facility transfers


Warehouse facility transfers are used when moving inventory from a warehouse to a facility, farm or entity. When a product is purchased into warehouse inventory, it stays there until it is required to be used. Transferring the product out to any facility, farm or entity will credit the warehouse inventory and debit the inventory on the receiving facility, farm or entity. The process will create a transfer out transaction that must be transferred in to the destination facility. There is a registry switch in Product Type that allows the receiving transaction to be automatically created rather than manually having to create the receiving transaction.


The following procedures are outlined in the Facility Transfer document:

Create a Facility Transfer

The first stage in the process is to create the transfer out from the source to the destination facility.

Facility Transfer Header

The first step in the facility transfer process is to create the transfer-out facility transfer. The transfer header in this transfer record contains the base data to outline the facility transfer. The header is divided into three sections to group the data. The information in the Amounts tab is optional, and the fields in the Derived tab default in.


  1. In General>Warehouses, select Facility Transfers.
  2. In the Warehouse Facility Transfers main index, click to create a new facility transfer transaction.
  3. Click on the General tab.



  1. In the Transfer Date Time field, enter the date and time the product will transfer out - leave the warehouse.
  2. From Source Transaction Entity No, select the warehouse number from where the product will be transferred from.
  3. From Dest. Warehouse Type, select the type of warehouse that will be receiving the product. Available options are: Entity, Farm, Feed Mill, Hatchery, or Warehouse.
  4. From Dest. Farm Type, select the type of farm that will be receiving the product, if applicable. This option is only needed when the Dest. Warehouse Type is set to 'Farm' or 'Entity'. Available options are: BIM, BRIM, GIM, LIM, SIM, or TIM.
  5. From Dest. Transaction Entity No, select the facility, farm or entity that will be receiving the product. The options will be filtered based on the Dest Warehouse Type and/or Dest Farm Type.
  6. Ref No is an automatically generated unique reference number used to identify the transfer-out transaction.
  7. From Haulage Vendor No, enter or select the haulage vendor. This field is optional and is only used if an external vendor is used to transfer the product between facilities. A Freight-Only Purchase Order must first be created.
  8. Complex PO No is only used if  an external vendor is used to transfer the product between facilities. Purchase orders must be in 'Posted' status for the freight PO to be selected.
  9. If a haulage vendor is selected, click on the Select Haulage PO flag. From the Freight Only PO dialog box, select the required purchase order and then click 'OK'.
  10. If applicable, from Driver No, enter or select the driver who will be delivering the product. The driver must be assigned as a transfer driver and be set up prior in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Drivers.
  11. If applicable, from Vehicle No, enter or select the vehicle that will be used to deliver the product. Vehicles must be set up prior in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Vehicles.
  12. If applicable, from Trailer No, enter or select the trailer that will be used to deliver the product. Trailors must be set up prior in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Vehicles.
  13. External Vehicle is an optional field to identify an external vehicle that will deliver the product. This is a text field with no validation.
  14. External Driver is an optional field to identify an external driver that will deliver the product. This is a text field with no validation.
  15. In the Comments field, enter any additional information related to the transfer-out transaction.
  16. Selecting the Void flag will cancel the transfer transaction.

The fields in the Amounts tab are optional and only populated if the weigh scale is used in the facility transfer transaction.


  1. Gross Zero/Gross Zero Weight Button is used if a zero weight is required.
  2. Gross Zero Weight Date Time indicates the date and time that the gross zero weight was recorded.

  3. Gross Zero Weight Scale Ref is a reference number generated from the scale for the gross zero weight.

  4. Gross Button is the total weight of the vehicle and the product. The button is used if there are scales integrated to the receiving process.  This field can be manually entered or interfaced from a scale.

  5. Tare Zero/Tare Zero Weight Button is used if a tare zero weight is required.

  6. Tare Zero Weight Date Time displays the date and time that the tare zero weight was recorded at the scale.

  7. Tare Zero Weight Scale Ref is a reference number generated from the scale for the tare zero weight.

  8. Tare/Tare Button is the tare weight of the vehicle. This field can be manually entered or interfaced from a scale.

  9. Net is the difference between gross and tare. This field can be manually entered or, if weights are entered, it is calculated automatically.

  10. Scale No is an optional field to enter the scale on which the truck was weighed. Select the scale from the drop-down menu, if desired. Scales are defined in: Admin>Business>General>Definitions>Weight Scales.

  11. Gross Weight Date Time displays the date and time that the gross weight was recorded at the scale.

  12. Gross Weight Scale Ref displays the reference number for the gross weight scale reading.

  13. Tare Weight Date Time displays the date and time that the tare weight was recorded at the scale.

  14. Tare Weight Scale Ref displays the reference number for the tare weight scale reading.

  15. Gross Auto Manual determines if the gross scale readings are Auto or Manual.

  16. Tare Auto Manual determines if the tare scale readings are Auto or Manual.


The fields in the Derived tab are automatically generated and cannot be modified.


