Weight Scales are used in transactions requiring weights to determine the scale that has been used for weighing the vehicle. The weight scale must also be configured to the MTech system so the scale can be utilized by the transactions. The scale is configured based on the model of the scale. Once the scale is configured, the scale is tested for connectivity.
Table Name: ProteinWeightScales
Prior to creating Weight Scales, the Cost Centers must first be created.
In Admin>Business>General>Definitions, select Weight Scales.
Select to
create a new record.
Select the Cost Center No from the drop-down to identify the location of the scale.
Cost Center Name will default from the Cost Center No.
Enter a Scale No to identify the scale (alphanumeric, max 20 characters).
Enter a Scale Name to describe the scale (alphanumeric, max 50 characters).
Save the record.
Configure the weight scale for the required scale model.