Feed Types are used to group feed formulas. When creating new feed formulas, the user is required to assign the feed formula to the feed type. If using the FDSA module, feeding programs are assigned to animal products based on a combination of feed types and feed formulas. Once defined, feed deliveries are projected for the farms. Feed Types are also used within the other modules to track feed consumption and other variable feed calculations.
TableName: FmimFeedTypes
In Admin>Business>FMTS>FMIM, select Feed Types.
Select to
create a new Feed Type.
Enter the Feed Type No to identify a type of feed.
Enter a Feed Type Name to describe the Feed Type No.
Select the Sex from the drop down list. Options are: Female, Male and Straight Run.
Select the Suite ID where they Feed Type will be used. Options are: BMTS, LMTS, TMTS, SMTS, BRIM and ALL.
Enter a Period End Sequence to determine the last delivered unit price to use when multiple feed types are delivered on the same date and the Admin>System>Registry>Poultry/Swine Registry>Poultry/Swine>Pmts/Smts>General>Feed Inventory Mode is set to Single Inventory. The higher sequence number will be used to determine the last delivery unit price to value the inventory.
Save the record.