BIM Farms


The first stage in the set-up process is to create the BIM Farms and assign the farms to growout areas and cost centers. There are several tabs required to create farms, with many fields that require definition prior to creating the farms.



The following items must be defined prior to creating farms.


Depending on the level of detail that is being entered on the farms, the following fields may also be desired prior to creating farms:


Create a New Farm

There are numerous tabs in the new Farm creation process.



The General tab is used to enter the basic details for the farm, such as address, farm stage, and cost center details. There are two components in the General tab:



  1. In TMTS>BIM>Master Data, select Farms.
  2. In the Farms main index, click to add a new farm.
  3. Click on the General grid within the General tab.
  1. In the Farm No field, enter a unique identifier to use as a code for the farm (alphanumeric, max 20 characters). The farm number will be the first segment of the entity ID.
  2. In the Farm Name field, enter a description/name for the farm (alphanumeric, max 40 characters). This field will be displayed throughout the system and on delivery documents and other documents related to the farm.
  3. New farms will default as Active. If the farm is no longer required, de-select the Active flag.
  4. From the Farm Stage drop-down menu, select a grow stage to assign to the farm. Available options are: Brood, Grow, Lay or Mixed.
  5. From Growout No, select the growout area for the farm. The growout area groups farms together for registry, security, and reporting purposes. Growouts must be predefined in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Growout Codes.
  6. From Cost Center No, select the cost center for the farm. Multiple farms can be assigned to a single cost center. Cost centers must be predefined in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Cost Centers.
  7. From Primary Warehouse No, select the main warehouse for the farm. This field is optional.
  8. From Hatchery No, select the primary hatchery associated with the farm. Hatcheries must be predefined in:  Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Facilities>Hatcheries.
  9. From Facility Type, select the type of farm facility. Available options are:

      1. Dedicated Stud Farm - Houses only toms, and tracks the cost for toms. Period end will create the journals.

      2. Regular Breeder Farm - All hens, or hens and toms, are housed together. A regular breeder farm tracks the cost for hens. Period end will create the journals.

      3. Sex Separated - Houses hens and toms, but they are housed separately. Sex separated tracks the cost separate for hens and toms. Period end will create the journals.

  10. From Grower Type, select the type of grower for the farm. Available options are:

      1. Company Operated - Company-owned entity and company-operated facility.

      2. Company Owned - Company-owned entity and company-owned facility.

      3. Contract Grower - Company-owned entity and producer-owned/operated facility.

      4. Employee Owned - Employee-owned entity and employed owned-facility.

      5. External - Used for external purchase references only.

      6. Independent - Producer-owned entity and producer-owned/operated facility.

  11. Vendor No is used if the farm purchases from other facilities, such as feed mills or warehouses. A vendor number is required to automatically create the purchase transactions. Select a vendor from the pre-defined list. Vendors must be previously created in: General>>General>Master Data>Vendors prior to selecting on the farm.

  12. Customer No is used if the farms sell products to other facilities such as plants. A  ship-to customer number must be assigned to the farm for invoicing. Select a customer from the pre-defined list. Customers must be previously created in: General>General>Master Data>Customers prior to selecting on the farm.

  13. Use the drop-down menu to select the Construction Status to indicate if a farm is under construction. Available options are: Completed, Planned, or Under.

  14. Tech Supervisor No is an optional field to assign a technical supervisor to the farm. Select a supervisor from the list. Technical supervisors must be predefined in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Tech Supervisors.

  15. Tech Supervisor Name will default from Tech Supervisor No and displays the name of the supervisor.

  16. Tech Advisor No is an optional field to assign a technical advisor to the farm. Select an advisor from the list. Technical advisors must be predefined in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Tech Advisors.

  17. Tech Advisor Name will default from Tech Advisor No and displays the name of the advisor.

  18. From Owner Name, select the owner of the farm. This optional field is used if the farm is owned by a party outside of the company. Farm ownership options are predefined in: General>General>Master Data>Farm Ownership.

  19. In the Comments field, enter any additional information related to the farm.

  20. Select the Houses Uniform flag if all of the houses and equipment on the farm are uniform in size.

  21. Market Price Area No sets the area standards for price in lbs or Head and Min/Max weight. Select the market price area number, if necessary.

