External Transfers


Feed External Transfers are created in order to bring feed and transactions into MTech's system, from an outside source. External transfers are used when the feed purchase and receiving transactions are maintained in an external system. The external transfer will move the feed to MTech in order for the feed and costs to be assigned to other farms or entities.


The following must be created before creating a Feed External Transfer:



The following components are outlined related to creating a Feed Receiving transaction:

Create a Feed External Transfer


The Deliveries section contains the base details relating to the transfer as well as bin details.



Transfer Header

The header is divided into three sections to group the data.


  1. In TMTS>BIM>Transactions>Feed, select External Transfers.
  2. In the Feed External Transfers main index, select the button to create a new record.


Feed Transactions

  1. Click on the Feed Transactions tab.
  1. From Feed Trans Type, select the level of the feed transfer. Available options are Entity or Farm.
  2. From Entity Trans ID, select the entity or farm that is receiving the feed. Depending on the selected Feed Trans Type, the Entity ID list will be sourced from a farm or entity.
  3. In the Trans Date Time field, enter the date and time that the feed is transferred.
  4. Event Date will default to the same date as the transaction date, and represents the date that the journal transaction will be posted. The date can be modified if required.
  5. From Feed Mill No, select the feed mill that is supplying the feed. Vendors that supply feed must have a feed mill created in Facilities for feed to be purchased .
  6. From Formula No, select the feed formula being transferred.
  7. Ref No is an automatically-generated unique reference number that identifies the receiving transaction.
  8. Return Ref No indicates
  9. Load No will auto-generate a load number. If required, modify the load to an existing load.
  10. Selecting the Void flag will delete the external transfer.
  11. In the Shift No field, enter the shift number for the load.
  12. Optionally, the Route No that the delivery truck will take can be selected.
  13. From Driver No, select the internal driver who will transfer the feed. Drivers must be set up prior to use in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Drivers.
  14. From Trailer No, select the internal trailer that will be used to deliver the feed. Trailers must be set up prior to use in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Vehicles.
  15. External Driver is an optional field to identify an external driver that will deliver the feed.
  16. External Vehicle is an optional field to identify an external vehicle that will deliver the feed.



  1. Scale No is an optional field to enter the scale on which the truck was weighed. Select the scale from the drop-down menu, if desired. Scales must be set up prior to use in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Weight Scales.
  2. The Delivery Drafts Scale flag will be selected if delivery drafts are being utilized.
  3. Scale Operator No can be used to select the scale operator. Operators must first be defined in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Plant Scale Operators.
  4. Tare Zero/Tare Zero Weight Button is used if a tare zero weight is required.
  5. Tare Zero Weight Date Time displays the date and time that the tare zero weight was recorded at the scale.

  6. Tare Zero Weight Scale Ref is a reference number generated from the scale for the tare zero weight.

  7. Tare/Tare Button is the tare weight of the vehicle. This field can be manually entered or interfaced from a scale.

  8. Gross Zero/Gross Zero Weight Button is used if a zero weight is required.
  9. Gross Zero Weight Date Time indicates the date and time that the gross zero weight was recorded.

  10. Gross Zero Weight Scale Ref is a reference number generated from the scale for the gross zero weight.

  11. Gross Button is the total weight of the vehicle and the product. The button is used if there are scales integrated to the receiving process.  This field can be manually entered or interfaced from a scale.

  12. Net is the difference between gross and tare. This field can be manually entered or, if weights are entered, it is calculated automatically.

  13. Gross Weight Date Time displays the date and time that the gross weight was recorded at the scale.

  14. Gross Weight Scale Ref displays the reference number for the gross weight scale reading.

  15. Gross Auto Manual determines if the gross scale readings are Auto or Manual.

  16. Tare Weight Date Time displays the date and time that the tare weight was recorded at the scale.

  17. Tare Weight Scale Ref displays the reference number for the tare weight scale reading.

  18. Tare Auto Manual determines if the tare scale readings are Auto or Manual.

  19. Selecting the Scale Weight Lock flag indicates the transaction values are locked because the ticket value originates from a scale interface.
  20. The Notes field can be used to enter additional information.

