formula assignments


Formula Assignments are used to assign feed formulas and feed types to feed programs. Feed formulas must be assigned to an animal product in order for the feed to be projected, ordered or delivered.


Feed formula assignments are created by animal product. By default, the formula assignment will default based on the product assigned to the entity. Alternatively, a specific formula assignment can be assigned to an entity in Add/Change Entities.


Before creating a Formula Assignment, the following items must be created:

 Create a Formula Assignment

The following procedures are outlined related to creating a Formula Assignment:

Formula Assignments Header

The header contains the base data to outline the Formula Assignment.

  1. In FMTS>General>Master Data, select Formula Assignments.
  2. Click to create a new assignment.



  1. In the Formula Assignment No field, enter a number to identify the formula assignment in the system (alphanumeric, maximum 20 characters).
  2. In the Formula Assignment Name field, enter a name to describe the formula assignment (alphanumeric, maximum 50 characters).

  3. Select the Feed Mill No from the drop-down menu. Feed mills must be created prior to creating Formula Assignments.

  4. Feed Mill Name displays a description of the feed mill.

  5. Select the animal Product No from the drop-down menu. Animal Products must be created prior to creating Formula Assignments. The formula assignment will default to the assigned animal product unless an alternative formula assignment is assigned to the entity.

  6. Product Name displays a description of the animal product.

  7. If the Default flag is selected, this will be the default feed for the animal product.

Formula Assignments Details

The line details relate to the dates and assignments.


Formula Assignments Dates  
  1. Click to add a new effective date.
  2. Enter the Effective Date for the new Formula Assignments.


Formula No Assignments
  1. Sex will default in with the sex of the animal and cannot be modified.
  2. From Feed Type No, select the feed type to be assigned to the Feed Mill and Product No. Feed Type is set up in: Admin>Business>FMTS>FMIM>Feed Types.
  3. Feed Type Name will default from Feed Type No and displays a description of the feed type.
  4. Select the Formula No  to be assigned to the Feed Type No. Feed Formula is set up in General>Products>Feed>Feed Formulas.

  5. Formula Name will default from Formula No and displays a description of the formula.

  6. Sequence indicates the order of the formula assignments.

  7. If the Alternate flag is selected, feed will not be projected, but can be delivered.