breed targets


Breed targets are established by breed. The targets will be the basis to determine required placements to meet the established targets. The Breed Codes must first be created.


The following sections are outlined in the creation of a Breed Target:


Create a Breed Target

Breed Targets Index

There are five sections in the Breed Targets Index:


  1. In TMTS>BPA>Master Data, select Breed Targets.
  2. In the Breed Targets main index, click the button.  The Breed Targets screen will appear.




The General section of Breed Targets defines the breed for projections.

  1. Click on the General tab.
  2. In the Version No box, enter  the version of the breed target that will be used in projections. Alphanumeric, max 20 characters.
  3. Select the Breed No from existing breed codes, to define the breed that will be used in the projection.
  4. Breed Name is populated when Breed No is selected.
  5. Select the Generation Code, which is used to define the breed being placed.

  6. Enter the percent Broiler Livability to calculate the number of broilers expected from hatch egg production.
  7. Enter the Point of Lay Age to identify the first week of egg production.

  8. Enter the Sale Age, which is used to define the target sell age of the lay entity. There are also options to define the target selling age in the entity or the placement schedule. This value will default if not entered in other options.      

  9. Min Females Placed Per Year is an optional field to define the minimum number of hens that are placed for the breed and generation. This restricts the system from placing less hens than entered.

  10. Min Males Places Per Year is an optional field to define the minimum number of toms that are placed for the breed and generation. This restricts the system from placing less toms than entered.

  11. Max Females Placed Per Year is an optional field to define the maximum number of hens that are placed for the breed and generation. This restricts the system from placing more hens than entered.

  12. Max Males Placed Per Year is an optional field to define the maximum number of toms that are placed for the breed and generation. This restricts the system from placing more toms than entered.

  13. In the Poult Weeks field, enter the number of weeks between egg production and poult production. For chicken, the value is usually three (3) weeks, unless a company keeps a week of eggs in inventory and wants to offset chicks by four (4) weeks. Similarly, for turkeys, the value is usually entered as four (4) weeks unless egg inventory is maintained for a week.

  14. In the Broiler Weeks field, enter the number of weeks between poult production and processing.

  15. Suite ID auto populates and identifies the suite being used.

  16. Farm Type auto populates and identifies the farm type being used.


The Brood section defines the brood cycle of the entity.


  1. In the Virtual House Female Head Capacity – Brood field, enter the default head capacity for hens, if using  virtual farms.
  2. In the Virtual House Male Head Capacity – Brood field, enter the default head capacity for toms, if using  virtual farms.
  3. In the Brood Transfer Age field, enter the default age, in weeks, that the entity is transferred from brood to lay or, in a multi-stage operation, the default age that the entity is transferred from brood to grow/lay.
  4. In the Brood Female % Livability field, enter the number of hens that are expected to be transferred from brood to lay or brood to grow.
  5. In the Brood Male % Livability field, enter the number of toms that are expected to be transferred from brood to lay or brood to grow.
  6. In the Brood Out Time field, enter the number of weeks between brood placements generally used for cleanout.
  7. In the Brood Male Ratio field, enter the percentage of toms placed as compared to females.


The Grow section is only required for completion if the operation is multi-stage, and is generally only used for turkeys.

  1. In the Virtual House Female Head Capacity – Grow field, enter the default capacity for females when virtual farms are created.
  2. In the Virtual House Male Head Capacity – Grow field, enter the default capacity for males when virtual farms are created.
  3. In the Grow Transfer Age field, enter the default age that the entity is transferred from grow to lay.
  4. The Grow % Livability field represents the number of birds that are expected to be transferred from grow to lay.
  5. Grow Out Time represents the number of weeks between grow placements generally used for cleanout.
  6. Grow Male Ratio represents the percentage of males placed as compared to females.


The Lay section defines the lay cycle of the entity.


  1. In the Virtual House Female Head Capacity – Lay field, enter the default capacity for hens when virtual farms are created.
  2. In the Virtual House Male Head Capacity – Lay field, enter the default capacity for toms when virtual farms are created.
  3. Lay % Livability is the default percentage of turkeys that will be available for processing at the end of the lay cycle, or the quantity that will be available to transfer to molt.
  4. Lay Out Time represents the number of weeks between lay placements generally used for cleanout.
  5. Lay Male Ratio represents the percentage of toms placed as compared to hens.


The molt section defines the timing if the company plans for molts.


  1. In the Molt Period field, enter the number of weeks between the molt date and the re-lay date.
  2. In the Molt Age field, enter the age that the entity begins the molt.

Breed Targets

The Breed Targets section is comprised of three tabs:


Targets defines, by weekending, the categories to be projected.



Target Dates can be entered one date at a time or by using the range function. Set the focus on the Breed Targets section and click thebutton to create the first  line. The Target Date will populate with the current date. The date can be changed as needed. *Note: Before the range function can be used, a single line (week) must first be created.


  1. In the Target Date field, enter the start date of the week for the target.
  2. Enter the number of targeted Poults for each week. This field is optional if planning is for Eggs.
  3. Saleable Poults indicates the number of saleable poults required for each target date.  This field is optional if planning is for Eggs
  4. Enter the number of Eggs that are targeted production for each week. This field is optional is planning is for Poults.
  5. Enter the number of Broilers required for processing for each target date. This field is optional if not planning for Broilers.
  6. In the Female Feed Consumed field, enter the projected hen feed consumption in either lbs or kgs.
  7. In the Male Feed Consumed field, enter the projected tom feed consumption in either lbs or kgs.
  8. Enter the projected Female Weight sold to the processing plant. The weight can be entered in lbs or kgs.
  9. Enter the projected Male Weight sold to the processing plant. The weight can be entered in lbs or kgs.
  10. In the Female Inventory field, enter the projected hen bird inventory level.
  11. In the Male Inventory field, enter the projected tom bird inventory level.


To create a range, click the button.  The Date Range window will appear.



  1. Enter the Begin Date and End Date of the projected time period.  Click 'OK' and the Breed Targets will be created for the that  time period, duplicating the information from the week prior to the begin date.

Seasonal Density

The Seasonal Density tab allows the user to define the density by month in the event that there are different requirements based on seasonal temperatures. Placement is entered in turkeys/ft2 or turkeys/m2.



The Depletion tab projects for depopulation of flocks at the end of life. Data is entered in weeks and percentages.


To enter the weeks and percent depopulation, set the focus in the Depletion tab and click thebutton.




  1. Enter the Week. '1' will be the week prior to final depopulation, '2' will be two week prior to depopulation, etc
  2. Enter the Percent Depletion, which  defines the percentage of reduction from the total population.


*Note: Two weeks prior to the depopulation date, 50% of the entity will be sold. One week prior to final depopulation, another 25% will be sold, leaving 25% of the flock being sold on the final depopulation date.