GIM Period End Implementation


The GIM Period end consists of a series of tasks that calculate values and move costs through the system. The GIM tasks calculate all costs after the entity has been placed. There is an option to define the granularity of the period end process to the entity, house or pen level. The system also has the ability to define allocation definitions for administration and service departments to allocate the costs to the entities in the period. There are several allocation basis that may be used for the administration and services costs to provide added flexibility.



GIM Cost Flow


Pre-Implementation Steps

The following are the steps that must be completed and balanced prior to starting the period end process. This is the most important section of the implementation process as if the beginning balances are not accurate, the MTech period end process will not generate the correct data.


The following details are validated/entered in the month prior to the first period end. Any journal transactions should be entered on the last day of the period prior to the first period end to be generated in MTech. For example, if beginning to run period end in MTech on 01/01/2014, these transactions should be entered with a date of 12/31/2013. Period End tasks to review bird days and other costs will be generated for F2013-12.


The following details are outlined in this document.

Data Review

The following are a list of items that can be reviewed to ensure that period end will run efficiently.

  1. Ensure that all Cost Centers are assigned to a farm or facility with the exception of Admin cost centers. Period end will not process if there are unassigned cost centers.
  2. In Chart of Accounts, verify that for every manual account that is created, there is an account created with the following User Accounts

    • IN
    • OUT


  4. Verify that the following transactions have 'Final Farm Pickup' flag selected. If there is no final pickup transaction, select the last transaction for each entity and unpost the transaction.

    • SMTS>GIM>Movements>Processing

    • SMTS>GIM>Movements>Transfers>Feeder Pigs

    • SMTS>GIM>Movements>Transfers>Finisher Pigs

    • SMTS>GIM>Movements>Transfers>Breeder Stock Replenishment

    • SMTS>GIM>Movements>Sales>Feeder Pigs

    • SMTS>GIM>Movements>Sales>Finisher Pigs


  6. Ensure that the following transactions are posted.

    • Processing>Internal
    • Feed Deliveries
    • Receivings>Farm
    • Feed Transfers
    • Receivings>Plant
    • Field Transactions
    • Transfers>Feeder Pigs

    • Order Shipments
    • Transfer>Finisher Pigs
    • Order Invoices
    • Sales - Feeder Pigs
    • Purchase Invoices
    • Sales>Finisher Pigs


  8. Ensure that the fiscal periods are set up in Admin>Business>General>Period End>Fiscal Calendar. Months and weeks should be set up.

Preliminary Tasks

The Preliminary Task requires the user to run period end tasks for clearing balances and validation. These tasks are run for the period prior to the first period being run in MTech. For example, if the first period in MTech is 01/2014, then these tasks will be run for period 12/2013.

  1. Run GIM Pig Days task. If there are any entities with negative inventory quantities or small quantities remaining, complete the following steps:
    1. Unpost the final transfer or final processing transaction
    2. Select the Final Farm Pickup flag in the transaction
    3. Post the transaction
    4. Re-run GIM Pig Days task.
    5. Validate data
  2. Run GIM Feed Consumption task.
    1. Go to General>Transactions>Journals
    2. Make sure that the following fields appear in the index:
      1. Trans Date - filter set to <= last day of period prior to first period end being run in MTech.
      2. Cost Center No
      3. Farm Type - filtered for 'GIM'
      4. Complex Entity No
      5. Complex Account No - filtered for 'contains FDCONS'
      6. Product No
      7. Relative Amount
      8. Relative Units
      9. Post Reversed - filtered for unchecked
      10. Void - filtered for unchecked
    3. Export data to Excel.
    4. In Excel, insert pivot table and group data based on Cost Center, Complex Account No, Complex Entity No, Product No. This will be the base for the journal to clear the balances.
    5. Enter journal transaction in MTech dated for last day of prior period. From the Excel data, credit any debit amounts and debit any credit amounts. This journal must be entered by Complex Entity No and Product No to clear all amounts. Amount and Units must be entered. Note that if any entities are in Closed status, the status must be changed to Inactive in BMTS>BRIM>Master Data>Entities before the transaction can be created.
    6. In General>Transactions>Journals, filter data as outlined in Step #2. Verify that the balance of the Relative Amount and Relative Units columns equal '0.00'.
    7. Post journal transactions.
  3. In General>Transactions>Journals, filter data as outlined below. Verify that the balance of the Relative Amount column equals '0.00' for all entities.
    1. Trans Date - filter set to <= last day of period prior to first period end being run in MTech.
    2. Cost Center No
    3. Farm Type - filtered for 'GIM'
    4. Complex Entity No
    5. Complex Account No - filtered for 'contains FDCONS'
    6. Relative Amount
    7. Post Reversed - filtered for unchecked
    8. Void - filtered for unchecked

