feed receivings


If the feed is purchased from an external feed mill, a purchase order must be created and a Feed Receiving transaction must then be created to receive the feed to the farm or entity. Feed receiving transactions record the Finished Feed in inventory at the received cost as defined in the purchase order. Journal transactions are recorded at receiving to record the charge to inventory/expense and the offset to accounts payable accrual.


Prior to creating a Feed Receiving transaction, the following items must be created:


The following components are outlined related to creating a Feed Receiving transaction:

Create a Feed Receiving Transaction

Receiving Header

The Receiving Header contains the base details related to the purchase order and receiving transaction.  The header is divided into three sections to group the data.


  1. In BMTS>BIM>Transactions>Feed, select Receivings.
  2. In the Feed Receivings main index, select the button to create a new record.




The General section relates to the Purchase Order.  The Feed Mill, Vendor No and Trans Date Time are what link this screen to the Purchase order.


  1. Click on the General tab.
  1. From Feed Trans Type, select the level of the feed delivery. Available options are Entity or Farm.
  2. From Entity Trans ID, select the entity or farm that is receiving the feed. Depending on the selected Feed Trans Type, the Entity ID list will be sourced from a farm, entity, or customer.
  3. Entity Trans Name will default from Entity Trans ID and displays the name of the selected entity/farm.
  4. In the Trans Date Time field, enter the date and time that the feed is delivered.
  5. Event Date will default to the same date as the transaction date, and represents the date that the journal transaction will be posted. The date can be modified if required.
  6. From Feed Mill No, select the feed mill vendors that is supplying the feed. If the delivery is created from Feed Order Planning, the delivery feed mill will default.  Vendors that supply feed must have a feed mill created in Facilities for feed to be purchased .The Feed Mill No for Receivings will default from the PO. If there is more than one Feed Mill identified with the product in the vendor sku, the Feed Mill will need to be selected on the receiving transaction.  If there is only one feed mill associated with the product, it will default in.
  7. From Haulage Vendor No, select the haulage vendor from the PO if an external haulage vendor is hauling the feed for additional charges.
  8. Ref No is an automatically-generated unique reference number that identifies the receiving transaction.
  9. Load No will auto-generate a load number. If required, modify the load to an existing load.
  10. In the Shift No field, enter the shift number for the load.
  11. Selecting the Void flag will delete the receiving transaction.



  1. In the Gross field, enter the gross weight of the vehicle. This field can be manually read or interfaced from a scale. Gross weight is in lbs or kgs depending on the unit of measure utilized by the feed mill's division.
  2. In the Tare field, enter the tare weight of the vehicle. This field can be manually entered or interfaced from a scale. Tare weight is in lbs or kgs depending on the unit of measure utilized by the feed mill's division.
  3. Net represents the net weight of the delivery and is the difference between gross and tare. This field can be manually entered or if weights are entered, it is calculated automatically.
  4. In the Notes field, enter any additional details related to the delivery (alphanumeric, max 255 characters).
  5. Enter the number of Bags Delivered.
  6. Enter the Weight Per Bag.
  7. Route No is an optional field to enter the route number for the delivery (alphanumeric, max 20 characters).
  8. Driver No is an optional field to identify the internal driver delivering the feed. Drivers must be set up prior to use in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Drivers.
  9. From Scale Operator No, select the scale operator for the feed delivery, if applicable. Scale operators must be set up prior to use in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Plant Scale Operators.
  10. Trailer No is an optional field to identify the internal trailer that is delivering the feed. Trailers must be set up prior to use in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Vehicles.
  11. In the Bill of Lading field, enter the number from the feed delivery ticket that references the delivery.



The information in the Derived fields automatically generates from the first two grids - General and Details. The fields are read-only and cannot be modified.


