poult receivings


Poult Receiving is used when poults are purchased using a purchase order.  The receiving document is a generalized document throughout the system used for all receivings in the different modules. The Purchase Order must be created and posted before a poult receiving can be completed. The receiving farm/cost center will be designated during the purchase order creation.


The following procedures are outlined in the Chick Receiving document:


Create a Poult Receiving


The General tab contains the base data to outline the poult receiving. The tab is comprised of four sections, including grids and details, to group the data. Most of the information, with the exception of the fields in the General tab, is derived from the associated purchase order.


  1. In TMTS>BIM>Transactions, select Poult Receivings.
  2. In the Poult Receivings main index, click to create a new poult receiving transaction.



The General tab contains the details related to the receiving.

  1. Click on the General tab.
  1. From the Complex Entity No drop-down menu, select the farm where the product will be received.
  2. From Hatchery No, select the hatchery where the poults are purchased from.
  3. In the Hatch Date field, enter the date that the poults were hatched.
  4. Event Date will default to the same date as the transaction date, and can be modified if required.
  5. In the Trans Date Time field, enter the date the product will be received. This date will be used for all inventory and accounting transactions.
  6. In the Ship Date field, enter the date that the poults were shipped.
  7. From Trans Code, select the type of transaction. Available options are:

    1. External - The poults are purchased from a vendor.

    2. Internal - The poults are purchased from an internal source at cost.

    3. Inventory Change - Only head counts are updated.

  8. Ref No is an automatically-generated unique reference number that identifies the poult receiving transaction.
  9. Load No is an optional field to enter a load number for the receiving.
  10. From Haulage Vendor No, select the vendor that is transporting the product.
  11. In the Hens Placed field, enter the number of hens in the receiving.
  12. In the Toms Placed field, enter the number of toms in the receiving.
  13. Selecting the Void flag will cancel the poult receiving.


General Details

The General Details tab contains optional fields to enter additional information related to the receiving.


  1. Driver No is an optional field to identify the driver that delivered the product. Drivers must be set up prior in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Drivers.
  2. Vehicle No is an optional field to identify the vehicle used to deliver the product. Vehicles must be set up prior in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Vehicles.
  3. The Miles field is used if the distances are defined from the farm to the hatchery, in Farms. If distances are defined, the mileage from the hatchery to the farm will be calculated.
  4. Lot No is an optional field to enter the lot number for the transaction, if lot tracking is used.
  5. Bill of Lading is an optional field to enter a reference number on the shipping document that identifies the transaction.
  6. Select the Held Over flag if poults are held over at the hatchery.
  7. Select the Pulled Forward flag if poults are hatched a day early.
  8. Select the Early Production flag if the placement is sourced from early production entities.
  9. In the Notes field, enter any additional information related to the receiving.


The fields in the Derived tab default in from information entered in the first two tabs - General and General Details. The fields cannot be modified.


  1. Farm Name displays the name of the farm where the pouls will be received.
  2. Hatchery Name displays the name of the hatchery where the poults are purchased from.
  3. Haulage Vendor Name displays the name of the vendor transporting the product.
  4. Total Cost displays the total cost for the product.
  5. Driver Name displays the name of the driver delivering the product, if entered.
  6. Vehicle Name displays the name of the vehicle used to deliver the product, if entered.
  7. Vendor No displays the number of the vendor transporting the product.
  8. Vendor Name displays the name of the vendor transporting the product.
  9. Purchase Trans Code displays the type of purchase transaction.



The Houses section contains the details relating to the product being received. Most of the details will default in with no option to modify.

  1. Click on the Houses tab and select to create a new line detail.
  2. The Purchase Order Inventory dialog box will appear.



  1. Select the required purchase order from the list, and from the Complex Entity No drop-down menu, select the farm and house where the poults will be received.
  2. Enter the number of Poults to be received, and then click 'OK'.
  3. The details in the Houses section will default in.