  21. Enter the number of Bags Delivered.

  22. Enter the Unit Price of each bag.

  23. The total Price will default in.

  24. In the Bill of Lading field, enter the number from the feed delivery ticket that references the delivery.

  25. Enter the Tare Weight Override No.

  26. The Compartment field flags are used to indicate the compartments that were used for the feed delivery.



The information in the Derived fields automatically generates from the first two grids - Feed Transactions and Details. The fields are read-only and cannot be modified.



  1. Record Type displays the type of feed record and will default to External Transfer.
  2. Trans Code displays the type of feed transaction and will default to Delivery.
  3. Farm Type indicates the type of farm.
  4. Status displays the status of...
  5. Farm Name displays the name of the farm based on the selected farm or entity for the transaction.
  6. Feed Mill Name displays the name of the feed mill that delivered the feed.
  7. Formula Name displays the description for the selected feed formula for the delivery.
  8. Energy is a calculated field that determines the energy value of the delivered formula. Energy value is defined on the Nutrients tab of the Feed Formula Version.
  9. Weight Per Bag displays the weight of each bag of feed.
  10. Bagged Weight indicates the total weight of bagged feed.


The Houses section contains details related to where the feed is stored.



  1. From House No - Pen No, select the house and pen number where the feed is being transferred.
  2. The House No field can be used to select the house.
  3. Projection Flag will default in
  4. In the Bin Amount fields, enter the amount of feed in each bin.
  5. The Total field will default in with the total amount of feed in the bins.
  6. The Delivery Drafts flag can be clicked and utilized if delivery drafts is configured. See below.
  7. Gross Zero Weight displays if a zero weight is required.
  8. Gross Zero Wt Date Time indicates the date and time that the gross zero weight was recorded.

  9. Gross displays the total weight of the vehicle and the product.

  10. Gross Wt Date Time displays the date and time that the gross weight was recorded at the scale.


Delivery Drafts

In order to use Delivery Drafts, it must first be configured in Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Weight Scales. The Scale No must also be selected when creating Deliveries. Delivery Drafts is a weighting system based upon the equipment at the feed mill. The weighting system has a hopper that  holds a minimal amount of feed. The hopper is filled and weighed then feed is placed in bin/compartment of trailer. The process is repeated until all of the bins are filled or the load is completed.


  1. In the Houses tab, select the Delivery Drafts flag.  
  1. Complex Entity No will auto-populate based upon data entered in Delivery tab.
  2. Draft No displays the trailer or compartment number.
  3. Zero Weight Date indicates the date the beginning weight was recorded.
  4. Zero Weight is the beginning weight. The beginning weight has to be set to zero. Click on the red dot in the Zero Weight Button column to begin recording,  then enter 'zero' and click the red dot again to set the amount to zero.
  5. Gross Weight Date indicates the date the gross weight was recorded.
  6. Gross is the amount  of feed per draft. Click on the red dot in the Gross Button column to begin recording, then enter the Gross feed amount and click the red dot again to set the amount..
  7. Net Weight Date indicates the date the net weight was recorded.
  8. Net is the total amount of feed weighted. Remaining columns are derived based upon the system date and time of the Draft transactions.
  9. By clicking 'OK', the weights will be updated in the Houses and Details sections.



Post a Feed External Transfer

Once the feed external transfer is completed and saved, the transfer needs to be posted. The posting process locks the transfer to prevent edits, and creates the debit and credit journal transactions.


  1. In the Feed External Transfer main index, select the required transaction and right-click to select 'Post'. Alternatively, click the green check mark in the top menu bar and select 'Post'.
  2. To un-post a feed external transfer, select the required transaction and right-click to select 'Unpost'.  This process will set the transaction status to 'Reversed' status, which allows the transaction to be edited.


Right-Click Feed Transfer Option

Feed transfers can be created by highlighting a posted record and right-clicking on Transfers.



  1. In the Feed External Transfers main index, select the required transaction, right-click and select `Transfers`.
  2. The Feed Transfer screen will appear.

  1. Select the Destination Entity ID, where feed is to be delivered.
  2. In the Trans Date field, enter the date that the transaction will occur.

  3. In the Net field, enter the amount of feed transferred.

  4. Click 'OK' and the two new transaction screens will appear. Note the TRs (transfer source) and TRd (transfer destination) at the end of the new Feed records.