short range


The Short Range Forecast is based on actual flocks that have been placed on the BRIM Farm. Once the planned kill schedule has been calculated, the user may modify the data as required.


There are two types of projections available to BRPA.


The following components are outlined related to creating a Short Range:

Create an Initial Short Range

Before Short Range can be calculated, a base or starting point  for the short range must be created. This can be done by a manual entry or by using the import feature. These methods are only done the first time a Short Range is created.


The initial short range can be created by one of two ways:


Manual Entry

  1. In BMTS>BRPA>Projections , select Short Range.
  2. In the Short Range main index, click to create a new record.

  3. In the Profiles dialog box, select the profile from the Profile No drop-down menu and then click 'OK'.

  4. In the Short Range Projected Schedules screen, click thedrop-down menu to add a new line and select from one of the following options: `Default` or `Breeder`. Selecting Breeder will allow the user to enter each individual field. Select Default to view the Projected Entity List.



  1. From the entity list, select the row to highlight the entity or select multiple entities by holding the Ctrl key down while selecting the entities.
  2. Right-click 'and select Add/Move to move the entities  to the Projected Schedule screen.



  1. Save and close the record. The record will be moved to the Short Range main screen.

Import Short Range

  1. In the Short Range  main index, click the button  and select 'Import Processing Transactions'.


  1. In the Import Processing Transactions dialog box, from Profile No, select the required profile.
  2. Select the Begin Date and End Date and then click 'OK'.
  3. The processing records for that time period will be brought into Short Range as the starting point for future kill schedules.



Calculate the Short Range

The Short Range Projection is based solely on actual placements and will only plan processing for those placements.  The Short Range screen must have at  least one entry before the kill schedule can be calculated.


  1. In BMTS>BRPA>Projections, select Short Range.
  2. In the Short Range  main index, clickto calculate the kill schedule.



  1. From Profile No, select the profile that the processing plan will be saved to.
  2. Select the Target Profile No that will determine the targets for the projection.
  3. Select the Placement Profile No  that will be used for the calculation.    
  4. Enter the Begin Date for the projected processing plan. The Begin Date will be the first date that birds are processed.
  5. Enter the End Date for the projected processing plan. The End Date will be the last date that birds are processed.
  6. Select the Target Priority to determine the method that the birds are selected. Options are Age or Weight Head Count.
  7. Select the Farm Harvest Priority Option to determine how the farms are picked up and delivered to the processing plant. Available options are :
    1. Farm - Farms are prioritized based on average weight from highest to lowest. Houses and pens are scheduled based on the heaviest average weight from the highest to lowest.

    2. Farm-House-Pen - Farms are prioritized based on average weight from highest to lowest.  Houses and Pens are then scheduled in numerical order.

    3. None - Houses and Pens are scheduled  from highest to lowest weight (not farm specific)

  1. Select a Split Option to determine if or how placements can be split. Available options are:
    1. No Split - Placements will not be split.

    2. Split Farms - Select this option if the placement to the farm can be made in split over more than one processing date.

    3. Split Farms and Houses at all times - Farms and Houses can be  split over more than one processing date.

    4. Split Farms and Houses - Contingency - Farms and Houses will have split delivery days as needed.

  2. Enter a Number of Weight Iterations to determine the number of loops the system will make to reach the desired target for weights.
  3. Enter the Weight Iteration Precision to define the weight increment for the weights that are picked up in each processing loop.
  4. Enter a Number of Head Iterations to determine the number of loops the system will make to reach the desired target for head counts.

  5. Enter the Head  Iteration Precision to define the head increment for the head that are picked up in each processing loop.

  6. Select the Mortality Calculation Mode to determine how  mortality will projected. Available options are:

    1. Actual Plus Daily Curves - Mortality is calculated using actual data (field transactions) plus Projected Daily Mortality from the curve defined in weight performance profile to harvest day.

    2. Seasonal Monthly Percent - Mortality is calculated from weight performance profile (monthly statistics). No actual data is used.

    3. Standard Daily Curves  - Mortality is calculated using the daily mortality curve defined in the weight performance profile.

  1. Enter a Min Remaining Percent to calculate the minimum head that can be left in the house or pen when BRPA Projections is ran.
  2. Enter a Truck Capacity to define the number of birds that can be hauled on the truck. This number will be used in LHS to determine the number of crates to be used.

  3. Click 'OK' and the Short Range will be created.


View and Edit the Short Range

Adjustments can be made as needed after the short range has been created. *Note: Entities that have a Positive health status will be displayed in bold. Positive entities will be displayed with a different color bubble (one color for End of Day and another color for End of Week).


There are four components in the editing process:


  1. In the Short Range Projected Schedules main screen, click the down arrow on the button.


  1. Select the type of view for the screen. Once the "Edit By" option has been selected,  the screen will automatically open to that view. This view can be changed at any time.



The General tab contains the data that is relevant for the process of creating a kill schedule.