  22. In the Attachment field, any type of file can be attached. (Example: Word document, picture, music or video clip).

  23. Entity No Prefix must be used when the system registry is set to auto create the Entity No. For more details, see: Registry>Growout>General>Entity Number Mode. If required, enter the entity number (alphanumeric, max 10 characters). All farms within the same growout may have the same prefix.

  24. Selecting the Virtual Flag defines the farm as a virtual farm and is used only for BPA Planning purposes. When planning exceeds the number of available farms and needs to place more placements, virtual farms are created. This is a way to let the company know they need to build more houses to meet the required production.


The Address tab contains the address details for the farm.


  1. In the Address 1-4 fields, enter the address of  the farm.

  2. From County, select the county of the farm. Counties must be predefined in Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Counties.

  3. County Name will default from County and displays the name of the County.  

  4. From City, select the city where the farm is located. Cities must be predefined in Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Cities.

  5. City Name will default from City, and displays the name of the city in which the farm is located.

  6. From State, select the state/province where the farm is located. States must be predefined in Admin>Business>General>Definitions>States.
  7. In the Zip field, enter the zip code or postal code for the farm.
  8. Enter the Email address of the farm, if applicable.
  9. In the Telephone No field, enter the telephone number of the farm.
  10. In the Telephone No Mobile field, enter the mobile telephone number of the farm, if applicable.
  11. In the Telephone No Fax field, enter the fax number of the farm, if applicable.
  12. Premise ID is an optional field where an additional ID can be entered to identify the farm.
  13. Enter the Latitude and Longitude coordinates for the farm for mapping and delivery distances.



The Planning tab is used to define the parameters related to feed and process planning. There are two required fields that must be entered: Primary Feed Mill and Plant. All of the remaining fields are optional and dependent on the level of planning that is being performed. The Planning tab contains two components:



  1. From Primary Feed Mill No, select the primary feed mill that delivers feed to the farm.
  2. From Farm Feed Delivery Granularity, select where the feed will be delivered. Available options are: Entity, Farm, House or Pen.
  3. Formula No Assignments assigns various feed formulas based on feed mill and type of flock. If required, select the formula assignment from the drop-down menu. Feed formula assignments are created in: FMTS>FMIM>Master Data>Formula Assignments.
  4. FDSA Feed Delivery Area No provides the ability for a farm to be assigned to a delivery area to assist in the scheduling of feed deliveries. If required, select the FDSA feed delivery area. Feed delivery areas are defined in: Admin>Business>FMTS>FDSA>Feed Delivery Areas.
  5. FDSA Performance Factor is used to adjust the FDSA consumption projected for the animals on the farm. For example, if a value of "5" is entered, the value will be increased by 5%. Alternatively if a value of "-5" is entered, the value will decrease by 5%.
  6. Feed Capacity indicates the total feed capacity for the farm. This field is optional and is entered in lbs or kgs, depending on the unit of measure utilized by the corresponding division.
  7. Select the Bulk Flag if the farm does not store feed in bulk bins. If the flag is not selected, then the feed is stored in bulk bins.
  8. Select the Feed Delivery Hold flag if the deliveries are not to be made to the farm.
  9. In the Feed Delivery Hold Comment field, enter any comments related to the feed delivery hold.
  10. Selecting the A/B Feed Bins flag indicates that the farm has A/B bins for FDSA to alternate feed. Leave blank if the A/B bins are not utilized.
  11. Select the Project Feed Deliveries flag to let the FDSA project the next feed deliveries.


Live Haul

  1. From Primary Plant No, select the primary plant that the farm ships products to.
  2. In the Live Haul Days field, enter the number of days required to catch/load the entity for transportation to the processing plant, if required.
  3. Max Truck Capacity indicates the maximum weight a truck can hold.
  4. In the Total House Area field, enter the total house area of the farm in square feet or square meters, depending on the type of measurement defined in the division.