  1. Complex Entity No indicates the farm and house where the product is being received.
  2. Sex indicates the sex of the product being received.
  3. Complex PO No indicates the purchase order that is being received. Purchase orders must be in 'Posted' status. Purchase orders will be filtered based on the cost center and vendor selected in the header.
  4. Product No displays the unique pre-defined number of the product that is being received.
  5. Product Name displays a description of the product being received.
  6. Vendor SKU No displays the vendor sku of the product being received.
  7. Vendor SKU Name displays the name of the product vendor sku.
  8. Units Received indicates the number of units that are being received.
  9. Free Percentage indicates the percentage of free birds received, and will be defined on the Vendor SKU.
  10. Unit Description displays the unit of measure in which the product was purchased from the vendor.
  11. Units Per indicates the number of units in each vendor unit.
  12. Head Placed represents the net number of head being placed including free poults and less placement mortality. This figure must be balanced to the house details.
  13. Price is a calculated field. Price = Vendor Units x Unit Price.
  14. Total Add Ons Price is a calculated total amount of the premium add-ons that will be added to the vendor payment based on the amounts defined in the purchase order. Details are located in the child grid.
  15. Total Discount Price is a calculated total amount of discount add-ons that will be deducted from the vendor payment based on the amounts defined in the purchase order. Details are located in the child grid.
  16. Total Tax Price displays the total calculated amount of taxes for the receiving line, if applicable.
  17. Total Price is the calculated total amount of the receiving transaction based on the amounts that are defined in the purchase order.



  1. Head Free will display the quantity of free poults if there is a free percentage add-on on the product.
  2. Plant No assigns the processing plant to the receiving transaction. The number defaults from the farm but can be changed if the entity will be processed at a different plant.
  3. Placement Mortality represents the poult mortality at placement. This field defaults in from the farm, but can be changed if the entity will be sent to a different plant.
  4. Total Quantity is a calculated field. Total Quantity = Head Placed + Head Free - Placement Mortality. This amount will be the beginning inventory for the entity.
  5. If FDSA is being used, from Feed Program No, select the feed program to assign for feed planning.
  6. Currency No defaults based on the currency assigned to the purchase order as defined, with no option to modify.
  7. Currency Name displays a description of the currency type.

  8. Select the Prepaid Final Receiving flag if the order was prepaid and this is the last delivery or receiving for the prepaid purchase order.


Additional Details

Within the Houses tab, there is a child grid with additional details relating to the receiving add-ons. The details will default from the purchase order.


Premium and Discount Add-Ons

The add-ons must be pre-defined in General>Products>AddOns prior to adding to the receiving transaction. 


  1. Click on the Complex Entity No field to display the child grid.



  1. Product No identifies the selected add-on.
  2. Product Name displays a description of the add-on.

  3. Transaction Basis is a read-only field that defaults from the selected add-on and determines how the add-on is calculated on orders. Options are: Per Unit, Percentage, Flat Rate or Free Percentage.

  4. Payment Type is a read-only field that derives from the purchase order and determines when the add-on payment is made.

  5. Payee Type is an optional field that indicates the source type for the premium or discount add-on.

  6. Transaction Entity ID is a required field if a different Payee Type is selected. If Payee Type is set, the selected  vendor or cost center name will appear in this field.

  7. Pay Calculation Type defaults from the vendor sku and determines the base amount of the add-on calculation.

    1. Product Amount - the add-on is calculated based on only the product amount and does not include any other add-on in the calculation of the amount.

    2. Net Amount - the add-ons is calculated based on the net amount of the transaction based on the product amount including other add-on amounts, but excluding taxes.

  8. Vendor Calculation Type  determines if the payment is calculated based on the base add-on logic using Transaction basis or if the add-on amount is only deducted from the vendor payment.
      1. Normal - the add-on is calculated based on the rules established by Transaction Basis and the Payment Type defined in the vendor SKU and sales SKU.

      2. Deduction Only - the add-on is calculated based on the rules established by Transaction Basis, however the add-on is only deducted from the vendor payment.

  9. Taxable identifies if the item is taxable or non-taxable when the add-on is purchased. The flag will be selected if the item is taxable.

  10. Currency No defaults based on the currency assigned to the purchase order as defined, with no option to modify.

  11. Currency Name displays a description of the currency type.

  12. Rate displays the total cost of the add-on.



If the product and/or premiums/discounts are taxable, the tax code must be assigned on the Taxes tab. The tax amount will then be calculated based on the taxable order amounts.



  1. Protein Tax Codes identifies the tax code to be applied to the product and premiums/discounts for the selected line item. The 'Taxable' flag must be selected in the product and premiums/discounts for taxes to calculate.

  2. Tax Name describes the selected tax code.

  3. Amount is the total amount of tax applicable on the product.


Parent Details

The Parent Details tab contains optional fields that define the external sources for the placement. This data will transfer to the entity for future reference. The parent details must be balanced to the Total Quantity on the house detail line, and the external sources must be defined prior to receiving the poults. The majority of the time, this information is not known when purchasing poults, but it can be requested if required.