Entity Balances

The first step in the process is to enter the beginning entity balances. These balances are entered on the last day of the period prior to the first period being run in MTech.


There are two options available to enter inventory balances:

Inventory Valuation Wizard

The Inventory Valuation Wizard is a tool to enter beginning balances for entities. When the process is completed, the result is a journal transaction that creates an adjusting entry to record the inventory balances for the entity.

  1. In General>Period End>Inventory Valuation>Accounts, select GIM and define all accounts required for all applicable stages (NUR, FIN, WTF).
  2. In General>Period End>Inventory Valuation>SMTS>GIM, select Entities.
  3. Select
  4. Select the fiscal period prior to the first fiscal period that will be run in MTech. For example, if starting MTech costing on 01/01/2014, select period ending 12/31/2013.
  5. Click 'Next'.
  6. In the 'Select Entities' screen, filter for the required entities and click on the 'Selected' flag to select the entities.
  7. The accounts defined in General>Period End>Inventory Valuation>Accounts>GIM will default to the 'Entities and Accounts' screen with the current balance in MTech for the selected period.
  8. Select the line for the required entity. The bottom grid will display the Current Balance for the selected entity
  9. Enter the Actual Balance for each required account for the selected entity. The balance will be displayed for each account.
  10. Click 'Next'.
  11. A preliminary journal transaction will be displayed for the required adjustment by account and entity.
  12. Once the journal has been reviewed, click 'Finish' to create the journal transaction.
  13. The process will create a posted transaction.
  14. Costs can be validated using the following options:
    1. GIM>Master Data>Entities by selecting the Costs tab.
    2. General>Transactions>Journals by filtering the journal index for the required details by cost center and entity.
    3. General>Transactions>Financial Trial Balance by selecting the fiscal period and filtering for the required Cost Center and/or Entity No.
  15. If any further changes are required, the transaction must be un-posted and corrected.
  16. Transaction must be posted again for journals to be reflected in Entities.


  1. Go to General>Transactions>Journals
  2. Make sure that the following fields appear in the index:
    1. Trans Date - filter set to <= last day of period prior to first period end being run in MTech.
    2. Cost Center No
    3. Farm Type - filtered for 'GIM'
    4. Complex Entity No
    5. Complex Account No - filtered for 'begins with 'PIGGO'
    6. Relative Amount
    7. Post Reversed - filtered for unchecked
    8. Void - filtered for unchecked
  3. Export data to Excel.
  4. In Excel, insert pivot table and group data based on Cost Center, Complex Account No, Complex Entity No. This will be the base for the journal to clear the balances.
  5. Enter journal transaction in MTech dated for last day of prior period. From the Excel data, credit any debit amounts and debit any credit amounts.
  6. In General>Transactions>Journals, filter data as outlined in Step #2. Verify that the balance of the Relative Amount column equals '0.00'.
  7. Post journal transactions.
  8. Create journal transaction to enter period end inventory balances for each entity and account. When entering feed consumption amounts, the data needs to be entered according to the Feed Inventory Mode defined in Registry>Poultry>PMTS>Broilers>General.  The journal needs to be created for every account for the stage (BROOD, GROW).