The Payees tab defines the name and percentage of each person that is paid during the settlement process. There is also the option to define banking information for direct deposit. The Payees tab contains two components:



  1. In the Payees tab, click to create a new payee.
  1. In the Effective Date field, enter the date that the payee will be effective.
  2. In the Payee Farm Name field, enter the name of the farm where the payee is from.
  3. Enter the First Name of the payee.
  4. Enter the Last Name of the payee
  5. Enter the Middle Initial of the payee, if applicable.
  6. Enter the Sex of the payee, if applicable - Male (M) or Female (F).
  7. In the Address 1-2 fields, enter the address of the payee.
  8. Enter the City in which the payee is located.
  9. Enter the State in which the payee is located.
  1. Enter the Zip or postal code of the payee.
  2. Enter the County in which the payee is located.
  3. In the Telephone No field, enter the telephone number of the payee.
  4. In the Telephone No Fax field, enter the fax number of the payee, if applicable.
  5. Enter the Email address of the payee, if applicable.
  6. In the Tax ID field, enter the government-assigned number to the company used for identification purposes
  7. 1099 (Status) Is used for tax purposes and determines if the payee received a 1099 statement at the end of the year. Select the flag if a statement was received. Contract employees receive a 1099 while company employees will receive a W2.
  8. From Vendor No, select the payee vendor.
  9. Percentage is used in standard settlements for multiple payees. These payees are paid via a percentage of the total payment. If required, enter a percentage number.


Payee Accounts

  1. Click on the Payee Accounts grid and click to add a new account.
  1. From Account Type, select the payee's type of account. Available options are: Checking or Savings.
  2. In the Account No field, enter the bank account number of the payee.
  3. From Protein Banks, select the payee's bank. Banks must be set up prior in: General>General>Master Data>Banks.
  4. Select the Direct Deposit Flag if the payee is paid using direct deposit.
  5. Pre Note (Pre-authorization) is used in standard settlement payments and is a zero dollar transaction created and sent through the ACH network to test the validity of a payor's/payee's bank prior to a direct deposit transaction. The Pre Note field indicates the date the pseudo transaction will be sent.
  6. Percentage is used to determine what percentage of the total amount is to be deposited in the account number of that line item.  For example, a Payee may want 100% of their payment deposited into one bank, but into two different accounts: a checking and a savings.  The percentage field on the Payee accounts tab facilitates the split between accounts. Enter a percentage amount, if required.



The Distances tab contains details relating to the distances of the farms from the receiving entities - Feed Mills, Plants, and Hatcheries.



  1. Feed Mill No/Plant No/Hatchery No displays the number of the selected feed mill, plant, or hatchery.
  2. Feed Mill Name/Plant Name/Hatchery Name displays the name of the selected entity.
  3. Enter the Distance, in miles or kilometers, between the farm and the selected entity.
  4. Enter the total Travel Time, in days, between the farm and the selected entity.


Travel Times

The Travel Times tab outlines the travel times between farms, and is used in the planning modules for feed deliveries, etc.

  1. In the Travel Times tab, click to create a new time.

  1. From the Destination Farm No drop-down menu, select the destination farm.
  2. In the Travel Time field, enter the driving time, in days, between the farm and the selected  destination farm.

  3. Enter the Distance, in miles or kilometers, between the farm and the selected destination farm.

Feed Capacity

The Feed Capacity tab contains percentages that are used to determine the seasonal capacities of the feed bins, and is used by the planning modules to adjust the unit amount delivered based on the time of year.



  1. The Month fields default in.
  2. In the Percent Feed Capacity field, enter a +/- percentage to indicate the amount to increase or decrease units of a load for that “season” to the bins.



The Vehicles tab contains a list of the vehicles used at the farm. Vehicles must be previously defined in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Vehicles.


  1. In the Vehicles tab, click to add a new vehicle.


  1. From Vehicle Type No, select the type of vehicle used.
  2. Vehicle Type Name will default and displays the name of the vehicle.



The Employees tab defines the contact information for the employees that work on the farm. Employees must be previously defined in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Employees.


  1. In the Employees tab, click to add a new employee.


  1. From Employee No, select from a pre-defined list of employees. Only employees assigned to the particular farm will appear.
  2. Employee Name will default in and displays the name of the employee.
  3. In the Telephone No field, enter the telephone number of the employee.
  4. In the Telephone No 2 field, enter any additional telephone number.
  5. Enter the Email address of the employe, if applicable.
  6. In the Notes field, enter any additional information related to the employee.


Visitors Log

The Visitors Log tab allows the farm to keep track of visitors and log information related to the visits. Farm visitors and veterinarian visits are entered in: TMTS>BIM>Transactions>Bio-Security. When these visits are entered, the Visitors Log will automatically be updated.  