  1. Complex Entity No  identifies the Farm-Entity-House-Pen No's, and can be edited if required.   
  2. Farm Name displays the name of the farm.
  3. Plant No identifies the processing plant that the birds will be going to, and can be edited if required.   
  4. Date Placed  identifies the date the birds were placed at the farm.
  5. Age identifies the age of the bird when sent to the processing plant.
  6. Product No identifies the product being processed
  7. Group No indicates the group if  the product target was assigned to a user defined group, which allows the products to be grouped together for processing. For example, a group may be all products within a certain weight range. This field can be edited if required.
  8. Group Name displays the name of the group.
  9. Date Sold identifies the date the birds are targeted to be sold, and can be edited if required.   
  10. Date Sold Time displays the date and time that the entity was sold
  11. Day of Week displays the day of the week that the entity was sold.
  12. Projected Head Sold identifies the number of head going to the processing plant, and can be edited if required.   
  13. Head Placed represents the head placed for the entity.
  14. Head Inventory displays the number of head at the farm, and can be edited if required.   
  15. Projected Average Weight displays the projected average weight for the entity being processed. This field can be edited if required.
  16. Percent Weight Change will default in and indicates the percentage of any weight change.
  17. Target Weight displays the target weight per age as defined in Products>Performance Curves. This field can be edited if required.
  18. Weight Variance displays the difference between the Projected Average Weight and the Target Weight.



  1. Select the Final Pickup Flag if this is the final pickup for the entity.
  2. Select the Final Farm Pickup Flag if this is the final pickup for the farm.
  3. Select the Record Changed when records are modified after the initial projection.
  4. Select the User Override flag if true records will not be deleted when running projections.
  5. BRPA Weight Overrides will display any...
  6. Record Type identifies the type of record.
  7. Target Head Count Steps identifies the method in which the birds are selected.
  8. Pickup Counter identifies the number of pickups for the entity.
  9. Thinned Counter displays the number of times the entity has been thinned. This field can be edited if required.
  10. Processing Density indicates the desired lbs/ft2 or kgs/m2 to be processed.
  11. Next Day Processing Density indicates the desired lbs/ft2 or kgs/m2 to be processed the next day.
  12. Unit Price displays the per unit price of the birds sold.
  13. Date Feeders Off displays the date the feeders were turned off, and can be edited if required.
  14. Date Feeders Raised displays the date the feeders were raised, and can be edited if required.
  15. User Catch Date Time is an optional field that informs the optimizer component that Short Range Projected Schedules line must be caught at a certain time (Start).


  1. Catch Crew identifies the crew catching the birds is LHS is being used.
  2. Catch Date Time displays the date and time the birds are to be caught.
  3. Processing Order Sequence displays the order that the entities are processed, and can be edited if required.   
  4. Memo is a system generated note that recaps the statical and selection process for the entity.
  5. Error Reason identifies the reason for error in selecting the entity.  
  6. Notes is a field to enter further information regarding the entity selection.



The Farms tab is a view of the short range by Entity with added LOE information.  No editing is allowed on this screen except for the Processing Sequence.



  1. Processing Order Sequence displays the order in which the entities will be processed.
  2. Farm No identifies the farm being processed.

  3. Farm Name displays the name of the farm.

  4. Entity No identifies the entity being processed.

  5. Plant No identifies the Plant doing the processing.

  6. Plant Name displays the name of the plant.

  7. Date Sold identifies the final sold date of the entity.

  8. Catch Date identifies the date the entities will be caught.

  9. Projected Head Sold identifies the number of head going to the processing plant.

  10. Average Weight displays the average processing weight for the entity.

  11. Number of Trucks indicates the number of trucks used to haul the entity to the processing plant.

  12. Travel Time Minutes displays the number of minutes from the farm to the processing plant.

  13. LOE Head Sold displays the total number of birds sold from the entity.

  14. LOE Average Weight displays the total weighted average weight of the birds sold from the entity.

  1. LOE Average Age displays the average age of the birds sold from the entity.
  2. LOE Weight / Area displays the total weight from all houses on that farm (when multiple houses were used for a particular entity) divided by the total area of all the houses. This lets you know what the processing density was, based on the weights recorded during processing.  
  3. The LOE Final Farm Pickup flag will be checked for the final pickup for the entity at the farm.


The Calendar view displays the short range in a calendar format. Entities can be moved by using the drag and drop option. There are options to view the calender in daily, weekly or monthly views.




  1. By Hovering over an Item, the basic information can be viewed in a bubble.



  1. Items can also be relocated by dragging and dropping the item to a new day or time.
  2. By right-clicking on the item and selecting 'Copy',  the item  can be duplicated by using the 'Recurrence' option.





  1. In the Appointment dialog box, select 'Recurrence'.



  1. In the Recurrence Pattern selection, select how the entry is to reoccur. Available options include: Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly.
  2. In the Range of Recurrence section, enter the Start Date.

  3. Select the End Date. Available options are: No end date, End after (x amount of occurrences), or the End by date.

  4. Click 'OK' and then in the Appointment dialog box, click 'OK' again.

  5. Save and close the record.


*Note: The new records  will be the same as the record used to create the occurrences; the only difference will be the dates.


The Graph option charts the data from the BRPA Projected Schedules and Eviscerated Carcass Yield Graph Data screens to allow the user to view the projected weight for each kill, as compared to target and minimum weights. Graphs can be viewed using the Eviscerated Carcass Yield tab, Head Precision tab and Weight Precision tab. The graphs can be further defined by filtering the BRA Projected Schedules grid as needed.  

Eviscerated Carcass Yield



Head Precision


Weight Precision