    Stage Account Product No Comments


    Debit PIGGO-NUR-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-IN Not Required Required for all nursery expenses
    Debit PIGGO-INV-FEED-ING-IN Feed Formula Required if feed inventory quantity is entered
    Credit SYS-GLNPOST-00000-00000-00000 Not Required Offset account


    Debit PIGGO-FIN-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-IN Not Required Required for all finisher expenses
    Debit PIGGO-INV-FEED-ING-IN Feed Formula Required if feed inventory quantity is entered
    Credit SYS-GLNPOST-00000-00000-00000 Not Required Offset account
    Wean to Finish
    Debit PIGGO-WTF-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-IN Not Required Required for all wean-to-finish expenses
    Debit PIGGO-INV-FEED-ING-IN Feed Formula Required if feed inventory quantity is entered
    Credit SYS-GLNPOST-00000-00000-00000 Not Required Offset account


  10. Post journal transactions.
  11. Costs can be validated using the following options:
    1. GIM>Master Data>Entities by selecting the Costs tab.
    2. General>Transactions>Journals by filtering the journal index for the required details by cost center and entity.
    3. General>Transactions>Financial Trial Balance by selecting the fiscal period and filtering for the required Cost Center and/or Entity No.

Enter Inventory Quantities

  1. In GIM>Transactions>Field, enter the ending feed inventory. Formula Type or Formula No may need to be entered depending on the Feed Inventory Mode defined in Registry>Swine>GIM>General.
  2. Post field transactions.
  3. Go to GIM>Master Data>Entities, select the Trans by Age tab and verify that the feed and egg inventory values are correct. Alternatively, the following reports can be run to validate data for the last date of the prior period.
    1. GIM005>Field Transaction Report>Field Transaction
  4. If any of the data is not correct, unpost the transaction, fix the data and post the transaction.


There are two steps involved in implementing period end:


The configuration for period end is completed in the registry.

  1. The registry is located in Admin>System>Registry>Swine.
  2. Select System>General>Protein Cost Mode and select the applicable cost mode:
    1. Actual Cost - transfers are recorded based on the internal price if defined. All transfer costs are reversed at period end and calculated based on the actual cost.
    2. Standard and Actual - transfers are recorded based in the internal price. Period end will create cost adjustments from standard to actual. The standard and adjustment flow through inventory to record the final product at standard with adjustment to actual. Additional configuration is required in Configuration-Standard Costs.
  3. Select System>Period End and review the following settings:
    1. Future Date Limit - indicates how many days in the future transactions can be entered.
    2. Period End Tasks Company Mode - select if the period end tasks are run by company. If the option is not selected, all tasks for all companies will be generated.
    3. Period End Mode - available modes are:
      1. Monthly - tasks are run based on monthly fiscal periods.
      2. Weekly with Estimates - tasks are run weekly with estimates. Estimates are reversed when the monthly task is run to calculate actual monthly data.
      3. Weekly - period end tasks are run on a weekly basis. There will not be any monthly tasks run.
  4. Select Swine>SMTS Registry>GIM>Period End and review the following settings:
    1. Feed Consumption Valuation Unit Type - determines how feed consumption is calculated:
      1. Deliveries Only - feed consumption is calculated using accumulated feed deliveries only. Feed inventories will be ignored.
      2. Deliveries and Inventories - feed consumption is calculated using beginning inventory adding feed deliveries less ending inventory.
      3. Deliveries and Inventories with Shrink - feed consumption is calculated using beginning inventory adding feed deliveries less ending inventory. The derived feed consumption is then calculated based on Field Transactions>Feed Consumed with the difference being accounted for based on the Feed Consumed Shrink Mode.
      4. Field Trans Accrual - the feed consumption will be accrued based on the values entered in Field Transaction>Feed Consumed and the Feed Inventory Valuation Mode defined in Registry>Growout>Global. Period end will reverse the accrual journals and record the feed consumption based on beginning inventory adding feed deliveries less ending inventory.
      5. Field Trans - the feed consumption will be calculated based on the values entered in Field Transaction>Feed Consumed and the Feed Inventory Valuation Mode defined in Registry>Growout>Global. The period end feed consumption task will not be generated when this mode is selected.
    2. Finish Continuous Flow Cycle - if using the continuous flow cycle logic, enter the number of weeks required for the cycle.
    3. Finish Opportunity Flow Cycle - if using the opportunity flow cycle logic, enter the number of weeks for the required cycle.
    4. Maximum Cost Center Threads - determines how many cost centers will be processed concurrently in the period end tasks. The default value is '5'. Modifying this value will affect the period end processing time.
    5. Maximum Sub Threads - determines how many farms within a cost center will be processed concurrently in the period end tasks. The default value is '5'. Modifying this value will affect the period end processing time.
    6. Movement Allocation Mode - determines how allocation logic when Chart of Accounts>Allocation Type is set to Allocated Daily:
      1. Animal Days - period units/dollars are weighted to each day on the basis of daily animal inventory.
      2. Entity Days - period units/dollars are weighted equally to each day the entity is on the premises.
      3. Per Animal - period units/dollars are weighted unequally through the period so that each animal in inventory for any duration in the period consumes an equal amount.
    7. Period End Entity Granularity - indicates the granularity that period end will use to calculate costs. Options are Entity, House or Pen.
    8. Use Farm Feed Inventories - determines if feed inventory is derived from physical inventories entered in BRIM>Transactions>Feed Inventories>Physical Inventory or the inventory entered in BRIM Field Transactions.

