

Processing transactions for brood/grow entities will reduce the cost to grow the entity to capitalization. Once the birds have been transferred to capitalized lay entity, the sale of spent layers will reduce the capitalized value of the entity. The processing transaction can be one of the following types:


The Entity must be created before creating a Processing transaction.


The following procedures are outlined in the Processing transaction document:

Create a Processing Transaction

There are several tabs in the processing transaction to record the statistical processing data for the entity.


  1. In LMTS>LIM>Transactions, select Processing.
  2. In the Processing Transactions main index, click to create a new processing transaction.  



The General tab consists of four sections:


Processing Transactions

  1. Click on the Processing Transactions tab.


  1. From the Complex Entity No drop-down menu, select the farm or entity that is being processed for the transaction and where the birds are being delivered from.
  2. Select the Record Type to determine if the transaction is an internal or external processing transaction. Available options are Plant or Customer, and the default is set to Plant.

  3. From Plant/Customer No, select the plant or customer for the processing transaction. The available options will default according to the selected record type.

  4. Trans Date Time displays the date and time of the processing transaction.

  5. Event Date defaults to the trans date. The date may be changed if the transaction actually occurred on a different date, however this date does not affect inventory or accounting.

  6. Lot No is an optional field to enter a number to identify the processing transaction.

  7. Shift No is an optional field to identify the shift receiving the load.

  8. Load No indicates the load number of the delivery.

  9. Scale No indicates the scale on which the truck was weighed. Scales must be defined prior to use in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Weight Scales.

  10. If the transaction is a plant-type transaction, Live Haul Crew No can be used to selected a crew that is assigned to the plant for the processing transaction. Crews must be set up prior to use in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Live Haul Crews.

  11. Haulage Vendor No can be used to select the haulage vendor, if applicable.

  12. Drive To Farm Vehicle No is an optional field to identify the vehicle used to drive to the farm. Vehicles must be set up prior in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Vehicles.

  13. Trailer No is an optional field to identify the trailer used to transfer the product from farm to plant. Trailers must be set up prior in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Vehicles.
  14. Drive To Farm Driver No is an optional field to identify the driver that drives to the farm. Drivers must be set up prior in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Drivers.

  15. Drive To Plant Driver No is an optional field to identify the driver that transfers the product from the farm to the plant.

  16. Drive To Plant Vehicle No is an optional field to identify the vehicle used to transfer the product from the farm to the plant.

  1. Selecting the Void flag will cancel the transaction and exclude it from the entity's statistic.
  2. Override Product can be used to change the product by selecting the new product from the drop-down menu. The Override Product options is used when the entity is placed as one product and processed as another product. For example, the bird is placed in the entity as Layer and then processed as either Large Layer or Small Layer. All of the products need to be set up as Layer, and then any of those products can be selected using the override option.
  3. In the AR Farm Time field, enter the time that the truck will arrive at the farm to load the birds.

  4. In the Farm Time Load field, enter the time that the birds will be loaded at the farm.

  5. In the Dp FM Time field, enter the time that the truck will depart the farm.

  6. Sales SKU No is used if the transaction is a customer transaction. The sales sku must be defined for the order to be created. If there is a single sales sku assigned to the product, the sales sku will default, otherwise, the sales sku must be selected.

  7. If the customer is assigned to a pricing contract, from Contract No, select the contract that applies to the processing transaction.

  8. From Forklift Code, select the forklift that is used for the processing transaction.



The Statistics section is used to enter the weight and processing details related to the transaction. *Note: There is a switch in the system registry that can be used to require the farm and plant zero weights are entered before the farm and plant gross weights are entered. The switch is located in:  Admin>System>Registry>Poultry Registry>Plants>Pmts Plant>Protein General>Zero Weight Required.

There are four components in the Statistics section:


Farm Statistics


  1. In the Farm Head Ct field, enter the number of birds that were transferred from the farm.
  2. In the Catch Mortality field, enter the number of birds that died during the round up or gathering of the birds to take them to the processing plant.
  3. Farm Ref No is a unique reference number that identifies the transaction at the farm. This can be manually or automatically entered.
  4. In the Farm Gross/Scale Button field, enter the gross weight of the truck at the farm.
  5. In the Farm Tare/Scale Button field, enter the tare weight of the truck at the farm.
  6. In the Farm Net field, enter the net weight of the birds at the farm.
  7. Catch Mortality Weight will default in from Catch Mortality and displays the weight of the dead birds.
  8. In the Farm Time field, enter the time that the vehicle was weighed at the farm.
  9. Farm Sc Op (Farm Weight Scale Operator) is used to identify the person who weighed the birds. Scale operators must be set up prior to used in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Plant Scale Operators.
  10. Farm Gross Zero Wt Date Time displays the date and time that the gross zero weight was recorded at the scale.
  11. Farm Gross Zero Wt Scale Ref displays the reference number for the gross zero weight scale reading.
  12. Farm Tare Zero Wt Date Time displays the date and time that the tare zero weight was recorded at the scale.
  13. Farm Tare Zero Wt Scale Ref displays the reference number for the tare zero weight scale reading.
  14. Farm Gross Wt Date Time displays the date and time that the gross weight was recorded at the scale.
  15. Farm Gross Wt Scale Ref displays the reference number for the gross weight scale reading.
  16. Farm Gross Auto Manual indicates the gross setting of Auto or Manual.
  17. Farm Tare Wt Date Time displays the date and time that the tare weight was recorded at the scale.
  18. Farm Tare Wt Scale Ref displays the reference number for the tare weight scale reading.
  19. Farm Tare Auto Manual indicates the tare setting of Auto or Manual.


