

Projection Profiles establish the rules for the HPA supply and demand projection. Multiple profiles can be created to analyze various scenarios.


The following items must first be created before a profile can be created:

Create an HPA Profile

The creation of an HPA profile is divided into the following sections:


  1. In TMTS>HPA>Profiles, select Profiles.
  2. In the HPA Projection Profiles main index, click the button to add a hatchery capacity.



The General section contains the basic information regarding the profile.


  1. Enter the Profile No, which is the user-defined code to identify the projection profile.

  2. In the Profile Name field, enter a description, which will be used to identify the profile.

  3. In the Start Egg Inventory Date field, enter the date of the egg inventory that will be used to start the projection. This date will also be the start date of the projection.
    I: if the start egg inventory date is not entered, the logic will use the calculated date as the starting point of beginning HIM egg room inventory.

  4. In the Ending Plan Date field, enter the date that the projection will stop.

  5. Calculated Start Egg Inventory Date is system generated and represents the most recent set date of all the hatcheries in the profile.

  6. Select the Import Farm Inventory flag if the farm egg inventory is to be imported to the HPA projection. If the option is not selected, then only hatchery egg inventory will be used.

  7. Last Calculated Date indicates the last date that the projection was generated.

  8. Select the Order Status Filter Type to determine the orders that will be used for the demand in the HPA projection. Available options are: All, Confirmed Only or Tentative Only.

  9. Select the Hatchery Utilization Mode. Available options are:

  1. Select the Hen Ratio Mode. Available options are:



The Hatchery tab assigns the hatcheries to the profile and establishes the hatchery priority for the profile.


  1. Click on the Hatchery section and click to add a new hatchery..

  1. From the Hatchery No drop-down menu, select the hatchery that is to be used in the profile.
  2. Hatchery Name will default based on the Hatchery No selected.

  3. Enter the Priority or order in which hatcheries are to be utilized.

  4. Select the Import Egg Purchase Orders flag if purchased eggs are to be utilized as part of supply.

  5. Select the Import Poult Purchase Orders flag if purchased poults are to utilized as part of supply.

  6. Select the Use Hatchery Full Capacity flag to force the hatchery to be utilized at full capacity. If the option is not selected, then the egg set volumes will be determined based on the demand.

  7. Select the Transfer Eggs Full Capacity flag to force the system to continue to transfer eggs until all of the hatchery capacities have been met or egg supply is exhausted.

  8. In the Minimum Transfer Eggs field, enter the minimum number of eggs that are required to be transferred.


The Demand section utilizes the sales order as well as the TPA and BPA Placement Profiles in order to calculate the total amount of demand needed.

TPA Profiles

  1. Click on the Profiles section and click to add a new profile.

  1. Select the Profile No from the drop down list.  Profiles must be set up previously in TPA as a TPA Profile.
  2. Profile Name will default based on the profile selected.

  3. Enter the Priority in which the profiles are to be used.

  4. Select the Source Info from the drop-down menu. Available options are Movements or Targets.

  5. In the Weeks Before Targets field, enter the number of weeks of movements that should be used before switching the focus to targets.


BPA Placement Profiles

  1. Click on the BPA Placement Profiles section and click to add a new placement profile.

  1. Select the Profile No from the drop-down menu. Profiles must be set up in BPA as a BPA Placement Profile.

  2. Click on the child grid in the Profile No to select the Generation that will be used in the profile. Click the Selected flag for the generation to be used.

  3. Profile Name will default based on the profile selected.

  4. Enter the Priority in which the profiles are to be used.



The Supply tab identifies the BPA profiles and the priority that will be used to source the supply for the projection.


  1. Click on the Supply section and click to add a new supply.

  1. Select the BPA Projection Profile No from the drop-down menu. Profiles must be set up in BPA as a BPA Profile.
  2. Profile Name will default based on the profile selected.

  3. Enter the Priority in which the profiles are to be used.



The Product tab specifies the products to be used in the profile.


  1. Product No will default when products are created in the Animal or Egg Products.
  2. Product Name will default when products are created in the Animal or Egg Products.
  3. Product Type will default when products are created in the Animal or Egg Products.
  4. Check the Selected box if the product is to be used in the profile.



The Categories tab further defines the  projection  into user defined categories based upon bird age and weight.


  1. Click on the Categories section and click to add a new category.

  1. Enter a Category Name to define the category.

  2. In the Min Flock Age field, enter the minimum age of the flock to be used in the category.

  3. In the Max Flock Age field, enter the maximum age of the flock to be used in the category.

  4. In the Min Weight field, enter the enter the minimum weight of the flock to be used in the category.

  5. In the Max Weight field, enter the enter the maximum weight of the flock to be used in the category.

  6. Enter the Priority in which the categories are to be used.

  7. Save and close the profile.