The purpose of this document is to outline the basic steps to utilize Mtech-Systems module FDSA (Feed Delivery Scheduling Assistant) in Version 7.0+ and preliminary steps needed before.
FDSA is a feed delivery planning tool that provides a complete and efficient delivery plan based on the parameters established by each farm. The process uses feed consumption tables and feeding programs to determine the feed deliveries.
The following sections are outlined in this document to assist the user in the required day-to-day tasks and represent the typical order of data entry and data generation.
Before creating any Feed Projections in the system, flock (s) with bird placement must exist before executing any of the functions within FDSA. The flock (s) can either be created manually, or by the MTech Planning Modules: BPA (Breeder Planning Assistant) / BRPA (Broiler Planning Assistant). All steps needed to configure, execute, and review the results of FDSA will be included in the outline below.
The following example uses a placement by BRPA (Broiler Planning Assistant) with the following details:
This Flock will be used as a reference to illustrate the entire FDSA process.
The following diagram represents the basic flow of all of the components in the FDSA process.
Adding, modifying or deleting plants is a Master Data support task guided by business decision support. It is strictly controlled by the personnel in charge of system configuration.
The assumption is that whomever is utilizing FDSA, has been adequately trained and has the business support to generate feed delivery projections, create feed orders, and feed deliveries.
The purpose of the setup overview is to review some of the switches required for FDSA. It is not required to establish every switch during the pre-implementation session; however careful consideration is required before implementation.
There are three sections in the FDSA Setup section:
In Admin>System>Registry>Poultry Registry>Feed Mills>FDSA, select General.
Bin Adjustment Safety Factor – modifies the bin capacity used for feed delivery to reduce the chance that too much feed will be delivered. The factor is entered in percentage so that a value of 80 will project deliveries at 80% of the bin capacity.
Bin Delivery Mode – if there are multiple bins, this option determines how the feed is delivered to the bin.
Always Alternate – FDSA projects deliveries alternating between bins. Example: Bin A, Bin B, Bin A, Bin B.
First Bin Except First Delivery – will always project to Bin A except for first delivery. First delivery has the option to project to the empty bin.
House Capacity – will project to use all bins on the house. Only one feed type per bin.
House Capacity Mix Feeds - will project to use all bins on the house. Multiple feed types per bin.
House Even Bin Ending Inventory – FDSA projects to balance all ending inventories in the bins. Multiple feed types per bin.
Compartment Rounding – rounds deliveries to the nearest value entered in this field. Example, 3,000 will round the delivery to the nearest 3,000 lbs.
Feed Rounding Direction – determines how the feed deliveries are rounded.
Round Up – always rounds up. Example: 1.4 rounds up to 2.0
Round Down – always rounds down. Example: 1.4 rounds down to 1.0
Round Combination – rounds down or up. Example: 1.4 rounds down to 1.0 and 1.5 rounds up to 2.0.
Feed Rounding Mode - if a load is comprised of multiple formulas, the switch determines how the feed is rounded. For example, a load of 12,000lbs has 3,000 Starter and 9,000 Grower.
Precise Feed Type Amounts – projects 3,000 Starter and 9,000 Grower
Advance to Next Feed Type – projects 12,000 Grower
Extend Previous Type – projects 12,000 Starter
Formula Assignment Effective Date Mode – links the effective date of the formula assignment to the entity based on either Placement Date or Projection Date.
Harvest Date Delivery – if selected, FDSA will project feed on harvest date.
Limit Projection to Truck Capacity – limits the projected delivery amount to a single truck.
Load Compartment Rounding – factor to round loads for delivery. Example, 1,000 will round load to nearest 1,000 lbs.
Min Percent Delivery Factor – used to determine minimum percentage of compartment that can be delivered.
Next Feed Type Mode – determines how the projection transitions to the next feed type.
Stay on Previous Type – projection will remain on existing feed type until the feed program changes types or a new feed type is delivered.
Feed Program – delivers feed type based on the feed program.
Projection Granularity Mode – determines if deliveries are projected by entity, house or pen.
Projection Mode – specifies the flock number format for the lowest granularity that is delivered. Available options are:
Farm – projects all of the houses on a farm in a single unit. Each house is analyzed but only a single projection for the farm.
Farm House – projects based on a single delivery date for all houses prioritizing houses based on the lowest to highest days to empty.
