Chicks Hatched


Chicks Hatched is used once the eggs have hatched, to record the number of baby chicks hatched from eggs that were set. Dates will guide this flow. Based on the registry set-up, the chicks hatched transaction can be manually created or system created. The registry switches are located in the Hatcheries tab in: Admin>System>Registry>Poultry Registry. Under Hatcheries>Him, select 'Hatch' and change the Hatch Transfer Mode for the required hatchery to 'Manual'. Then select 'Setter Transfer' and change the Setter Transfer Mode for the required hatchery, to 'Manual'.


Before creating a Chicks Hatched transaction, the following must be created:


The following procedures are outlined in the Chicks Hatched document:


Create a Chicks Hatched Transaction

Line Details

  1. In LMTS>HIM>Transactions>Chicks, select Chicks Hatched.
  2. In the Chicks Hatched main index, click to add a new hatched transaction.
  3. In the New Record dialog box, from Hatchery No, select the required hatchery.
  4. In the Trans Date field, enter the date that the eggs hatched and then click 'OK'.
  5. If the registry switches are set to Manual, the lines will need to be added manually. In the Chicks Hatched  screen, click to add a new hatch line. This automatically defaults to a Machine Inventory transaction. Available options in the drop-down menu are:
      1. Select from Machine Inventory - the transaction is created by selecting from the setter machine inventory.
      2. Non-Inventory Hatch - the entity is created first, then a Chicks Hatched transaction is created manually, allowing the user to key the data.
      3. Manual with Chick Inventory - the transaction is validated against inventory.
      4. Select from Machine Inventory (by Set Date) - the transaction is created by selecting from the setter machine inventory based on hatch data or trans date.

  6. The Egg Room Inventory box will display all current inventory for the selected hatchery.



  1. In the Egg Hatcher Inventory dialog box, select the required hatcher product, and in the Adj Eggs Set, enter the number of eggs still in the machines after adjustments (Example: rejects, destroyed,  etc.) Click 'OK'.
  2. The details in the Chicks Hatched details screen will default in.


  1. Record Type indicates the type of record being created and will default to 'Setter Transfer'. If the Non-Inventory Hatch transaction type is selected, 'Non-Inventory' will be displayed in this field.
  2. Complex Entity No indicates the entity number for the eggs that were hatched.
  3. Farm Name will default in from Complex Entity No and displays the name of the farm that produced the eggs.
  4. Breed No is a derived field based on the selected entity, and is used to identify the breed of the chicks.
  5. Breed Name displays a description of the breed type.
  6. Progeny Breed No identifies the parent breed of the chicks.
  7. Progeny Breed Name displays a description of the parent breed.
  8. Tracking No indicates the tracking number that the eggs were received on.
  9. Egg Product No indicates the egg product that was received and is being hatched.
  10. Egg Product Name displays the name of the egg product.
  11. Hatcher No identifies the hatcher that the eggs were transferred to.
  12. Hatcher Name displays the name of the hatcher.
  13. Buggy No identifies the buggy used, if the eggs were loaded directly onto a buggy.
  14. Buggy Name displays the name of the buggy used, if applicable.
  15. Setter No identifies the setter on which the selected eggs were placed.
  16. Setter Name displays the name of the setter used.
  17. Transfer Date displays the date that the eggs were transferred from the setter to the hatcher.
  18. Production Date indicates the date that the eggs were produced, to determine egg age.
  19. Received Date displays the date the eggs were received at the hatchery.


  1. Adjusted Eggs Set displays the number of eggs still in the machines after adjustments (such as rejects, destroyed, etc.).
  2. Eggs Set displays the number of eggs that were set for hatch.
  3. Hatchable Eggs Set displays the number of eggs set that were hatchable.

  4. Total Chicks Hatched is used when the switch is selected in the registry. If enabled, logic will take the total number of chicks hatched and subtract all other categories to then calculate the total number of Sexor Culls. The registry switch is located in: Admin>System>Registry>Poultry Registry. Under Him, select 'Hatch' and select the 'Chicks Hatched Total Chicks Mode' box.

  5. x Time is an optional field to enter the time the chicks hatched.
  6. Egg Age is a derived field based on the received date less the production date.
  7. Flock Age is a derived field based on the selected entity and the production date.

  8. WOL displays the number of weeks in lay that the entity produced eggs.

  9. Base Hatch indicates the estimated hatch at the time the eggs were received. If the entity had a standard table associated with the entity, the base hatch will be established from the standard table based on the age of the entity at receipt.

  10. Projected Hatch adjusts the based hatch percent on the egg age if an egg age decline table is used as well as recent hatch transactions.
  11. Projected Chicks is a calculated field for the estimated number of chicks, based on the eggs being received multiplied by the projected hatch.
  12. In the Female Weight field, enter the weight per chick, or a single average weight of all the female chicks.
  13. In the Male Weight field, enter the weight per chick, or a single average weight of all the male chicks.
  14. In the Straight Run Weight field, enter the weight per chick, or a single average weight of all the straight run chicks.
  15. Hatchability % is a calculated field that displays the hatchability for the hatch transaction for the entity.
  16. Salability % is a calculated field that displays the percentage of saleable chicks for the entity.

  17. Cull % is a calculated field that displays the percentage of cull chicks for the entity.

  18. Selecting the Void flag will cancel the transaction and exclude the transaction from the entity data.

  19. The Consignment flag will be selected if the eggs were purchased using a Consignment Purchase Order and received for custom hatch.


  1. In Graded SR  field, enter the number of straight run, un-sexed chicks. *Note: The Graded SR field is for use with GP and higher and represents unneeded saleable product that is by product for accounting purposes.
  2. In the Saleable Males field, enter the number of male chicks that are saleable.
  3. In the Cull Males field, enter the number of males from the hatch that were culled.
  4. In the Saleable Females field, enter the number of female chicks that are saleable.
  5. In the Sexor Culls field, enter the number of birds that were culled at the sexing stage.
  6. In the Saleable SR field, enter the number of straight run, un-sexed chicks. *Note: Saleable SR should only be  used with Parents as it is a broiler product; not any higher generations.  
  7. If the chicks are a primarily female line, in the By Product Males field, enter the number of off-sex males.
  8. If the chicks are a primarily male line, in the By Product Females field, enter the number of off-sex females.
  9. In the Cull Females field, enter the number of females from the hatch that were culled.


Chicks Hatched Graph

The graph section displays the percentages for chick hatchability, saleability, and culls, according to numbers entered in the Details section.


Post a Chicks Hatched Transaction

Once the chicks hatched transaction is saved and closed, the transaction can be posted. The posting process locks the transaction to prevent edits, posts the statistical data back to the entity, and creates a chick inventory

  1. In the Chicks Hatched main index, select the required transaction, rick-click and select 'Post.' Alternatively, click the green check mark in the top menu bar and select 'Post Record(s).'
  2. To un-post a chicks hatched transaction, select the required transaction and right-click to select 'UnPost'.  This process will set the transaction status to 'Reversed' status, which allows the transaction to be edited.