breeder placements


Depending on the generation of the eggs hatched, the poults can be placed in breeder or broiler farms. Parent generation is placed on broiler farms. All other generations are placed on breeder farms. There is also a registry switch that determines if poult inventory is used for parent detail in placements. If period end costing is being used, the poult inventory options must be used for proper cost allocation. The switch is located in: Admin>System>Registry>Poultry>Poultry Registry>Hatcheries>HIM>Chick>Breeder Chick Inventory.

Breeder Placements are internal placements sourced from an internal hatchery. Internal pricing may be used to estimate the cost of the placement; however, the actual cost of the placement is determined at period end.


Before creating a Breeder Placement, the following must be created:


The following procedures are outlined in the Breeder Placements document:


Create a Breeder Placement


The General tab contains the base data to outline the breeder placement. The tab is comprised of four sections, including grids and details, to group the data.


  1. In TMTS>HIM>Transactions>Poults, select Breeder Placements.
  2. In the Breeder Placements main index, click to create a new breeder placement transaction.
  3. Click on the General tab.




The General tab contains the details related to the placement.

  1. From the Complex Entity No drop-down menu, select the entity where the poults will be received.
  2. From Hatchery No, select the hatchery where the poults are being transferred from.
  3. Hatch-Hatchery No represents the hatchery that hatched the poults. This will default in based on the selected hatchery and is usually the same as the Hatchery No unless the poults have been transferred.
  4. In the Hatch Date field, enter the date that the poults hatched.
  5. Event Date will default to the same date as the transaction date, and can be modified if required.
  6. In the Trans Date Time field, enter the date the poults will be placed. This date will be used for all inventory and accounting transactions.
  7. Trans Code displays the type of transaction and will default to 'Internal'. Once a breeder placement has been completed and posted  (internal), if changes need to be made, the trans code identifies the type of transaction. Available options are:

    1. Credit - Will credit the entity inventory.

    2. Debit - Will debit the entity inventory.

    3. DOA - Identifies the number of dead poults upon arrival and then the inventory is reduced.

    4. Entity Change - Will change the entity that received the turkeys.

    5. Internal - The poults are purchased from an internal source at cost.

  8. Ref No displays a unique reference number that identifies the transaction. This can be automatically or manually entered.
  9. Load No is an optional field to enter a load number for the placement.
  10. In the Hens Placed field, enter the number of hens being placed.
  11. In the Toms Placed field, enter the number of toms being placed.
  12. Selecting the Void flag will cancel the breeder placement.


General Details

The General Details tab contains optional fields to enter additional information related to the placement.


  1. Driver No is an optional field to identify the driver that delivered the poults. Drivers must be set up prior in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Drivers.
  2. Vehicle No is an optional field to identify the vehicle used to deliver the poults. Vehicles must be set up prior in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Vehicles.
  3. The Miles field is used if the distances are defined from the farm to the hatchery, in Farms. If distances are defined, the mileage from the hatchery to the farm will be calculated.
  4. Lot No is an optional field to enter the lot number for the transaction, if lot tracking is used.
  5. Select the Held Over flag if the poults were held over at the hatchery.
  6. Select the Pulled Forward flag if the poults are hatched a day early.
  7. Select the Early Production flag if the placement is sourced from early production entities.
  8. In the Notes field, enter any additional information related to the placement.



The fields in the Derived tab default in from information entered in the first two tabs - General and General Details. The fields cannot be modified.


  1. Record Type identifies the type of transaction record.
  2. Hatchery Name displays the name of the hatchery where the poults hatched and are being transferred from.
  3. Hatch-Hatchery Name displays the name of the hatchery where the poults were hatched.
  4. Farm Name displays the name of the farm where the poults will be placed, and will default from the Complex Entity No.
  5. Poult Cost displays the cost per poult. If internal pricing is used, the defined price will transfer to the placement transaction. The price will be adjusted to actual price in the period end process.
  6. Freight Rate displays the total cost for freight.
  7. Total Add Ons displays the total cost for the add-ons.
  8. Total Cost displays the total cost of the poults being placed.
  9. Vehicle Name displays the name of the vehicle used to deliver the poults, if entered.
  10. Driver Name displays the name of the driver delivering the poults, if entered.



The Houses section contains the details relating to the poults being placed. Some of the details will default in with no option to modify.

  1. Click on the Houses tab and select to create a new line detail.



  1. From the House No - Pen No drop-down menu, select the house that is receiving the poults.
  2. The Sex field will default in from the entity product and indicates the sex of the poults.
  3. In the Head Placed field, enter the number of head being placed in the house. The total of the houses must equal the total head identified in the General section.
  4. Poult Price will default in if internal pricing is used. The price will be adjusted to the actual price in the period end process.
  5. Head Free is used if the hatchery supplied free head to the placement. This quantity must be included in the total amount placed. This amount can be calculated as a standard percentage as defined in Internal Prices. Alternatively, the user can enter the quantity delivered free in the Head Free field.
  6. Extra Free is an optional field to enter any additional free poults.
  7. In the Placement Mortality field, enter the number of head mortality at placement.
  8. Plant No indicates the processing plant used, which is specified at placement. The plant is assigned to the Farm in BIM, in the planning tab under 'Live Haul'.
  9. Total Quantity is a calculated field that represents: Head Placed + Head Free - Placement Mortality. This amount will be the beginning inventory of the entity.
  10. If FDSA is being used, from Feed Program No, select the program to be used for feed planning.
  11. Feed Program Name displays a description of the feed program.
  12. Feed Program Effective Date indicates the date the feed program will become effective, if applicable.
  13. Product No defaults in and identifies the product defined on the entity.