  1. Trans Code displays the type of feed transaction and will default to Delivery.
  2. Feed Mill Name displays the name of the feed mill that delivered the feed.
  3. Farm Name displays the name of the farm based on the selected farm or entity for the transaction.
  4. Formula Name displays the description for the selected feed formula for the delivery.
  5. Unit Price represents the internal unit price as defined in Feed Formula Prices. The unit price will be divided by 100 and multiplied by the net amount to get the delivery price.
  6. Freight  displays the total amount for freight, if applicable.
  7. Total Price indicates the total price of the order including the price defined in Feed Formula Prices as well as any internal add-ons. For sales records, this does not represent the amount that the customer is invoiced.
  8. Energy is a calculated field that determines the energy value of the delivered formula. Energy value is defined on the Nutrients tab of the Feed Formula Version.
  9. Gross Wt Scale Ref displays the reference number for the gross weight scale reading.
  10. Gross Wt Date Time displays the date and time that the gross weight was recorded at the scale.
  11. Gross Auto Manual indicates the gross setting of Auto or Manual.
  12. Tare Wt Scale Ref displays the reference number for the tare weight scale reading.
  13. Tare Wt Date Time displays the date and time that the tare weight was recorded at the scale.
  14. Tare Auto Manual indicates the tare setting of Auto or Manual.
  15. Selecting the Scale Weight Lock flag indicates the transaction values are locked because the ticket value originates from a scale interface.
  16. Tare Wt Override No  is used to override the tare scale weight. This must be configured prior to use in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Tare Weight Override. For example, if there was a lot of snow on the truck, this would cause the vehicle to weight more, and Tare Wt Override No would be used as an offset for the snow.
  17. Feed Mill Vendor No displays the number of the feed mill that is supplying the feed.
  18. Vendor Name is derived from Feed Mill Vendor No and displays the name of the vendor that is supplying the feed.


Price Details

The price details relate to the product that is being received from the vendor. In the child grid for the line item are the details related to add-ons and assays. These amounts will default as defined from the purchase order and cannot be modified at receiving. If there is freight assigned to the product, two lines will appear in the details for each product received. The first line will be related to the product details and amount with the second line referencing the freight amounts.

  1. Click on the Details grid.
  2. Select to add a new line detail.


  1. In the Purchase Order Inventory dialog box, select the required purchase order and in the Net field, enter the required number of units.
  2. Click 'OK'. The Details tab will appear with the fields populated containing the base information relating to the products being received from the vendor.



  1. Complex Po No indicates the purchase order that is being received. Purchase orders must be in 'Posted' status.
  2. Product No identifies the product that is being received on the purchase order.
  3. Product Name defaults from product No and displays a description of the product being purchased.
  4. Product Type identifies  the type of product being received, and will default in from the purchase order.
  5. Vendor SKU Name displays the name of the vendor product.
  6. Received Units indicates the number of units being received.
  7. Unit Description is derived from the vendor sku and displays the unit of measure in which  the product was purchased from the vendor.
  8. Units Per is derived from the vendor sku and indicates the number of units in each vendor unit.
  9. Received Weight indicates the weight that is being received. This amount will default from the net weight in the header. Depending on a setup switch that determines whether the receiving transactions are recorded based on inventory units or vendor units, this field may be automatically calculated.
  1. Price indicates the total price for the product before add-ons. This defaults from the purchase order with no option to modify.
  2. Add On Total is a calculated total amount of premium add-ons that will be added to the vendor payment based on the amounts defined in the purchase order. Details are located in the child grid.
  3. Total Discounts is a calculated total amount of discount add-ons that will be deducted from the vendor payment based on the amounts defined in the purchase order. Details are located in the child grid.
  4. Total Taxes is a calculated amount based on the taxable product and/or add-ons as defined in the purchase order. Details are located in the child grid.
  5. Total Price is a calculated total amount of the receiving transaction after add-ons, discounts and taxes, based on the amounts that are defined in the purchase order.
  6. Bill of Lading is a location to enter the bill of lading reference for the receiving line.
  7. Currency No is derived from the purchase order and displays the required currency.
  8. Currency Name displays the name of the currency.
  9. Select the Prepaid Final Receiving flag if the receiving is the final receiving.


Additional Details

Within the Price Details tab, there are additional details that can be defined.


Tax codes as defined on the purchase order will default to the receiving transaction. The amount will be calculated based on the rate that is in effect on the receiving date.


  1. Click the    button on the Product No tab to display the child grid.



  1. Tax No identifies the tax code to be applied to the product and premiums/discounts for the selected line item. The Taxable flag must be selected in the product and premiums/discounts for taxes to calculate.
  2. Tax Name describes the selected tax code.

  3. Amount is the total amount of tax applicable on the product.


Premium & Discount Add-Ons

Premium and discount add-ons default from the purchase order. Amounts will be calculated based on the amount received.  The add-ons must be pre-defined in General>General>Products>AddOns prior to adding to the receiving transaction. 



  1. Product No identifies the selected add-on.
  2. Product Name displays a description of the add-on.

  3. Transaction Basis is a read-only field that defaults from the selected add-on and determines how the add-on is calculated on orders. Options are: Per Unit, Percentage, Flat Rate or Free Percentage.

  4. Payment Type is a read-only field that derives from the purchase order and determines when the add-on payment is made.