Plant Statistics


  1. In the Plant Head Ct field, enter the number of birds that were transferred from the plant.
  2. Plant Ref No is an automatically generated unique reference number that identifies the plant statistics.
  3. In the Plant Gross/Scale Button field, enter the gross weight of the truck at the plant.
  4. In the Plant Tare/Scale Button field, enter the tare weight of the truck at the plant.
  5. In the Plant Net field, enter the net weight of the birds at the plant.
  6. In the Plant Time field, enter the time that the vehicle was weighed at the plant.
  7. Plant Sc Op (Plant Weight Scale Operator) is used to identify the person who weighed the birds. Scale operators must be set up prior to used in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Plant Scale Operators.
  8. Plant Gross Zero Wt Date Time displays the date and time that the gross zero weight was recorded at the scale.
  9. Plant Gross Zero Wt Scale Ref displays the reference number for the gross zero weight scale reading.
  10. Plant Tare Zero Wt Date Time displays the date and time that the tare zero weight was recorded at the scale.
  11. Plant Tare Zero Wt Scale Ref displays the reference number for the tare zero weight scale reading.
  12. Plant Gross Wt Date Time displays the date and time that the gross weight was recorded at the scale.
  13. Plant Gross Wt Scale Ref displays the reference number for the gross weight scale reading.
  14. Plant Gross Auto Manual indicates the gross setting of Auto or Manual.
  15. Plant Tare Wt Date Time displays the date and time that the tare weight was recorded at the scale.
  16. Plant Tare Wt Scale Ref displays the reference number for the tare weight scale reading.
  17. Plant Tare Auto Manual indicates the tare setting of Auto or Manual.
  18. From the Yard Buggy drop-down menu, select the yard buggy that moved the trailer loaded with birds around the yard.
  19. Enter the Yard Buggy Tare Weight.


Derived Data

The fields in the Derived Data section default in from the information entered in the General and Statistics tabs, with no option to modify.


  1. Farm Name displays the name of the farm that is being processed/where the birds are being delivered from.
  2. Plant No indicates the plant where the birds are being processed.
  3. Plant Name displays the name of the plant.
  4. Customer No identifies the customer, if applicable.
  5. Customer Name displays the name of the customer.
  6. Drive To Farm Driver Name displays the name of the driver driving to the farm.
  7. Drive To Farm Vehicle Name indicates the vehicle used to drive to the farm.
  8. Drive To Plant Driver Name displays the name of the driver delivering the product to the plant.
  9. Drive To Plant Vehicle Name indicates the vehicle used to deliver the product to the plant.
  10. Vendor Name displays the name of the haulage vendor, if applicable.
  11. Crew Name indicates the crew used to deliver the product.
  12. Farm Avg Weight indicates the average weight of a single bird at the farm
  13. Plant Avg Weight indicates the average weight of a single bird at the plant.
  14. Fuel indicates the amount of fuel used in the transportation.
  15. Unit Cost F indicates the average cost per female bird.
  16. Order No is used if the processing transaction is to an external plant where birds are sold to the plant. When the processing transaction is created, the Order No field will populate with the sales order number that is created.
  17. Average Age displays the average age of the chicks.
  18. Selecting the Void flag will cancel the transaction and reverse any associated journal transactions.
  19. Creation Date displays the date the transaction was created.
  20. Last Mod Date indicates the date the transaction was last modified.



The Details section contains additional details about the birds.

  1. Distance is used if the distance to the plant is defined on the farm for the entity. The distance to and from the plant will be automatically calculated.
  2. In the Birds Per Cage field, enter the number of birds placed in each cage for transport.
  3. Enter the number of Cages used for transport.
  4. Enter the number of birds that were DOA (dead on arrival).
  5. From Processing No, select the processing type. Processing types must be set up prior to use in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Processing Codes.
  6. Enter the number of Modules in the trailer that were filled for transport.
  7. From Bird Type, select whether the birds being processed are Male or Female. Bird Type is a mandatory field as flocks are mixed, but males and females are processed separately.
  8. Select the Calc Fuel Wt flag for the total weight to calculate the fuel-adjusted weight when updating the process receive transaction weight from the Condemnation transaction.
  9. Select the Final Farm Pickup flag if the final pickup for the entity has occurred. This will mark the entity as 'Sold'.
  10. In the Trans Rate Cost field, enter the transportation rate.
  11. In the Notes field, enter any additional information relating to the processing transaction.

