The FMIM OPS Allocation log is generated from the FMIM OPS Allocation task by right-clicking on the task and selecting FMIM OPS Allocation Log. The purpose of the log is to provide a summary of the allocation of overhead costs. Any of the following fields can be added or removed from the displayed view as required.
Net Feed Production Units = Total Feed Produced Units +/- Manual Production Adjustment Units +/- Physical Inventory Adjustment Units
Delivery Basis Units - indicates the net feed delivery units delivered from the mill in the period. Net feed delivered is total feed delivered less any returns or haulbacks.
Formula Feed Mill Inventory Units - represents the ending inventory for the period.
Feed Formula Del Units - calculated field to obtain the net fee delivered. The field is calculated as follows.
Feed Formula Del Units = Net Feed Production Units - Formula Feed Mill Inventory Units
Total Formula Alloc Amount - represents the total overhead allocated to the feed formula.
Total Formula Alloc Amount = Net Feed Production Units Formula /Net Feed Production Units Total x Total Overhead Expense
Formula Feedmill Inv Alloc Amount - calculated amount that represents the amount of overhead applied to finished feed ending inventory. This amount will be automatically added to the period ending inventory cost using a debit or credit value adjustment in FMIM>Transactions>Feed Production>Adjustments.
Formula Feed Mill Inv Alloc Amount = Formula Feed Mill Inventory Units / Net Feed Produced Units x Total Formula Alloc Amount
Formula Feed Del Alloc Amount - represents the overhead allocated to the feed deliveries in the period.
Formula Feed Del Alloc Amount = Formula Feed Del Units / Net Feed Produced Units x Total Formula Alloc Amount