  5. Payee Type is an optional field that indicates the source type for the premium or discount add-on.

  6. Transaction Entity ID is a required field if a different Payee Type is selected. If Payee Type is set, the selected  vendor or cost center name will appear in this field.

  7. Pay Calculation Type defaults from the vendor sku and determines the base amount of the add-on calculation.

    1. Product Amount - The add-on is calculated based on only the product amount and does not include any other add-on in the calculation of the amount.

    2. Net Amount - The add-ons is calculated based on the net amount of the transaction based on the product amount including other add-on amounts, but excluding taxes.

  8. Vendor Calculation Type  determines if the payment is calculated based on the base add-on logic using Transaction basis or if the add-on amount is only deducted from the vendor payment.
      1. Normal - The add-on is calculated based on the rules established by Transaction Basis and the Payment Type defined in the vendor SKU and sales SKU.

      2. Deduction Only - The add-on is calculated based on the rules established by Transaction Basis, however the add-on is only deducted from the vendor payment.

  9. Taxable identifies if the item is taxable or non-taxable when the add-on is purchased.

  10. Currency No defaults based on the currency assigned to the purchase order as defined, with no option to modify.

  11. Currency Name displays a description of the currency type.

  12. Rate displays the total cost of the add-on.




The Houses section is used only when delivering to an entity, and is used to record the weights for each pen.


  1. Click on the Houses tab and select to add a new house line.



  1. From House No - Pen No, select the pen.
  2. In the Bin Amount 1-4 fields, enter the weight for each bin.
  3. Total defaults in and displays the total weight for each house-pen.
  4. Gross will default in with the gross weight of the vehicle, if applicable.
  5. Gross Wt Date Time displays the date and time that the gross weight was recorded at the scale.


Post a Receiving Transaction

Once the feed receiving transaction is completed and saved, the receiving needs to be posted. The posting process locks the receiving transaction to prevent edits, and creates the debit and credit journal transactions.


  1. In the Feed Receivings main index, select the required transaction and right-click to select 'Post'. Alternatively, click the green check mark in the top menu bar and select 'Post'.
  2. To un-post a feed receiving transaction, select the required transaction and right-click to select 'Unpost'.  This process will set the transaction status to 'Reversed' status, which allows the transaction to be edited.

Journal Transaction

The posting process creates the journal transaction. When the receiving transaction is posted, the journal transaction is created to debit the feed inventory and credit the accrued accounts payable.


Right-Click Options: General Information

While in the In the Feed Receivings index screen, more transactions are available by right-clicking on any line item. These options are also available on the menu.

  1. Edit allows changes to be made to the record before it is posted.
  2. Delete removes the record completely from the system. Records must be in 'Unposted' status first.
  3. Post locks the record and the record becomes-read only.
  4. Unpost unlocks the record so the record can be edited.
  5. Void Records leaves the record in the system in 'voided' status, and also voids the journal transaction so it is not included in the data. This options is used when an audit trail is needed.
  6. Transfers creates a dialog box that transfers feed internally between entities. Transfers can only be used on active entities with posted records.
  7. Return is used when the feed was returned to the vendor.
  8. Create PO Adjustment allows the adjustment of the outstanding amount on the purchase order. This applies to debit or credit adjustments.
  9. View PO Adjustments shows a summary of the adjustments that have been made to the PO for the feed that is being received.
  10. Change Entity Trans ID is used if the feed was received to the wrong entity. This can only be used on un-posted records.


Create a Return

Create a Return transaction to return Finished Feed to the vendor. Journal transactions are created during this process. Returns are used for 'Posted' records only.


  1. In the BIM Feed Receiving index, right-click on the required record and select 'Return'.

  2. In the Inventory Units Returned field, enter the number of units to be returned.
  3. Vendor Units Received will default in.
  4. Unit Description will default in.

Create a Purchase Order (PO) Adjustment

Creating PO Adjustments adjusts the amount of ingredients that can be received on a PO. This option allows user to adjust the outstanding amount on the purchase order. This is done when the ingredient has been received to the wrong PO. Create PO Adjustments are created for 'Posted' records only.


  1. In the Feed Receiving index, right-click on the line item that requires an adjustment and select 'Create PO Adjustment'.

  2. Enter the Date of the adjustment.
  3. The Debit PO will auto-populate from the original-created PO.
  4. Select the Credit PO - to be adjusted
  5. Enter the Quantity (Inv Units) amount to be adjusted by.  
  6. Available (Inv Units) is the amount of product in inventory.
  7. Earliest Date is the earliest date the adjustment can be made.
  8. Click 'OK'.