Configuration - Standard Costs

The following two items need to be defined if the Protein Cost Mode is set to Standard and Actual or Standard with Variance.

  1. In General>Products>Prices>Internal Prices>Animals, define the standard rates for each required movement type.
  2. Define all other standard prices for products in General>Products>Prices>Internal Prices.
  3. Create Overhead Estimates for all farms and facilities used in the BRIM period end process.

Allocation Definitions

Allocation Definitions are created to allocated departmental and administration costs entities. Examples of such costs are service crews, cleanout and broiler administration. The Allocation Definition tool is flexible and has many pre-defined allocation basis.


  1. Create a list of all required allocation definitions where costs are allocated to entities.
  2. In Admin>Business>General>Period End>Allocation Definitions, create all of the required allocations. Generally, BMTS>BRIM allocation definitions should be numbered between 13001 and 13499 to ensure that all costs are allocated before the system defined tasks are run.

Define Predecessor Tasks

This process defines the predecessor tasks that must be run so that costs are defined in the proper order. Predecessors are used to establish two parameters related to period end.


Predecessors can only be established on tasks that appear in the list prior to the task that requires the predecessor. Period end tasks are defined in Admin>Business>General>Period End>Task Definitions.



  1. Select Admin>Business>Period End>Task Definitions
  2. Click on the to expose the list of tasks available to set as a predecessor.
  3. Click to select the required predecessor tasks.
  4. Click to save the Task Definition list.

Period End Tasks

Once all of the above steps have been completed and opening balances are verified, the period end process can be completed. There are a series of tasks required. For each of the steps, the following need to occur before moving to the next task.

  1. Right-click and calculate task.
  2. If errors occur, the error log will appear. The error log can also be viewed by right-clicking and selecting 'View Error Log'.
  3. Fix any errors.
  4. Right-click and calculate task.
  5. Review journals if journals are created from task by selecting the task and right-clicking to select Journals.
  6. Review task log for accuracy of data. Task logs are available by clicking on task and selecting the required log. Some tasks have multiple logs.


The following tasks are outlined in this document for the BIM module:


Global Pre-Run Data Checks

The purpose of this task is to review all transactions and data in the system to ensure that period end can be processed. It is important that this task is run to ensure that all required data is included in the period end process. Not running this task can result in inaccurate costing data. The process verifies the following:

FMIM OPS Allocation

This task is only generated if FMIM is being used and there are overhead allocations to be allocated to feed deliveries. The task will allocate any overhead to period deliveries and ending inventory at the feed mill. There is an option to allocate overheads from a summary account or allocate in detail. All overhead to be allocated must be defined in Admin>Business>General>Period End>FMIM Overhead Mappings.


