entity history


The Entity History displays historical data for entities that are currently in production. There are also options within the Entity History to adjust the factors so that the entity can be projected more accurately for future production. The history can be imported regularly to increase the accuracy of the projections.  


An entity must be added in an Entities Profile before it is displayed in entity history.


The following details are outlined in this section of the document.

Create an Entity History

Inside of Entity History are several tabs that pertain to the history and  projections of each entity.


Master Data

The Master Data tab is a read only screen.  The data is derived from BIM>Entities.


The Master section contains three sub-sections:

  1. In TMTS>BPA>Planning, select Entity History.
  2. In the Entity Histories main index, click on the entity to be viewed and select the Edit button. Alternatively, double-click on the required entity.
  1. Click on the General tab.
  1. Breed No indicates the breed code for the entity.
  2. Standard No is the BIM standard that has been assigned to the entity.
  3. Progeny Breed No identifies the parent breed.
  4. Status indicates if entity is active or inactive.
  5. Generation Code represents the generation of the entity. Generation will be displayed as: GGGP, GGP, GP, Pedigree, Parent or Layer.
  6. Product No indicates the product that was assigned to the entity at placement.
  7. Entity Stage displays the entity stage. The entity stage will be: Brood, Grow or Lay.
  8. Product No Off Set is transferred from the entity master and used in HPA for planning purposes.
  1. Avg Hatch Date displays the average hatch date of the turkeys placed.
  2. Avg Date Placed displays the average placement date of the entity.
  3. Hens Placed displays the number of hens placed for the entity.
  4. Males Placed displays the number of toms placed for the entity.
  5. Date Moved In displays the date that the turkeys were moved from brood to lay.
  6. Hens Moved In displays the number of hens moved from brood to lay.
  7. Males Moved In displays the number of toms moved from brood to lay.
  8. Date Cap is the date that the entity is capitalized.
  9. Hens Cap displays the number of hens capitalized.
  10. Males Cap displays the number of toms capitalized.
  11. POL Date is the date that the entity starts to lay. This date can be manually entered/changed as needed.
  12. Date Moved Out is date that the entity is moved out from the lay farm. This date can be manually entered/changed as needed.
  13. Hens Moved Out displays the number of hens moved from the lay farm.
  14. Males Moved Out displays the number of toms moved from the lay farm.
  15. Date Sold displays the date that the entity was sold. This date can be manually entered/changed as needed.
  1. The Molt Flag will be selected if the entity has been molted.
  2. Molt Date represents the date that the entity was transferred to molt.


The Adjustment tab contains factors that update or adjust the performance factors. After adjustments are entered, the entity will need to be calculated. Calculation is done by using thebutton in the menu.

The Adjustment section contains three sub-sections:


  1. Production Pre Peak represents the adjustment for percentage production that is required prior to peak production. The factor is entered as a percentage. The screen must be calculated for the data to be adjusted.
  2. Production Post Peak represents the adjustment for percentage production that is required after peak production. The factor is entered as a percentage. The screen must be calculated for the data to be adjusted.
  3. In the Production Slope field, enter the value to adjust the production slope after peak production.
  1. Hatch Pre Peak represents the adjustment of hatchability that is required prior to peak production. The factor is entered as a percentage. The screen must be calculated for the data to be adjusted.
  2. Hatch Post Peak represents the adjustment of hatchability that is required after peak production. The factor is entered as a percentage. The screen must be calculated for the data to be adjusted.
  3. In the Hatch Slope field, enter the value to adjust the average hatchability slope after the peak production.
  4. Saleable Pre Peak represents the adjustment of saleable chick percentage that is required prior to peak production. The factor is entered as a percentage. The screen must be calculated for the data to be adjusted.
  5. Saleable Post Peak represents the adjustment of saleable chick percentage that is required after peak production. The factor is entered as a percentage. The screen must be calculated for the data to be adjusted.
  6. In the Saleable Slope field, enter the value to adjust the average saleable chick slope after the peak production.
  1. In the Re Lay Head field, enter the number of head that will be used for re-lay after the entity has been molted.


The Statistics tab is read only and displays actual and projected statistical data related to the production cycle of the entity.


