field transactions


Field Transactions are used to record statistical data for entities. This document will outline how to create a nursery field transaction, but the creation process is the same for all types of field transaction. There are three types of field transactions in the GIM module:


The following procedures are outlined in the Field Transaction document:

Create a Field Transaction

  1. In SMTS>GIM>Transactions>Field, select the type of field transaction to be created: Nursery, Finisher, or Wean To Finish..
  2. In the Field Transactions main index, click to create a new nursery/finisher/wean to finish field transaction.  
  1. Trans Date indicates the date the transaction is record. This date will be used for all inventory and accounting transactions.
  2. Event Date indicates the date the transaction was created. The current date will automatically default in, but can be modified if required. This date does not affect inventory or accounting.
  3. From the Complex Group No drop-down menu, select the group to where the transactional data is being entered.
  4. Farm Name will default in from Complex Group No and displays the name of the farm.
  5. Age is an automatically generated field that indicates the age,in days, of the entity.
  6. Ref No is an automatically generated unique number that  identifies the transaction.

  7. Mortality indicates the total mortality rate for both sexes combined. The mortality number can be entered by category and totalled in this field, or manually entered without categories, depending on the setup switch.

  8. Enter the average Weight of the hogs.

  9. The Entity History flag indicates if the transaction was created to record entity history when the entity was transferred in or out. Select the flag if the history is being transferred to the new entity from the old entity.

  10. The Comments field is used to enter any additional information about the transaction.

  11. Manager Comments is used for the manager to enter any comments.

  12. Feed Type No is an optional field to identify feed type if 'Feed Consumed' or 'Feed Inventory' are entered.
  13. Feed Type Name will default in from Feed Type No and displays a description of the feed type.
  14. Formula No is an optional field to identify the feed formula if 'Feed Consumed' or 'Feed Inventory' are entered.
  15. Formula Name will default in from Formula No and displays a description of the formula.

  16. In the Feed Consumed field, enter the feed consumption for the period if it is manually tracked. Feed consumed is entered in lbs or kgs. There is an optional switch in setup that will allow the feed consumption to be accrued from field transactions. The period end process will reverse the accrual and record the actual amount.

  17. The Lagoon Levels field...

  18. The Water Levels field...

  19. The Rain Water Levels field...

  20. Select the Handheld flag if data is recorded using handheld device.

  21. Selecting the Void flag will exclude the transaction from the entity's statistic.

Feed Inventories

The Feed Inventories section can be found in the child grid   and is optionally used to enter the weights. The data entered here will transfer to the field transaction details.


  1. Feed Type No will default in with the type of feed identified.
  2. Feed Type Name displays a description of the feed type.
  3. From Formula No, select the type of formula.
  4. Formula Name will default in.
  5. Feed Inventory...
  6. In the Bin Feed Amount fields, enter the total amount of feed in each bin.
  7. Time indicates the time the...
  8. Inventory Delivery Status indicates


Post a Field Transaction

Once the transaction has been created and saved, it needs to be posted. The posting process locks the record and records the statistics to the entity. The UnPost option unlocks the record and reverses the entity statistics.


  1. In the Field Transaction index, select the required transaction and right-click to select 'Post'. Alternatively, click the green check mark  in the top menu bar and select 'Post Record(s).'
  2. To un-post a field transaction, select the required transaction and right-click to select 'UnPost'.  This process will set the transaction status to 'Reversed' status, which allows the transaction to be edited.