  1. Calculate task.

  2. Generate report 900 FMIM OPS Allocation (Journal Trans Summary) to verify all required accounts are zero. The net of all accounts should be zero unless accounts are not mapped in FMIM Overhead Mapping. If the balance is not zero, verify that all accounts in the report have been mapped. If there are any accounts that are required to be mapped, add to the overhead mapping and re-run the task. Generate report again to ensure balance is zero.


Click on the required log to view the details from the FMIM OPS Allocation task:



Credit FDM-OPS-ALLOC-00000-OUT Credit to allocate balance of defined overhead accounts
Debit BRLR-INV-FEED-MAN-IN Debit to feed deliveries for manufacturing costs
Debit FDM-INV-FEED-MAN-IN Debit to feed mill finished feed inventory for manufacturing costs



Credit FDM-OPS-[Object]-[Element]-OUT Credit to allocate balance of defined overhead accounts
Debit BRLR-INV-FEED-MAN-IN Debit to feed deliveries for manufacturing costs
Debit FDM-INV-FEED-MAN-IN Debit to feed mill finished feed inventory for manufacturing costs

BMTS Pre-Run Data Checks

The purpose of this task is to review all BMTS transactions and data in the system to ensure that period end can be processed. It is important that this task is run to ensure that all required data is included in the period end process. Not running this task can result in inaccurate costing data. There are no journals created from this task.

BMTS Overhead Estimates

This task generates overhead estimates for standard costs incurred for BIM, HIM and BRIM. The overhead estimates are created in General> Products> Prices> Overhead Estimates. The task will create standard journals to debit the standard overhead and credit the actual overhead so that it can be used to calculate variances in movement tasks. This task is not used when the Protein Cost Mode is set to Actual.


Trans Code Account Standard Cost Type Variance Type Comments
Debit BRLR-GROW-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-IN Standard Cost Not Set Records the standard overhead estimate calculated on the basis and rate in overhead estimated
Credit BRLR-GROW-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-OUT Actual Cost Not Set Removes the actual offset to the same account to be used in movements to calculate variances

BMTS Standard Journals

This task creates the standard journals for transfers. The journals are created based on rates entered in General>Product>Prices>Internal Prices>Animals. The standard journals for purchases is created at receiving. The standard journals for sales is created at shipment. This task is not used when the Protein Cost Mode is set to Actual.


Trans Code Account Standard Cost Type Variance Type Comments
Credit BRLR-GROW-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-OUT Standard Cost Not Set Records the standard cost transferred from grow to the plant
Debit PLANT-00000-INV-[ELEMENT]-IN Standard Cost Not Set Records the standard cost transferred from grow to the plant

BRIM Bird Days

This task calculates the hen days incurred by entities in the current fiscal period. The bird days will be calculated by entity and stage. These values are used to allocate costs at various stages in the period end process. There are no journals created from this task, however the Bird Days Inventory Log can be reviewed by selecting task and right-clicking to select option. If there are negative inventories or small quantities for entities, complete the following:


  1. Run task.
  2. Generate report PE048 - 13000 BRIM Bird Days (Summary by Entity) for the period.
  3. Review the data for accuracy. If there are negative inventories or small quantities for entities, complete the following:
    1. Unpost the final transfer or final processing transaction
    2. Select the Final Farm Pickup flag in the transaction
    3. Post the transaction
    4. Re-run Task 7000 B-BIM Hen Days
    5. Validate data


BRIM Feed Consumption

The Feed Consumption task calculates the feed consumption based on the parameters defined in Configuration related to feed. Feed consumption may be calculated based only on feed deliveries or based on feed deliveries and inventory. As well, depending on the option defined in Registry> Poultry> PMTS> Broilers> General>Feed Inventory Mode, the journal may be created by product (Mode=Feed Type or Formula No) or a single amount for all feed deliveries (Mode=Single Inventory). If there are amounts allocated to Cost Elements MAN, DEL, LDG, MED and/or MEDSPCL, then these amounts will also be allocated in this process.