The Adjustment section contains two sub-sections:


  1. Peak Production indicates the highest percentage production for the entity.
  2. Peak Production Age represents the age at which the entity attained the highest production percentage.
  3. Production Slope displays the slope of the percentage production.
  4. Peak Hatch indicates the highest percentage hatch for the entity.
  5. Peak Hatch Age represents the age at which the entity attained the highest percentage hatch for the entity.
  6. Hatch Slope displays the factor for the slope of the hatchability for the entity.
  1. Projected Peak Production indicates the projected highest percentage production for the entity.
  2. Projected Peak Production Age represents the projected age at which the entity will attain the highest production percentage.
  3. Projected Production Slope displays the projected slope of the percentage production.
  4. Projected Peak Hatch indicates the projected highest percentage production for the entity.
  5. Projected Peak Hatch Age represents the projected age at which the entity will attain the highest percentage hatch for the entity.
  6. Projected Hatch Slope displays the projected factor for the slope of the hatchability for the entity.
  7. Projected Peak Saleable indicates the projected highest percentage production for the entity.
  8. Projected Peak Saleable Age represents the projected age at which the entity will attain the highest percentage saleable poults for the entity.
  9. Projected Saleable Slope displays the projected factor for the slope of the saleable poults  for the entity.

Entity History Details

The Weekly Detail section displays the historical entity data from placement to end of lay. Data must be imported using the import options. The import will update the projected data with actual data from BIM.  After the new data has been imported then the flock must be calculated using the button. Calculating after each import will re-project the entity using the latest data statistics.  Projected data lines will be highlighted orange as a quick reference, displaying  that the lines are projected.  The data includes statistical and cost information.


The Details section contains the following components:

Females and Males Depletion


Feed and Bird Weights


Eggs and Chicks


Egg Categories


Historical Fields for all Tabs:

Avg Female Feed Consumption

Male Feed Price

Projected Male Wt/Bird

Avg Male Feed Consumption

Male Feed Type No

Projected Broilers

Broiler Price

Male Inventory

Projected Hatch Eggs

Chick Price

Male Mortality

Projected Saleable Chicks

Egg Weight HE/TE/CE/DY

Male Salvage Price

Projected Total Chicks

Feed/Hen Week

Male Total Weight

Production Days

Feed/Male Week

Male Weight/Bird

Percent Produced HE/TE/CE/DY

Female Cull

Projected Avg Female Feed Consumption

Previous Projected % Prod HE/Hatch

Female Depletion

Projected Avg Male Feed Consumption

Produced HE/TE/CE/DY

Female Depletion ACM

Projected Female Consumption

Proj % Prod HE

Female Feed Price

Projected Female Cull

Proj % Saleable

Female Feed Type No

Projected Female Depletion

Standard % Prod HE

Female Inventory

Projected Female Depletion ACM

Standard % Saleable

Female Mortality

Projected Female Mortality

Standard % Hatch

Female Salvage Price

Projected Female Total Wt

Variance Proj % Hatch

Female Total Weight

Projected Female Wt/Bird

Variance Proj % Prod HE

Female Weight/Bird

Projected Male Consumption

Variance Proj % Saleable

Hatch Egg Price

Projected Male Cull

Total Chicks

Inventory HE/TE/CE/DY

Projected Male Depletion

Total Hatching Eggs

Male Cull

Projected Male Depletion ACM

Total Saleable

Male Depletion

Projected Male Mortality

% Hatch

Male Depletion ACM

Projected Male Total Wt

% Prod HE



% Saleable



There are several charts available within the Entity History that provide a visual picture of  the data. Chart data can be added or removed by right clicking on the chart and selecting the Hide/Show series option.

Flk Depl Pre Cap

Displays Actual, Projected and Standards related to Hen and Tom depletion before the entity has been capitalized.


Flk Delp Post Cap

Displays Actual, Projected and Standards related to Hen and Tom depletion after the entity has been capitalized.



Flk Perf Post Cap

Displays Actual, Projected and Standards related to Hatching Eggs, Percent of Eggs Hatched, and Saleable Poults after the entity has been capitalized.