House Independent – projects based on different delivery dates for houses prioritizing houses based on the lowest to highest days to empty.
Rounding Days Prior to Harvest – represents the number of days prior to harvest that compartment rounding will be ignored.
Standard House Delivery – standard house amount used to project delivery. The value will not overwrite bin capacity.
Standard Truck Capacity – maximum standard truck capacity used for projections.
System Delivery Rounding – rounding factor used when no compartment rounding or feed type rounding are defined. Factor is entered in percentage.
In Admin>System>Registry>Poultry Registry>Feed Mills>FDSA, select BIM.
Days Before Placement – number of days before placement that feed delivery is scheduled.
Delivery Sunday-Saturday – select the days of the week that feed can be projected to be delivered.
Even Bins – this option is used when Projection Mode is set to Farm House. Selecting this option will project deliveries to the houses so that the bins will be empty on the same day.
Even Bin Threshold – limits the even bin option to farms that have house head capacities less than the threshold.
Manual Days Before Sale – number of days prior to slaughter that deliveries are defined as manual deliveries. Entities will remain in projection but identified as a manual delivery.
Max Feed Days on Farm – represents the maximum number of days that the feed can be stored at the farm.
Min Age for Debit Delivery – determines the age that feed transferred into the entity from another entity can be used in the projection. For example, if withdrawal feed is transferred into the entity, the number of days from placement date that the withdrawal feed can be used.
Max Withdrawl Time – minimum number of days prior to slaughter that withdrawal feed is required.
Reorder Days – FDSA projects to deliver feed when the number of days to empty is zero. If more lead time is required, enter the number of lead days. For example, if a value of ‘1’ is entered, the projection will occur when there is one day to empty.
In Admin>System>Registry>Poultry Registry>Feed Mills>FDSA, select BRIM.
Days Before Placement – number of days before placement that feed delivery is scheduled.
Delivery Sunday-Saturday – select the days of the week that feed can be projected to be delivered.
Even Bins – this option is used when Projection Mode is set to Farm House. Selecting this option will project deliveries to the houses so that the bins will be empty on the same day.
Even Bin Threshold – limits the even bin option to farms that have house head capacities less than the threshold.
Manual Days Before Sale – number of days prior to slaughter that deliveries are defined as manual deliveries. Entities will remain in projection but identified as a manual delivery.
Max Feed Days on Farm – represents the maximum number of days that the feed can be stored at the farm.
Min Age for Debit Delivery – determines the age that feed transferred into the entity from another entity can be used in the projection. For example, if withdrawal feed is transferred into the entity, the number of days from placement date that the withdrawal feed can be used.
Max Withdrawl Time – minimum number of days prior to slaughter that withdrawal feed is required.
Reorder Days – FDSA projects to deliver feed when the number of days to empty is zero. If more lead time is required, enter the number of lead days. For example, if a value of ‘1’ is entered, the projection will occur when there is one day to empty.
Use Standard Mortality – selecting this option will reduce projected head count for delivery based on the factors entered in the standard table.
The Master Data section is comprised of two components:
Product Profiles are created to define the based parameters for FDSA projections. A profile must be created for each animal product that requires feed delivery projections. Prior to creating FDSA Products, Animal Products must be created.
Below is a product created for GLSR_PGD as this is the animal product placed in the complex entity number: PDGBL0344-10000-1.
In FMTS>FDSA>Master Data, select Products.
Product No – selected from the list of available animal products.
Min Withdrawl Mode – selected whether the feed withdrawal is set to Days or lbs Per Day.
Max Withdrawl Time – based on the withdrawal mode, this defines the number of days of lbs that are required for withdrawal.
Age Debit Delivery Consumption – if
the feed is left on the farm for the next flock, the feed must be
transferred to the flock using
Feed Deliveries>Transfers. If this happens to be the case,
the FDSA will ignore the debit transactions created from the feed
transfer until the flock reaches the age specified in this field.
The age in days entered in this field determines when debit transactions
are recognized and available for feed consumption.
The Feed Formula Assignments determines the feed type and formulas that are assigned to the product at placement. The Feed Formula Assignment can be defined by entity or alternatively derived based on product, feed mill and effective date. Projection Basis – FDSA – Formula Assignments.
For this example, all the formula assignments for the Pendergrass Feed Mill and the Animal Product GLSR_PGD – Group Large Straight Run will be created for the Pendergrass Division.