  1. Calculate the feed consumption task.
  2. When complete, right-click on the feed consumption task and select Feed Consumption Log.
  3. Verify the per unit values for the ending inventory and unadjusted amounts. The Unadjusted Amount represents the value of feed delivered to entities that have not yet been placed. These amounts will remain in inventory until the next period when the entity is placed.
  4. Run PE045 - Period End Broiler Feed Inventory Report for the end of the period.
  5. Validate that the value on the feed inventory report to the BRIM Feed Consumption Log. The value on the feed inventory report should equal the total of the Period End Inventory Value + Unadjusted Amount from the Feed Consumption Log. If the values do not balance compare the two sources to find the differences and review the details for each entity with a difference to determine the issue.
  6. Once the sources are balanced, the PE045 - Period End Broiler Feed Inventory report or PE040 - 13500 BRIM Feed Consumed (Feed Consumption Summary) report can be used as an audit report for the feed inventory valuation.



The following tasks affect how feed consumption is calculated:


The following log is generated when the period end task is run. Click on the task and right-click to select the log:


Protein Cost Mode=Actual

Trans Code Account Standard Cost Type Variance Type Comments
Credit BRLR-INV-FEED-ING-OUT Actual Cost Not Set Removes the feed consumed ingredient cost from feed inventory
Credit BRLR-INV-FEED-MAN-OUT Actual Cost Not Set Removes the feed consumed manufacturing cost  from feed inventory
Debit BRLR-[STAGE]-FEED-ING-IN Actual Cost Not Set Feed consumption ingredient cost by entity stage
Debit BRLR-[STAGE]-FEED-MAN-IN Actual Cost Not Set Feed consumption manufacturing cost by entity stage


Protein Cost Mode=Standard and Actual Cost

Trans Code Account Standard Cost Type Variance Type Comments
Credit BRLR-INV-FEED-ING-OUT Standard Cost Not Set Removes the standard feed consumed ingredient cost from feed inventory
Debit/Credit BRLR-INV-FEED-ING-OUT Price Variance Feed Production Removes the feed consumed ingredient adjustment cost from feed inventory
Credit BRLR-INV-FEED-MAN-OUT Standard Cost Not Set Removes the standard feed consumed manufacturing cost from feed inventory
Debit/Credit BRLR-INV-FEED-MAN-OUT Price Variance Feed Overhead Removes the feed consumed manufacturing adjustment cost from feed inventory
Debit BRLR-[STAGE]-FEED-ING-IN Standard Cost Not Set Standard feed consumption ingredient cost by entity stage
Debit/Credit BRLR-[STAGE]-FEED-ING-IN Price Variance Feed Production Adjustment for feed consumption ingredient cost by entity stage
Debit BRLR-[STAGE]-FEED-MAN-IN Standard Cost Not Set Standard feed consumption manufacturing cost by entity stage
Debit/Credit BRLR-[STAGE]-FEED-MAN-IN Price Variance Feed Overhead Adjustment for Feed consumption manufacturing cost by entity stage


BRIM Field Product Allocations

BRIM Field Product allocations are used to allocate field products that have been delivered at the farm to the entity stage. There is an option to automatically create a usage when field products are received to the farm when farm inventory levels are not maintained. Otherwise, farm product inventory is maintained and field product allocations are only completed for those products that have been recorded as used in the period. If the usage is recorded to the farm, this task will allocate that cost to the stages on the farm in the period based on bird days. The allocation to the entity will occur in the farm to entity allocation task. If the field product was initially recorded to the entity, this task will record the allocation to the correct stage and no further transactions are recorded.