Wgt & Feed Pre Cap

Displays Actual, Projected and Standards related to Hen/Tom weights and Feed consumed for Hens and Toms before the entity has been capitalized.



Wgt & Feed Post Cap

Displays Actual, Projected and Standards related to Hen/Tom weights and Feed consumed for Hens and Toms after the entity has been capitalized.



Displays costs related to the value of the Hatch Egg, Broiler Poult, Saleable Poults, Hen and Tom Feed Cost, and Hen and Tom Salvage Cost.




There are two options available in the Menu:


In the Entity History Index screen, options are available for importing BIM Data. Importing updates the Entity History with the most recent BIM Data. In order to get accurate projections, imports should be done on a regular basis.  


  1. Click on the button to view the import options.



  1. Import Weekly Data will import only the weekly transaction data pertaining to the entity. This option should be used if adjustments have been made to he flock.
  2. Import Master Data will import only the header information pertaining to the entity. This option should be used if BIM Master Data has changed.
  3. Import All Data will import all data, weekly transactions and header data. This option should be used for a new entity; the first import.
  4. Auto Refresh when checked will automatically update the index screen. If it is ,unchecked the refresh will have to be done manually by clicking on thebutton.


* Note: While in the Index screen, the entities that will be imported must be highlighted prior to importing. Entities can be imported individually or all at the same time. To select all entities, use the Ctrl + A keys to highlight all the entities and then select  the import option needed. To import an individual entity just click on the entity to be imported and select  the import option needed.



 After the new data has been imported  the entities must be calculated using thebutton. Calculating after each import will re-project the entity using the latest data.  Projected data lines will be highlighted orange as a quick reference displaying  that the lines are projected.  The data includes statistical and cost information.

Molt Procedures

The details related to creating and transferring molt entities are outlined in Transfers. The following steps outline the process of molt entities in the BPA.


If the entity is molted and imported from the BIM:

  1. The source entity will be moved to the destination molt entity using the 'molt movement' option.
  2. The Molt flag is checked on the destination molt entity, therefore that flag will also be selected in the BPA Entity History.
  3. The entity will use the corresponding standard for the entity breed code that is selected as a molt standard. The Molt flag is selected in BPA>Master Data>Standard Versions.
  4. The date that the molt entity will start to produce should be entered in the POL Date which aligns the standard to the correct age.  Note that this requires Registry> Growout> BIM\LIM Growout> Point of Lay> Standard Age Basis must be set to 'Point of Lay'.


If the molt entity is planned in the BPA:

  1. The planned molt entity is entered in BPA> Planning> Movements with the entity number being set to the new molted entity number.
  2. Select the Molt flag to indicate that the entity is a molt entity.
  3. The entity will use the corresponding standard for the entity breed code that is selected as a molt standard. The Molt flag is selected in BPA>Master Data>Standard Versions.
  4. Enter the POL Date in BPA> Planning> Movements to align the entity to the correct age in the standard. Note that this requires Registry> Growout> BIM\LIM Growout> Point of Lay> Standard Age Basis must be set to 'Point of Lay'.

Re-Mate Procedures

A re-mate entity is one where the males are removed from the source entity and replaced with males of a new breed. This will require a new progeny product for the entity.


If the entity is re-mated and imported from BIM:

  1.  An entity is considered re-mated if the Re-Mate flag is selected in BIM>Master Data>Entities for the destination entity. The source entity will be transferred in the BIM to the destination re-mated entity.  

  2. The best option is to transfer the entity without history so that the past entities production data is not available in the new entity and therefore not imported to the BPA.

  3. If required, update the re-mate entity in BIM>Master Data>Entities using the Add/Change Entities option with the new breed code and standard.

  4. In Entity History, the Sold Date of the source entity should be set to the re-mate date so stop the source entity from continuing to produce planned egg production.

  5. The destination re-mate entity is added to the BPA Entity History and then the data is imported.

  6. The re-mate entity will project until the target sell age or the sale date if it is entered in Entity History.


If the re-mate entity is planned in BPA:

  1. The re-mate entity is entered in BPA>Planning>Movements with the new re-mate entity number.

  2. Enter the Date Moved In on the movement record to establish the date that the re-mated entity will begin to lay production hatching eggs.