In FMTS>FDSA>Master Data, select Formula Assignments.
Formula Assignment No – field to identify the feed formula assignment (alphanumeric, max 20 characters).
Formula Assignment Name – description field for program (alphanumeric, max 50 characters).
Feed Mill No – assigns the formula assignment to the feed mill.
Product No – assigns the formula assignment to the product.
Effective Date – establishes the first date that the assignment becomes in effect.
Feed Type No – selects the feed type that is being assigned to the product. Feed types are user-defined values.
Formula – filtered based on the Feed Type No, selects the feed formula for the program.
The Projection Basis section is comprised of two components:
Feed consumption tables are determined by product and feed mill. The values are entered in lbs. Prior to creating a consumption table, the following items must be set up:
In FMTS>FDSA>Projection Basis, select Consumption Tables.
While in the Consumption Edit screen,
click the button to create a new record.
Consumption Table No – identifies the table being used throughout the system.
Consumption Table Name – description for the table.
Effective Date – the date that the table will start to be utilized.
Product No – select a product from the drop-down menu.
Feed Mill No – the feed mill that is supplying the feed to the product.
Farm Type – select the farm type where the product is placed.
Click the
OK button.
Consumption table information is derived from the Consumption Table prompt.
Age – the age of the entity in days
Consumption – the consumption for the amount of feed consumed per chick.
ACM Cons – the accumulated feed consumed per 100 chicks.
In FMTS>FDSA>Projection Basis, select Feeding Programs..
the FDSA Feeding Programs, click the button to
create a new feeding program record.
Feed Program No – field to identify the program (alphanumeric, max 20 characters).
Feed Program Name – description field for the program (max 40 characters).
Effective Date – establishes the first date that the program becomes effective.
Feed Mill No – assigns the feed program to the feed mill.
Product No – assigns the feed program to the product.
Feed Type No – select the feed type that is being assigned to the feed program. Feed types are user-defined values.
Basis – determines how the feed program is calculated. Available options are:
Amount – if the basis is Amount, the value is entered in lbs that will be fed before moving to the next formula.
Days – when the basis is selected as Days, the value is entered based on the age in days that the formula will be fed before moving to the next formula.
Sequence – determines the order that the feed is fed.
Feed projections can be done individually or in filtered groups. The projection will incorporate existing feed and field transactions and project the future feed requirements for the entity and houses. There are options to project feed at the entity, house or pen level. If the source data is not at the projected delivery granularity, there is a pro-rata option that will restate all historical deliveries to the house or pen level. The pro-rata must be completed before FDSA projections are calculated.
The Projections section is comprised of four tabs:
Before you run the projection, make sure that the Projection date is set to the date when you want this projection run and remember that you cannot go back in time to run a projection.
In FMTS>FDSA>Projections, select BIM or BRIM.
Make sure the Projection Mode is set to either :
Next Delivery – this will generate the next two projections; OR
All Deliveries
Make sure Auto Calculation is set to On. – This option will recalculate the projection every time the record is opened
Locate the entity you are trying to project from the list of entities listed in the “BMTS BRIM FDSA Single Projection” and double click it to open the “BRIM Single Projection” screen.
The Farm tab displays all of the summary data related to the entity. Each type of transaction is represented by a separate color. Data for the entire entity is displayed in the color coded section. By clicking on any line in the Farm Projection section, house and pen details will be displayed in the Details section.
Green – actual feed deliveries
White – projected feed deliveries or inventories
Feed Trans Code – indicates the type of feed delivery. Available options are: Delivery, Debit, Credit, Haul back or Return. Non-feed transactions will be recorded as Not Set.
Event Type – represents the type of transaction. Examples are: Delivery, Field, Thinning and Projection.
Event Date – indicates the actual date or projected date for the specified transaction.
Day – displays the week of the day that the transaction will occur.
Age – displays the age of the entity.
Feed Type No – indicates the feed type that was delivered or is projected to be delivered.
Formula No – represents the feed formula that was delivered or is projected to be delivered based on formula assignments.
Current Days to Empty – based on feed consumption and head inventory, this is a calculated field to represent the number of days of feed remaining for consumption.
Beginning Feed Inventory – calculated or feed inventory from field transactions for the specified event date.
Projected Total Amount – displays the amount of feed that is required based on remaining inventory and feed consumption tables. Past deliveries will always display delivered amount.