Note: This logic is currently being added to the BRIM Field Product Allocation task. The existing logic does not allocate costs to the BRIM stage as field product usage transactions must be coded to 'Farm' where the Farm to Entity task will allocate the amount to the stage. Documentation will be updated when the logic is available. The existing process until the change is made is to code all BRIM usages for inventory and non-inventory product as 'Farm' usages.


Protein Cost Mode=Actual

Trans Code Account Standard Cost Type Variance Type Comments
Credit BRLR-INV-SUPPLIES-[ELEMENT]-OUT Actual Cost Not Set Credits  the actual field product cost from product inventory
Debit BRLR-[STAGE]-SUPPLIES-[ELEMENT]-IN Actual Cost Not Set Applies actual field product cost to entity stage


Protein Cost Mode=Standard and Actual Cost (adjustment to actual will be recorded at movement transaction based on internal prices defined for the movement type)

Trans Code Account Standard Cost Type Variance Type Comments
Credit BRLR-INV-SUPPLIES-[ELEMENT]-OUT Actual Cost Not Set Credits  the actual field product cost from product inventory
Debit BRLR-[STAGE]-SUPPLIES-[ELEMENT]-IN Actual Cost Not Set Applies actual field product cost to entity stage

BRIM Farm to Entity Allocations

The Farm to Entity task allocates any costs that have been recorded at the farm level to the entities. For example, indirect costs for labor, utilities and maintenance may be directly recorded to the farm. This task will take those costs recorded to the farm using BRLR-OPS-[OBECT]-[ELELMENT]-[USER] and allocate the costs to the entities on the farm based on bird days. The method that these costs are allocated are dependent on the allocation type assigned to the specific account.


  1. Calculate the task.

  2. Possible warning resulting from this task may be due to the fact that there are field products that have been used at the farm and there are no entities to allocate the operation or farm costs. If this warning is received, verify that the transactions were keyed to the correct farm. If correct, the amount will remain in the OPS account until the next entity is placed at the farm.

  3. View the logs to review the data created by the task.

  4. Generate report 13700 BRIM Farm to Entity Allocation (Journal Balance Report). The amount on this report should be zero unless the warning message has been received where the amounts will be allocated to entities in subsequent months.

  5. Generate report PE058 - 13700 BRIM Farm to Entity Allocation (Entity Allocation by Stage) to view the amounts allocated to the entities.  


The Farm to Entity Allocation task runs in two phases, therefore there is a log for each phase:


Protein Cost Mode=Actual

Trans Code Account Standard Cost Type Variance Type Comments
Credit BRLR-OPS-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-OUT Actual Cost Not Set Credits the actual amount from the farm overhead account
Debit BRLR-[STAGE]-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-IN Actual Cost Not Set Applies actual amount  to entity stage


Protein Cost Mode=Standard and Actual Cost (adjustment to actual will be recorded at movement transaction based on internal prices defined for the movement type. Farm to Entity will inherit the Standard Cost Type and Variance Type of the source transaction.)

Trans Code Account Standard Cost Type Variance Type Comments
Credit BRLR-OPS-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-OUT Actual Cost Not Set Credits the actual amount from the farm overhead account
Debit BRLR-[STAGE]-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-IN Actual Cost Not Set Applies actual amount  to entity stage

BRIM Movements

BRIM Movements is most commonly used to calculate the cost of transferring birds from farm to plant, however if there are multiple stages or transfers to other farms in the process, the task will also move costs between entities. The process will also use the account type to determine how the costs are transferred.



If Protein Cost Mode is set to Standard with Actual Cost or Standard Cost with Variance, the movements task will transfer values based on the rates entered in internal prices for the selected movement type. Differences between actual and standard will be recorded to either an adjustment account or a variance account depending on the mode.


  1. Calculate the task.

  2. Right-click and select Movements Log to view the details created by the task. To view the costs for a movement line, double-click on the detail line and the BRIM Movement Costs will be displayed. This tab displays the prior period costs, current period costs and costs moved. The details will also indicate if the cost is Allocated Daily or Non-Allocated.

  3. Generate report PE042 - 13800 BRIM Movements (Broiler Movement Summary) ) to view the entities that were processed in the period.

