

Weaning transaction are used to record when a sow is weaning piglets. Transactions are recorded daily by farm and entity.


Before creating a Weaning transaction, the following must be created:


The following procedures are outlined in the Weaning document:


Create a Weaning Transaction

  1. In SMTS>SIM>Transactions>Events, select Weaning.
  2. In the Weaning main index, click to create a new weaning transaction.
  3. In the New Record dialog box, from the Farm No drop-down menu, select the farm where the sow is located.
  4. Enter the transaction Date.
  5. In the Weaning screen, click   to add a new transaction line. The drop-down menu can also be used to select a Zero Wean. Zero Wean is used when a Sow is in a Farrow Stage (Nursing/Lactating) and she has no more piglets (because they moved them to another sow). When she is weaned, it is considered a zero wean, which will put her into an Open stage

  6. The Piglet Inventory screen will appear with all available piglet inventory.

  1. Select the farm where the piglets are located and select the Wean Type. Available options are Partial Wean or Final Wean.

  2. In the Piglets Entered field, enter the number of piglets that are being weaned.

  3. Click the OK button and the Weaning screen will appear with details entered.
  1. The Complex Breed Group No identifies the sow.
  2. Entity No indicates where the sow is located.
  3. Wean Type indicates if the wean is a partial or final wean.
  4. House No is an optional field to select the house where the sow is located.
  5. Crate No is an optional field to identify the crate where the sow is located.
  6. Pen No is an optional field to identify the pen where the sow is located.
  7. Pen Crate No is an optional field to identify the crate within the pen where the sow is located.
  8. Weaned Piglets displays the total number of piglets weaned.
  9. Enter the Total Weight of all of the piglets being weaned at the time of weaning.
  10. Average Weight will then default in.
  11. The Trans Date is used to record the actual date of the weaning event.
  12. Event Date is used to record actual Production date if it is different from the Trans Date or in a closed period.
  13. Ref No is a unique number to identify the transaction, and can be auto created if required.
  14. Selecting the Nurse Sow flag indicates that the sow has good milk and is being kept in the lactation stage to support fostered piglets. She will be destined as a Partial Wean since she will stay in the lactation stage

  15. Selecting the Void flag will cancel the transaction.



Post a Weaning Transaction

The posting process locks the transaction to prevent edits, and creates the journal transaction to record the liability. The UnPost option unlocks the transaction and reverses the journal transactions. All events are posted in the All Events index.

  1. In SMTS>SIM>Transactions>Events, select All Events.
  2. In the All Events main index, select the required transaction and right-click to select 'Post'. Alternatively, click the green check mark in the top menu bar and select 'Post'.
  3. To un-post a weaning transaction, select the required transaction and right-click to select 'Unpost'.  This process will set the record status to 'Reversed' status, which allows the record to be edited.