Total Feed Delivered – amount of feed delivered on actual delivery. Projected deliveries will display zero until feed load is created.
Days to Empty After Delivery – calculated field based on feed consumption and head inventory that represents the number of days until the bins are empty after the projected/actual delivery.
Head Inventory – number of birds in inventory that will be used for the feed consumption calculation.
The Feed Remaining tab displays the data for the summary data for the
entity by feed type. Feed Remaining is calculated by taking the feed program
and applying mortality and thinning transactions to determine the required
feed quantities by feed type. House details are not included on this tab,
however, there are other tabs that will provide that data.
Feed Type No – indicates the feed type that is being analyzed.
Projected Amount – calculation that represents the projected feed by feed type. The projected amount is sourced from Feeding Programs and takes into account the FDSA switches established such as rounding feed delivery amounts, no rounding before processing, skip to next feed type, etc. The projected amount will be displayed in lbs depending on the unit of measure utilized.
Delivered Amount – sourced from feed deliveries and purchases, represents the amount of feed that has been delivered to the entity by feed type. The delivered amount will be displayed in lbs depending on the unit of measure utilized.
Variance – calculated field representing: Projected Amount – Delivered Amount.
Feed Budget – simplified budget calculation that is sourced from Feeding Programs and the average head inventory for the feed period. The calculation does not take into account FDSA switches.
Budget Variance – calculated field representing: Budget Amount – Delivered Amount.
The House Details displays the feed delivery transactions and projections at the house level. All columns are not shown on this screenshot, but all fields are described below.
Event Type – represents the type of transaction. Examples are: Delivery, Field, Thinning and Projection.
Event Date – indicates the actual date or projected date for the specified transaction.
Projected Flag– only displayed for projected deliveries. Some examples are: Pre-Placement, Kill Date, First Delivery, Last Delivery.
Houses/Pen – indicates the house or pen for the transaction or projection.
Animal Product No – represents the product that was placed in the house.
Age – age of the entity, in days, that resides in the house.
Current Days to Empty– calculated field based on feed consumption table, age, feed inventory and feed delivered that represents the number of days before the feed level is depleted.
Feed Type No – represents the feed type of the feed that is being delivered or projected for the house.
Beginning Feed Inventory – perpetual inventory that is calculated based on the feed delivered and consumption tables and feeding programs. Beginning inventory will be adjusted if inventories are entered in field transactions.
Total Feed Delivered– quantity of feed delivered to the house.
Days to Empty after Delivery – calculated field based on beginning inventory and feed delivered to determine the number of days to empty.
Physical Feed Inventory– represents the feed inventory that has been entered in field transactions. If physical inventories are entered in field transactions, the inventory level will be reset to that level.
Ending Inventory– perpetual inventory that is calculated based on the feed delivered and consumption tables and feeding programs. Ending inventory will be adjusted if inventories are entered in field transactions.
Head Inventory - indicates the number of head in inventory for the feed delivery date. Projections will have projected inventory if expected mortality is defined.
Last Date Sold– indicates the last date that birds were sold from the house.
Date Moved In – indicates the date that the entity was moved into the house.
Processing Time– displays the time that the transactions were processed if time is recorded in the source transaction.
Vehicle No – if there is a vehicle number recorded in the feed delivery transaction, the vehicle number will be displayed in the field.
Bin Amount 1-4– displays the feed that was delivered to each bin. Amount is displayed in lbs depending on the unit of measure utilized.
Bin Capacity 1-4– displays the feed capacity for each bin. Capacity is displayed in lbs depending on the unit of measure utilized.
The House Feed Remaining tab displays the data for the summary data for the houses by feed type. Feed Remaining is calculated by taking the feed program and applying mortality and thinning transactions to determine the required feed quantities by feed type. There is a tab for projected and delivered feed.
The Projections Navigation section contains the following components:
In FMTS>FDSA>Projections, select BRIM.
Relevant Columns:
Complex Entity No
Farm Name
First Date Placed
Avg Date Sold
Last Date Sold
Product No
Growout Name
Filter the Product No by 425235 (Delhi) or 426534 (Traver)
Filter the Growout Name by North (Delhi) or South (Traver)
Filter the Status column by Active
The total count for farms should be about 72 (Delhi) or 55 (Traver)
Select all farms that feed needs to be projected for
Sort by First Date Placed (Right-click on tab and Sort Descending)
Select the top farm, hold SHIFT down and select last farm
All farms required should be highlighted in blue
Options Tab:
Projection Date - Select today’s date and hit OK
Projection Mode - All Deliveries
Calculator Icon:
This will take a couple minutes to calculate
Close any Errors windows that pop up
In FMTS>FDSA>Planning>Feed Order Planning>Options icon, select Projections.
