cancel the order.



Survey Codes are set up in: Admin>Business>General>Order Management>Survey Codes The codes are then displayed on the Order Shipment tab, where the user enters a value from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest). The system will calculate an average score for the shipment.


Post an Order Shipment

Once the order shipment has been created and saved, the shipment needs to be posted. The posting process locks the order shipment to prevent edits, and creates the journal transaction to record the receivable and revenue accrual. If internal pricing is used, the credit to inventory and debit to cost of sales will be recorded using the internal price and adjusted to actual at period end. The UnPost option unlocks the order shipment transaction and reverses the journal transactions.


  1. In the Order Shipments main index, select the required order shipment transaction and right-click to select 'Post'. Alternatively, click the green check mark in the top menu bar and select 'Post Record(s).
  2. To un-post an order shipment, select the required order shipment and right-click to select 'UnPost'.  This process will set the transaction status to 'Reversed' status, which allows the transaction to be edited.

Journal Transaction

The posting process creates the journal transaction. The journal will accrue the sales revenue and accounts receivable based on the values that are defined in the sales order. The posting process will also credit the inventory for the cost of the product and debit the cost of sales based on the internal price defined. The period end process reverses the internal price and records the actual cost of the product.