BRIM Feed Consumption Log


The BRIM Feed Consumption Log is generated from the BRIM Feed Consumption task by right-clicking on the task and selecting Feed Consumption Log. The purpose of the log is to provide the details of the feed consumption cost for the period. The details will be displayed for the current fiscal period. Any of the following fields can be added or removed from the displayed view as required.


There are a few switches that determine how the data is displayed in the log. These options must all be defined before the feed consumption task is generated and the data entered with the required details.


The BRIM Feed Consumption Log will display the feed consumption for the total feed costs including ingredients, manufacturing, delivery, medication and loading. If it is required to view the details for each of the cost elements, the user can double-click on the record and the detailed screen by cost element will be displayed.


  1. Record Type - indicates the type of feed consumption transaction. Field will be displayed as one of the following:
    1. Feed Consumed - transactions for the entity had both feed units and feed value to calculation feed consumption as expected.
    2. Units Clearance - consumption task had units recorded to the entity with no value, therefore units are cleared from the system.
    3. Value Clearance - consumption task noted amounts recorded to the entity with no quantity, therefore the value will be cleared from the system. This value will be included on the journal transaction.
  2. Begin Date - first date of the fiscal period that the log is generated.
  3. End Date - last date of the fiscal period that the log is generated.
  4. Month - represents fiscal month as defined in the Fiscal Calendar.
  5. Fiscal Year - displays the fiscal year based on the defined Fiscal Calendar.
  6. Company No/ Company Name - displays the company for the farm.
  7. Division No/Division Name - displays the division that the farm is assigned to.
  8. Growout No/Growout Name - displays the growout area that is assigned to the farm.
  9. Cost Center No/Cost Center Name - represents the cost center assigned to the farm.
  10. Farm No/Farm Name - indicates the farm for the feed consumption.
  11. Complex Entity No - represents the entity that consumed the feed.
  12. Entity Stage - indicates the stage of the entity when the feed was consumed.
  13. Feed Type No/Feed Type Name - represents the feed type of the feed consumed. The feed type  will only be displayed if the Registry>Poultry>Broilers>General>Feed Inventory Mode is set to 'Inventory by Feed Type' or 'Inventory by Formula'.
  14. Formula No/Formula Name - represents the feed formula that was consumed. The formula will only be displayed if the Registry>Poultry>Broilers>General>Feed Inventory Mode is set to 'Inventory by Formula'.
  15. Date - represents the date that the feed consumption was calculated. For example, if a entity is transferred on 1/15/2014, then the feed consumption will be calculated until that date.
  16. Beginning Inventory - the beginning inventory quantity for the entity based on the ending inventory quantity from the previous period. This is calculated by the feed consumption task with the exception of the first period in MTech where the values are manually entered.
  17. Beginning Inventory - the beginning inventory value for the entity based on the ending inventory value from the previous period. This is calculated by the feed consumption task with the exception of the first period in MTech where the values are manually entered.
  18. Feed Delivered - quantity of feed that was delivered or purchased to the entity in the period. This quantity will be net of any returns, haulbacks or transfers.
  19. Feed Delivered Value - value of feed that was delivered or purchased to the entity in the period. This value will be net of any returns, haulbacks or transfers. The value is based on the actual cost of the feed delivered in the period.
  20. Available Inventory - calculated field that includes Beginning Inventory + Feed Delivered.
  21. Available Inventory Value - calculated field that includes Beginning Inventory Value + Feed Delivered Value. The value is based on the actual cost of the feed delivered in the period and the calculated value of the beginning inventory.
  22. Physical Inventory Units - indicates the quantity of feed inventory that was used to calculate the consumption. This quantity includes period end feed inventory units as well as any units entered for capitalization and transfer transactions. The calculation will take the available inventory less any inventory quantities to calculate the consumption.
  23. Physical Inventory Value - indicates the value of feed inventory that was used to calculate the consumption. This value includes period end feed inventory units as well as any units entered for capitalization and transfer transactions. The inventory is valued based on the option selected in Registry>Growout>Global where the valuation options are determined by 'Last Delivery Price' or 'Average Cost' which is the average of all costs in the period. The Average Cost mode also takes into consideration the Registry>Poultry>Broilers>General>Feed Inventory Mode to determine if the average cost is calculated by feed type, feed formula or all feed delivered.
  24. Period End Inventory Units - indicates the quantity of feed that is in inventory at the end of the fiscal period.
  25. Period End  Inventory Value - indicates the value of feed in inventory at the end of the period. The inventory is valued based on the option selected in Registry>Growout>Global where the valuation options are determined by 'Last Delivery Price' or 'Average Cost' which is the average of all costs in the period. The Average Cost mode also takes into consideration the Registry>Poultry>Broilers>General>Feed Inventory Mode to determine if the average cost is calculated by feed type, feed formula or all feed delivered.
  26. Total Consumed Units - quantity of units that have been calculated to be consumed in the period.
  27. Total Consumed Units = Available Units - Physical Inventory Units

  28. Total Consumed Value - value that hasd been calculated to be consumed in the period.
  29. Total Consumed Units = Available Value - Physical Inventory Value

  30. Unit Price - represents the per unit value of the feed consumed.
  31. Unadjusted Units - represents the units that were not recorded to the journal in the period. This may occur when an entity has been delivered feed but has not yet been placed.
  32. Unadjusted Value - represents the value that was not recorded to the journal in the period. This may occur when an entity has been delivered feed but has not yet been placed.