  1. Click on the Parent Details tab and select to add a new detail line.



  1. From Parent Entity, select the source entity for the poults placed.
  2. Production Date represents the production date of the eggs set for hatch. The date will default to the number of incubation days prior to hatch, with the option to modify.

  3. Override Parent Age is an optional field to enter a number that will override the age of the entity.

  4. In the Head Placed field, enter the number of head placed for the source entity.

  5. In the Poult Weight field, enter the average poult weight of the poults placed. Weight can be entered in lbs or grams.

  6. In the Uniformity field, enter the weight uniformity of the poults.

  7. Age displays the age of the source entity on the production date of the eggs set.

  8. Breed No displays the breed of the source entity.

  9. % displays the percentage of poults from each Parent Entity. For example, if 100 females were purchased, and 50 of the females came from Parent Entity X,  the % would be 50%.



Delivery Details

The Delivery Details tab contains optional fields to enter details relating to the delivery of the poults. Many of the fields, such as temperature and humidity recordings, will help identify the problem if a mortality occurs on the delivery. The tab is comprised of two sections.


Delivery Details

  1. In the Arrival Time field, enter the time that the delivery truck will arrive.
  2. In the Departure field, enter the time that the delivery truck will depart.
  3. Begin Unloading Time indicates the time that the product will begin unloading.
  4. Ending Unloading Time indicates the time that the unloading will end.
  5. Boxes Delivered indicates the amount of boxes unloaded at the destination.
  6. Boxes Returned indicates the amount of boxes returned to the hatchery farm when poults are shipped to the customer in plastic boxes. This number will generally be the same as the 'Boxes Delivered' number.
  7. Begin Odometer Reading indicates the odometer reading when the truck
  8. Ending Odometer Reading indicates the odometer reading when the truck
  9. Enter the Vehicle Plate ID.
  10. The Min Vehicle Temperature/Max Vehicle Temperature fields indicate the minimum and maximum temperatures allowed inside the vehicle.
  11. The Min Programmed Temperature/Max Programmed Temperature fields refer to the programmed minimum and maximum programmed temperatures inside the vehicle.
  12. The Min Outside Temperature/Max Outside Temperature fields indicate the minimum and maximum outdoor temperatures allowed.
  13. The Min Vehicle Speed/Max Vehicle Speed fields indicate the minimum and maximum speeds of the delivery vehicle.
  14. Avg Vehicle Speed refers to the average speed of the delivery vehicle.
  15. The Min Humidity %/Max Humidity % fields indicate the minimum and maximum humidity levels allowed inside the vehicle.
  16. The Min Programmed Humidity %/Max Programmed Humidity % fields indicate the minimum and maximum programmed humidity levels allowed inside the vehicle.
  17. Min Poult Temperature/Max Poult Temperature indicate the allowed minimum and maximum temperatures of the poults being received.


Flock Statistics

  1. Uniformity represents the weight uniformity of the poults
  2. Size Code is used to enter the applicable size code of the poults being received. There is no validation on the data entered in this field.
  3. Poult Weight indicates the average weight of the poults received. Weight can be entered in lbs or grams.



The Instructions tab is used to add additional instructions related to the poult receiving.

  1. Click on the Instructions tab and select to create a new instruction line.



  1. From Instruction No, select the required instruction.
  2. Instruction Name defaults from Instruction No and displays a description of the instruction.


Post a Poult Receiving

Once the poult receiving transaction has been created and saved, the receiving needs to be posted. The posting process locks the poult receiving transaction to prevent edits, populates the entities' fields with data, and creates the journal transaction to record the liability. The UnPost option unlocks the receiving and reverses the journal transactions. *Note: A Poult Receiving transaction cannot be posted or un-posted if the entity has a corresponding Posted Movement transaction.


  1. In the Poult Receivings main index, select the required transaction and right-click to select 'Post'. Alternatively, click the green check mark  in the top menu bar and select 'Post Record(s).'
  1. To un-post a receiving transaction, select the required transaction and right-click to select 'UnPost'.  This process will set the transaction status to 'Reversed' status, which allows the transaction to be edited.


Journal Transaction

The posting process creates the journal transaction. When the receiving transaction is posted, the journal transaction is created to debit the delivery to the farm or entity and credit the accrued payable transaction. When the purchase invoice is posted, the journal transaction will debit the accrued payable transaction and credit the accounts payable.