On the Select Projections screen, edit the filter to get projections for Sunday-Saturday.
Event Dates is greater than or equal to 9/21/14
Event Date is less than or equal to 9/27/14
Click the OK button
All possible feed deliveries will appear for the ranches selected.
Right-click on the first ranch required to order feed for
Select Build Loads
Feed Order Planning-Single Load tabs will be created automatically with all of the load’s information
Relevant Detail tabs:
Entity No
Entity Name
Load Amount
Order Amount
Order Formula No
Order Formula Name
Order Date
Editing Items
Load Date
Load Amount
Save changes and close
In Feed Order Planning, hit the Refresh button and all new loads will appear
Once the feed projections have been created, there are two options available to automatically create the feed orders. These options are available from the projection screen or the feed order planning screen.
Create Order/Loads with Amounts- the Creates Orders and Loads option is based on the projection with the user having the option to modify the amounts to be delivered. This process does not consider truck capacity when creating the orders.
There are three options when creating loads. Example: the program projects 135,000 for Farm A. Option 1 and 3 will create one load for the amount specified. Option2 will look at the truck capacity and create 3 loads (50,000, 50,000, and 35,000). The difference between option 1 and 3 is when multiple projections is selected when running in house mode.
Example 2: The program projects 20,000 for starter and 20,000 for grower for the same house. It is the last delivery of starter and the first of grower. Option 1 will create two loads with tickets. Option 3 will combine the two records into one load with two tickets.
In FMTS>FDSA>Planning, select Feed Order Planning.
From the Feed Order Planning Screen, click
the Options menu and
click on Select Projections. The user filters the data as required.
Once the data is filtered, the user can highlight the required data
and the Build Load option will automatically create the orders and
loads to be delivered. When the load is created, the user can assign
driver and vehicle information if required. Once the order is created,
the delivery can be created directly from the feed order planning
Select the Feed Mill No from the drop-down menu.
Enter the Date and click the OK button.
Select all the records (Ctrl-A) and then right click and select `Build Loads`.
Select the Feed Mill No from the drop-down menu.
Enter the Date and click the OK button.
Select the desired record. Right-click on the record and select Create Orders/Loads with Amounts.
Once a load is created and the driver information is added, thee user is able to create the delivery transaction directly from the Feed Order Planning Screen.
In the
Feed Order Planning Screen, select the required record, rick-click
and select `Delivery` to create the delivery transaction.
The Planning Navigation section is comprised of the following components:
In FMTS>FDSA>Planning, select Feed Order Planning.
From this screen, the user can view what is on schedule by day and by farm.
User the Edit Filter link or Filter Section under each column to narrow the search results.
Right-click on the column title and drag it up until an `X` is visible.
Right-click on the column title and select `Column Chooser`.
On the Customization table, double-click on the column to be added.
The new column selected will be added on the far right.
Feed Mill No
Feed Mill Name
Transaction Entity ID
Transaction Entity Name
Load Date
Load No
Ref No
Formula No
Load Amount
Order Amount
Delivery Amount
Delivery Date
Days To Empty
Feed Mill No
Deli - F100
Traver - F701
Load Date
Click on the funnel icon on the Load Date Column.
Select the date to be viewed and Enter, and then click anywhere else on the screen.
To view the full week, select Sunday’s date, hold down the SHIFT button and click on Saturday’s date. This will select the entire week. Press enter and click anywhere else on the screen.
Left-click on a column title.
Left-click on the first column to be sorted.
Hold down the SHIFT button and left-click on the second column to be sorted by.
In Feed Order Planning, right-click the delivery that needs editing and select `Edit Single Load`
Make the necessary changes and then click the Save button
In FMTS>FDSA>Planning, select Feed Order Planning.
Enter F4
Select Feed Mill No:
Delhi F100
Traver F701
On the screen, enter F4 again
The new delivery tag will be created at the bottom
All items in yellow and LOAD AMOUNT are mandatory
Select the Save icon