Steps to Project and Deliver Feed

The following are the steps required to project and deliver feed.

Projection Calculation

  1. In FMTS>FDSA>Projections, select required module for projection (BIM, BRIM, GIM, SIM, TIM)

  2. In Options, set the following:

    1. Projection Date - Select the current date or the date required for the projection.

    2. Projection Mode - select the required option based on how the data is to be projected

  3. Filter the index as required

  4. Select the required records to be projected

  5. Either right-click and select Calculate or select from the tool bar

  6. The status bar along the bottom right of the screen will indicate when the process is done.  

Viewing Projections

  1. Projections can be viewed directly from the projection screen if reviewing details by entity by selecting the entity and right-clicking to select 'Edit'.

  2. If the 'Auto-Calculate' option is turned on, the projection will re-calculate before the screen is opened. This option should be turned off if the projection is not to be calculated with every edit by selecting Options>Auto Calculation and select 'Off'.

  3. View projection details for the entity.

Building Loads

  1. In FMTS>FDSA>Planning>Feed Order Planning, select Options>Projections.

  2. On the Select Projections screen, edit the filter to list the required projections.

  3. All projected feed deliveries based on the applied filter will be listed.

  4. Right-click on the required feed delivery or feed deliveries and select one of the following options:

    1. Create Orders/Loads with Amounts - creates orders and loads based on the projection with the user having the option to modify the amounts to be delivered. All orders will be updated with the amount entered in the prompt. This process does not consider truck capacity when creating the orders.

    2. Create Single Orders/Loads with Amounts - creates a single order and load based on the projection with the user having the option to modify the amount to be delivered. This process does not consider truck capacity when creating the orders.

    3. Build Loads - the build loads uses truck capacities to automatically create the orders and assign a load number to each order. The user will select all of the projections and then use the Build Loads option to create the orders and assign the orders to a load.

  5. Once the orders and loads have been built,  refresh the Feed Order Planning screen to view all of the orders.

  6. Within the Feed Order Planning screen, the user can move the loads as required, assign vehicles and drivers to deliver the load.

Create Deliveries

Deliveries are created directly from the Feed Order Planning index or the Feed Order Planning screen.


  1. In the Feed Order Planning Screen index or edit screen, select the required feed order rick-click and select `Delivery` to create the delivery transaction to the entity.

  2. Weights can be entered directly from the scales or manually entered as required.

  3. Enter any other data that may need to be captured on the Feed Delivery edit screen.

  4. Once complete, post the record to lock for edit. This process will also create the sales orders and order shipments for external and intercompany sales as well as the intercompany purchase order and receiving for the destination farm.