FMIM OPS Allocation Log


The FMIM OPS Allocation log is generated from the FMIM OPS Allocation task by right-clicking on the task and selecting FMIM OPS Allocation Log. The purpose of the log is to provide a summary of the allocation of overhead costs. Any of the following fields can be added or removed from the displayed view as required.


  1. Begin Date - first date of the fiscal period that the log is generated.
  2. End Date - last date of the fiscal period that the log is generated.
  3. Month - represents fiscal month as defined in the Fiscal Calendar.
  4. Fiscal Year - displays the fiscal year based on the defined Fiscal Calendar.
  5. Company No/ Company Name - displays the company for the feed mill
  6. Division No/Division Name - displays the division that the feed mill is assigned to.
  7. Cost Center No/Cost Center Name - represents the cost center assigned to the feed mill.
  8. Feed Mill No/Feed Mill Name - indicates the feed mill that the overhead costs were allocated to.
  9. Formula No/Formula Name - represents the finished feed product that received the allocation.
  10. Total Feed Produced Units - represents the total of the feed produced at the mill and feed received directly to the mill.
  11. Manual Production Adjustment Units - indicates the number of units that were adjusted using FMIM>Transactions>Feed Production>Adjustments.
  12. Physical Inventory Adjustment Units - represents the inventory adjustments entered in the period in FMIM>Transactions>Feed Production>Physical Inventory.
  13. Net Feed Production Units - calculated based on the following formula.
  14. Net Feed Production Units = Total Feed Produced Units +/- Manual Production Adjustment Units +/- Physical Inventory Adjustment Units

  15. Delivery Basis Units - indicates the net feed delivery units delivered from the mill in the period. Net feed delivered is total feed delivered less any returns or haulbacks.

  16. Formula Feed Mill Inventory Units - represents the ending inventory for the period.

  17. Feed Formula Del Units - calculated field to obtain the net fee delivered. The field is calculated as follows.

  18. Feed Formula Del Units = Net Feed Production Units - Formula Feed Mill Inventory Units

  19. Total Formula Alloc Amount - represents the total overhead allocated to the feed formula.

  20. Total Formula Alloc Amount = Net Feed Production Units Formula /Net Feed Production Units Total  x Total Overhead Expense

  21. Formula Feedmill Inv Alloc Amount - calculated amount that represents the amount of overhead applied to finished feed ending inventory. This amount will be automatically added to the period ending inventory cost using a debit or credit value adjustment in FMIM>Transactions>Feed Production>Adjustments.

  22. Formula Feed Mill Inv Alloc Amount = Formula Feed Mill Inventory Units / Net Feed Produced Units x Total Formula Alloc Amount

  23. Formula Feed Del Alloc Amount - represents the overhead allocated to the feed deliveries in the period.

Formula Feed Del Alloc Amount = Formula Feed Del Units / Net Feed Produced Units x Total Formula Alloc Amount