Processing Details

The Details section contains two components:

House Details

The House Details contain the processing data for the houses that were processed in the transaction.


  1. Select on the House Details tab and clickto add a new house detail line.



  1. From House No - Pen No, select the house and pen number of the farm where the chickens are being transferred from.
  2. Age will default in based upon the settings that will determine the age of the entity.
  3. In the Catch Mortality field, enter the number of birds that died during the round up or gathering  of the birds to take them to the processing plant.
  4. Catch Mortality Weight will default in from Catch Mortality and displays the weight of the dead birds.
  5. In the Farm Head field, enter the number of birds being transferred from the farm.
  6. In the Farm Weight field, enter the total weight of birds being transferred from the farm.
  7. In the Plant Head field, enter the number of birds that arrived at the plant.
  8. In the Plant Weight field, enter the total weight of birds being that arrived at the plant..
  9. In the Tgt Weight field, enter the target weight for processing.
  1. Enter the Projected Weight of the birds for processing.
  2. In the Max Density field, enter the maximum amount of birds/head, as a factor, that can be processed.
  3. Processing Density is a calculated field based on the processing weight and reported as  lbs/ft2 or kgs/m2.
  4. Placement Density is a calculated field based on the head placed and reported as birds/ft2 or birds/m2.
  5. Select the Final Pickup flag if this is the last pick-up of the birds from the farm.
  6. Enter the number of Cages required for the load.
  7. Sales SKU No is used to determine the product being sold, and is set up on the animal product.
  8. If the birds are sold on a contract, the Contract No field is used to enter the contract number.
  9. Override Product can be used to change the product by selecting the new product from the drop-down menu. The Override Product options is used when the entity is placed as one product and processed as another product. For example, the bird is placed in the entity as Layer and then processed as either Large Layer or Small Layer. All of the products need to be set up as Layer, and then any of those products can be selected using the override option.


Transfer Price

The fields in the Transfer Price section will be populated if there are internal prices set up for the product. These prices are set up in: General>General>Products>Prices>Internal Prices. A journal will be created based on the internal price. Period end will reverse and record the actual cost of the bird to the plant.



  1. Effective Date displays the date the transfer price is in effect.
  2. Product No indicates the product being transferred.
  3. Product Name displays a description of the product.
  4. Price displays the total price of the product.
  5. The Active flag will be selected by default. De-select the flag if the product is no longer required.

Planned Details

If the company is using the LHS (Live Haul Scheduling), the Planned Details tab will populate from the LHS. In the LHS, the scheduling is created so that drivers and crews know when to go to each entity, pick up the birds and deliver them to the processing plant.  


The Planned Details tab contains two components:


Lhs Planned Schedules

  1. Trans Date Time displays the date and time of the transaction.
  2. Head Count indicates the number of birds to be picked up from the LHS.
  3. Live Haul Crew No the crew that is picking up the birds.
  4. Live Haul Crew Name displays the name of the crew picking up the birds.
  5. Drive To Farm Driver No identifies the driver driving to the farm.
  6. Drive To Farm Driver Name displays the name of the driver driving to the farm.
  7. Drive To Farm Vehicle No identifies the vehicle used to drive to the farm.
  8. Drive To Farm Vehicle Name displays a description of the vehicle used to drive to the farm.
  9. Ref No is a unique reference number used to identify the planned schedule. The number will be derived from the LHS mode.
  10. Lot No contains an optional number to identify the processing transaction.


Planned House Details

  1. Complex Entity No displays the entity that is being processed for the transaction.
  2. Head Count indicates the number of birds scheduled to be picked up from the LHS.
  3. Projected Weight displays the projected bird weight.
  4. Total Projected Weight displays the total projected weight of all of the birds.


Post a Processing Transaction

Once the processing transaction has been saved and closed, it will need to be posted. The posting process will lock the transaction from further edits and post the statistics to the entity. As well, if the processing transaction is to an external plant, the posting process will automatically create the sales order and order shipment. For external processing, a journal transaction will be created to debit the accrued receivable and credit sales revenue as well as the cost of sales and inventory, only if an internal price is established.  

Journal entries will not be created for internal processing transactions unless there is an internal price assigned to the product. If that is the case, there will be a journal transaction created at post where it will credit the flock value and debit the plant inventory for the internal prices established for the product. There is a switch in setup to determine if the product is priced based on a $/head or a $/lb or kg.

  1. In the Processing Transactions main index, select the required transaction, rick-click and select 'Post.' Alternatively, click the green check mark in the top menu bar and select 'Post'.
  2. To un-post a processing transaction, select the required transaction and right-click to select 'Unpost'.  This process will set the transaction status to 'Reversed' status, which allows the transaction to be edited.