  1. Farm No identifies the farm that was visited.
  2. Farm Name displays the name of the farm that was visited.
  3. Visitor Name displays the name of the visitor to the farm.
  4. Visit Date displays the date of the farm visit.
  5. Time In indicates the time that the visitor arrived at the farm.
  6. Time Out indicates the time that the visitor left the farm.
  7. Company Name represents the name of the company for whom the visitor works.
  8. The Purpose of Visit field displays information related to the reason for the visit.
  9. The Notes field contains any additional information related to the visit.



Contracts outline the producer contract for the contract grower farm that will be used in grower settlements. Contract pay is defined in the custom specifications for settlements. The information in the Contracts tab will default from Producer Contracts. The Contracts tab contains two components:


Producer Contract

  1. Click to add a new producer contract.
  2. From Contract No, select the code for the contract that is assigned to the farm.
  3. Contract Name will default in and displays the name of the contract that is assigned to the farm..
  4. In the Attachment field, any type of file can be attached. (Example: Word document, picture, music or video clip).
  5. In the Start Date field, enter the date that the contract becomes effective
  6. In the End Date field, enter the end that the contract is no longer effective.
  7. Renewal Date displays the date that the contract was created, and can be modified if required.

Contract Pay

  1. Pay No defaults in and identifies the reason for the payment, and is derived from Settlements.
  2. Pay Name displays the reason for the payment.
  3. The Active flag will be selected if the contract is currently active.



Attributes are assigned to farms and houses are defined in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Attributes. When a new entity is created, the attributes default in with an option for the user to modify.



  1. Click the drop-down menu on the selected attribute (Example: Floor Cover) and select the required code. The description will default in.



The Certifications tab contains information related to the certifications that the farm has in place. Certifications are usually required by local or federal authorities for product tracing. For example, in France, every piece of chicken purchased has a tracking number on it that can be traced back to the certification number assigned to the farm that produced that chicken.  Certifications are also used in Free Range and Organic certification tracking. Certifications must be set up prior in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Certifications.

  1. In the Certifications tab, click to add a new certification.

  2. In the Select Certifications dialog box, click the Certification No drop-down menu and select from one of the pre-defined certifications.
  3. Click 'OK'. The Certifications tab will have information populated.



  1. Certification No displays the code for the certification.
  2. Certification Name displays the name of the certification.
  3. The Active flag will be selected by default. If the certification is no longer required, de-select the flag.
  4. Start Date indicates the date that the certification is required.
  5. End Date indicates the end that the certification is no longer required.
  6. In the Memo field, enter any additional information related to the certification.
  7. In the Attachment field, any type of file can be attached. (Example: Word document, picture, music or video clip).


Taxes must be pre-defined in Tax Codes. Tax Codes are defined to calculate taxes on grower payments.

  1. In the Taxes tab, click to add a new tax code.


  1. From Tax No, select the required tax.
  2. Tax Name will default in.

Health Status

The fields in the Health Status tab are read-only and represent the most recent health status transactions based on the posted Farm Status transaction for the lab test code.



  1. Record Type identifies the type of record.
  2. Trans Date displays the date of the health status transaction
  3. Analysis No identifies the analysis code for the lab test.
  4. Analysis Name displays a description of the analysis.
  5. Ref No is a unique reference number used to identify the health status transaction.
  6. Health Status displays a description of the animals` health and will be either Positive or Negative.
  7. Processing Control Status is a read-only field that indicates if the lab analysis is used in the planning of processing transactions. This will default to `Not Tracked`. Available options are:
    1. Tracked - will have no impact on process planning, but will be displayed in Health Status views.
    2. End of Day - BRPA/TPA/SPA/GPA will schedule the entities to be killed at the end of the day. LHS will schedule picks ups at the end of the scheduled processing day.  
    3. End of Week - BRPA/TPA/SPA/GPA will schedule the entities to be killed at the end of the week. LHS will schedule picks ups at the end of the scheduled processing day.
    4. Not Tracked - lab analysis is not tracked for the planning of processing transactions.
  8. Transfer Control Status is a read-only field that indicates if the lab analysis is used in the validation of transfers. This will default to `Not Tracked`.  Available options are:
    1. Tracked - will have no impact on the transfer, but will be displayed in Health Status views.
    2. Transfer to Same Status - source entities can be transferred to a destination entity with the same status for the lab test code.
    3. No Transfer - entities cannot be transferred.
    4. No Tracked - lab analysis is not tracked for transfers.
  9. Placement Control Status is a read-only field that represents the placement status of the animals.
  10. The Comments field contains any additional information related to the transaction.
  11. Close and save the farm record.