  14. Override Product is an optional field that can be used to override the product that was defined on the entity.


Additional Details

Within the Houses tab, there is a child grid with additional details relating to the placement add-ons.


Add Ons

Internal add-ons are initially defined on the product. The internal add-ons must then be assigned to the product in Internal Pricing. If the products are configured for add-ons, the add-ons will default to the placement transaction and the cost of the add-ons will be calculated. Depending on the configuration of the add-on, the cost of the add-on may or may not be included in the cost of the placement. Examples of add-ons for poult placements are services such as: de-beaking, toe clipping, or vaccinations provided at hatch.

  1. Product No identifies the selected add-on.
  2. Product Name displays a description of the add-on.

  3. Rate displays the total cost of the add-on.


Parent Details

The Parent Details section defines the entities that sourced the placement and contains information regarding the source/s of the poults being placed. There is a registry switch that determines if poult inventory is not used and is required to source internal placements. Customers using period end valuation process must have this switch selected to balance financial transactions.

  1. Click on the Parent Details tab and select to add a new detail line.



  1. From Parent Entity, select the source entity for the poults placed.
  2. Egg Product No identifies the type of egg product.
  3. Egg Product Name displays a description of the egg product.
  4. The Chicks Sex field will default in from the entity product and indicates the sex of the poults.
  5. Production Date represents the production date of the eggs set for hatch. The date will default to the number of incubation days prior to hatch, with the option to modify.

  6. Received Date displays the date the eggs were received at the hatchery.

  7. Override Parent Age is an optional field to enter a number that will override the age of the entity.

  8. In the Head Placed field, enter the number of head placed for the source entity.

  1. In the Chick Weight field, enter the average weight of the poults placed. Weight can be entered in lbs or grams.

  2. Breed No displays the breed of the source entity.

  3. Age displays the age of the source entity on the production date of the eggs set.

  4. In the Uniformity field, enter the weight uniformity of the poults.

  5. % displays the percentage of poults from each Parent Entity. For example, if 100 hens were purchased, and 50 of the hens came from Parent Entity X,  the % would be 50%.

  6. Egg Age displays the number of days from production date to set date.

  7. Egg Class represents the egg classification of the eggs set.

  8. Hatcher No identifies the hatcher that hatched the eggs.

  9. Setter No identifies the setter that the eggs were set in for hatch.




The Instructions tab is used to add additional instructions related to the breeder placement. Instruction codes must be set up in Admin>Poultry>HIM>Product Instructions prior to selection.

  1. Click on the Instructions tab and select to create a new instruction line.



  1. From Instruction No, select the required instruction.
  2. Instruction Name defaults from Instruction No and displays a description of the instruction.



Delivery Details

The Delivery Details tab contains optional fields to enter details relating to the placement of the poults. Many of the fields, such as temperature and humidity recordings, will help identify the problem if a mortality occurs on the delivery. The tab is comprised of two sections.


Delivery Details
  1. In the Arrival Time field, enter the time that the delivery truck will arrive.
  2. In the Departure field, enter the time that the delivery truck will depart.
  3. Begin Unloading Time indicates the time that the poults will begin unloading.
  4. Ending Unloading Time indicates the time that the unloading will end.
  5. Boxes Delivered indicates the amount of boxes unloaded at the destination.
  6. Boxes Returned indicates the amount of boxes returned to the hatchery farm when poults are shipped to the customer in plastic boxes. This number will generally be the same as the 'Boxes Delivered' number.
  7. Begin Odometer Reading indicates the odometer reading when the truck
  8. Ending Odometer Reading indicates the odometer reading when the truck
  9. Enter the Vehicle Plate ID.
  10. The Min Vehicle Temperature/Max Vehicle Temperature fields indicate the minimum and maximum temperatures allowed inside the vehicle.
  11. The Min Programmed Temperature/Max Programmed Temperature fields refer to the programmed minimum and maximum programmed temperatures inside the vehicle.
  12. The Min Outside Temperature/Max Outside Temperature fields indicate the minimum and maximum outdoor temperatures allowed.
  13. The Min Vehicle Speed/Max Vehicle Speed fields indicate the minimum and maximum speeds of the delivery vehicle.
  14. Avg Vehicle Speed refers to the average speed of the delivery vehicle.
  15. The Min Humidity %/Max Humidity % fields indicate the minimum and maximum humidity levels allowed inside the vehicle.
  16. The Min Programmed Humidity %/Max Programmed Humidity % fields indicate the minimum and maximum programmed humidity levels allowed inside the vehicle.
  17. Min Poult Temperature/Max Poult Temperature indicate the allowed minimum and maximum temperatures of the poults being placed.


Flock Statistics
  1. Uniformity represents the weight uniformity of the poults.
  2. Poult Weight indicates the average weight of the poults placed. Weight can be entered in lbs or grams.
  3. Size Code is used to enter the applicable size code of the poults being placed. There is no validation on the data entered in this field.



Post a Breeder Placement

Once the breeder placement transaction has been created and saved, the placement needs to be posted. The posting process locks the transaction to prevent edits, updates the entity and hatchery inventories, and creates the journal transaction to record the liability. The UnPost option unlocks the placement and reverses the journal transactions.


  1. In the Breeder Placements main index, select the required transaction and right-click to select 'Post'. Alternatively, click the green check mark    in the top menu bar and select 'Post'.
  1. To un-post a placement transaction, select the required transaction and right-click to select 'Unpost'.  This process will set the transaction status to 'Reversed' status, which allows the transaction to be edited.


Journal Transaction

If there is an internal price associated with the transaction, there will be a journal transaction recorded to debit the entity poult inventory and credit the hatchery poult inventory for the internal price. The period end process will reverse this transaction and record the actual cost of the transaction based on the period costs.