  4. Once the data is reconciled, PE025 Period End Broiler Inventory report can be generated. This report can be used for audit purposes to view the broiler inventory value for the end of the fiscal period.


Protein Cost Mode=Actual

Trans Code Account Standard Cost Type Variance Type Comments
Credit BRLR-GROW-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-OUT Actual Cost Not Set Credits the entity for the actual amount
Debit PLANT-00000-INV-[ELEMENT]-IN Actual Cost Not Set Debits the plant for the actual amount
Credit BRLR-BROOD-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-OUT Actual Cost Not Set Credits the source entity for the actual amount
Debit BRLR-GROW-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-IN Actual Cost Not Set Debits the destination entity for the actual amount


Protein Cost Mode=Standard and Actual Cost (adjustment to actual will be recorded based on internal prices defined for the movement type. All standard costs are recorded in the Standard Journals, therefore movements only records the variances.)

Trans Code Account Standard Cost Type Variance Type Comments
Debit/Credit BRLR-GROW-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-OUT Price Variance Breeder Production Records the adjustment standard to actual for breeder production
Debit/Credit BRLR-GROW-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-OUT Price Variance Hatchery Overhead Records the adjustment standard to actual for hatchery overhead
Debit/Credit BRLR-GROW-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-OUT Performance Variance Breeder Production Records the adjustment standard to standard for breeder production
Debit/Credit BRLR-GROW-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-OUT Performance Variance Hatchery Production Records the adjustment standard to standard for hatchery production
Debit/Credit BRLR-GROW-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-OUT Performance Variance Hatchery Overhead Records the adjustment standard to standard for hatchery overhead
Debit/Credit BRLR-GROW-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-OUT Performance Variance Broiler Production Records the adjustment standard to standard for broiler production
Debit/Credit PLANT-00000-INV-[ELEMENT]-IN Price Variance Broiler Production Records the adjustment from standard to actual
Debit/Credit PLANT-00000-INV-[ELEMENT]-IN Performance Variance Broiler Production Records the adjustment from standard to actual
Debit/Credit BRLR-BROOD-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-OUT Price Variance Breeder Production Records the adjustment standard to actual for breeder production
Debit/Credit BRLR-BROOD-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-OUT Price Variance Hatchery Overhead Records the adjustment standard to actual for hatchery overhead
Debit/Credit BRLR-BROOD-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-OUT Price Variance Broiler Production Records the adjustment standard to actual for broiler production
Debit/Credit BRLR-BROOD-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-OUT Performance Variance Breeder Production Records the adjustment standard to standard for breeder production
Debit/Credit BRLR-BROOD-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-OUT Performance Variance Hatchery Production Records the adjustment standard to standard for hatchery production
Debit/Credit BRLR-BROOD-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-OUT Performance Variance Hatchery Overhead Records the adjustment standard to standard for hatchery overhead
Debit/Credit BRLR-BROOD-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-OUT Performance Variance Broiler Production Records the adjustment standard to standard for broiler production
Debit/Credit BRLR-GROW-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-IN Price Variance Breeder Production Records the adjustment standard to actual for breeder production
Debit/Credit BRLR-GROW-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-IN Price Variance Hatchery Overhead Records the adjustment standard to actual for hatchery overhead
Debit/Credit BRLR-GROW-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-IN Price Variance Broiler Production Records the adjustment standard to actual for broiler production
Debit/Credit BRLR-GROW-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-IN Performance Variance Breeder Production Records the adjustment standard to standard for breeder production
Debit/Credit BRLR-GROW-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-IN Performance Variance Hatchery Production Records the adjustment standard to standard for hatchery production
Debit/Credit BRLR-GROW-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-IN Performance Variance Hatchery Overhead Records the adjustment standard to standard for hatchery overhead
Debit/Credit BRLR-GROW-[OBJECT]-[ELEMENT]-IN Performance Variance Broiler Production Records the adjustment standard to standard for broiler production