  1. Trans Code displays the type of transfer. This will automatically default to 'Transfer Out'.
  2. Source Warehouse Type displays the type of warehouse from where the product will be transferred.
  3. Source Farm Type displays the type of farm from where the product will be transferred.
  4. Source Transaction Entity Name will display the name of the warehouse from where the product will be shipped.
  5. Dest. Species Type displays the type of species assigned to the cost center which is derived from the division.
  6. Dest. Transaction Entity Name displays the name of the facility that will be receiving the product.
  7. Haulage Vendor Name displays the name of the haulage vendor, if applicable.
  8. Driver Name displays the name of the driver who will be delivering the product, if applicable.
  9. Vehicle Name displays the vehicle that will be used to deliver the product, if applicable.
  10. Trailer Name displays the trailer that will be used to deliver the product, if applicable.
  11. Scale Name displays the scale on which the truck was weighed.
  12. Status is automatically set in the process when the vehicle is weighed. Options are: No Weight, In  Process, and Complete.
  13. Distance is calculated if there is a freight charge by distance. This option is not available for warehouse facility transfers.
  14. Freight Pay Basis indicates if the freight is paid based on received weight or shipped weight, and is derived on the freight product assigned to the purchase order, if applicable.
  15. Freight Type determines how the freight is calculated. Options are: by Load, Calculated, or Per Unit.
  16. Price displays the total product amount. Price = Units Transferred x Unit Price.

  17. Add On Price displays the total price of the internal add-ons as defined in Internal Pricing.

  18. Freight Units indicates the freight units that are charged. For example, if the freight is charged by load, the value would be 1 load.

  19. Freight Unit Price displays the amount of freight per unit.

  20. Freight Price displays the base price of the freight and indicates the total freight charges before add-ons and taxes.

  21. Freight Premium Add Ons displays the amount of premium freight add-ons on the transaction.

  22. Freight Discount Add Ons displays the amount of discount freight add-ons on the transaction.

  23. Freight Tax Price displays the price of tax on the freight.

  24. Freight Total Price displays the total price of the freight including add-ons and taxes.

  25. Total Price displays the total price of the transaction including add-ons and freight.

Facility Transfer Details

After completing the header of the transfer, the Details tab also must be completed in the creation process. The Details section has several tabs.

  1. Click on the Details tab and select to create a new line detail.
  2. The Transfer Out Destination screen will display all current products available for transfer as of the transaction date entered in the General tab.



  1. Select the product to be transferred out and enter the number of units to be transferred in the Units Entered field.
  2. Click 'OK'. This will automatically create the transfer-out line detail. Any internal add-ons as defined in Internal Prices will also appear in the child grid.


  1. Product No displays the unique pre-defined number of the product that is being transferred.
  2. Product Name defaults from Product No and displays a description of the product.
  3. Lot No is a unique identification number for the product, and is generally used for medications and vaccinations.
  4. Location No indicates the location where the product is stored.
  5. The Current Cost flag is selected if the product is charged at Current Price. In Internal Prices, there is an option to set the price, and selecting Current Cost will mean the price is set by the current cost based on the inventory valuation mode of Average Cost or FIFO. Alternatively, a defined internal price can also be used. If an internal price is used, the difference between the inventory cost of the product and the internal price will be recorded to a variance account in the source warehouse.
  6. Quantity displays the amount of units required to be transferred.
  7. Unit Value is the cost of the product per unit, and is based on cost if the Current Cost flag is selected. Cost will be valued based on FIFO or Average Cost. If an internal price is defined, the value will be charged based on the internal price. The value removed from inventory will be based on FIFO or Average Cost with the difference going to a gain on transfer account in warehouse overhead.
  8. Price is a calculated field representing the product amount prior to add-ons and taxes. Price = Quantity x Unit Value.
  9. Add On Price is the total price of the add-ons.
  10. Freight Price is the total price of the freight.
  11. Total Price displays the total price of the transaction including add-ons.
Additional Details

Within the Details tab, there is a child grid with additional details relating to the transfer add-ons. Any add-ons must be previously defined in Internal Prices.


The add-ons must be pre-defined in General>Products>AddOns prior to adding to the transfer transaction. 



  1. Click  on the Product No tab to display the child grid.
  2. Add On Type displays the type of add-on. Options are: Premium or Discount.
  3. Product No displays the code for the type of add-on product
  4. Product Name defaults from Product No and displays a description of the add-on.
  5. Transaction Basis is a read-only field that defaults from the selected add-on and determines how the add-on is calculated. Options are: Per Unit, Percentage, Flat Rate, or Free Percentage.
  6. Payee Type is an optional field that indicates the source type for the add-on.
  7. Transaction Entity ID is a required field if a different Payee Type is selected, and is defined on internal prices.

  8. Rate is the per unit add-on price as initially defined on the product internal add-ons tab and then further defined on internal prices.

  9. Price is the total price of the add-on.

Freight Premium/Discount Add-Ons

The add-ons in this screen will default based on the values defined in the Freight Only Purchase order that was assigned to the transfer. These fields will not be populated if there is not an external haulage vendor associated with the transaction.



  1. Product No displays the type of freight add-on product
  2. Product Name defaults from Product No and displays a description of the add-on.
  3. Transaction Basis is a read-only field that defaults from the selected add-on and determines how the add-on is calculated. Options are: Per Unit, Percentage, Flat Rate, or Free Percentage.
  4. Payee Type is an optional field that indicates the source type for the add-on.
  5. Transaction Entity ID is a required field if a different Payee Type is selected. If Payee Type is set, the selected  vendor or cost center name will appear in this field.

  6. Pay Calculation Type defaults from the vendor sku and determines the base amount of the add-on calculation.

    1. Product Amount - the add-on is calculated based on only the product amount and does not include any other add-on in the calculation of the amount.

    2. Net Amount - the add-ons is calculated based on the net amount of the transaction based on the product amount including other add-on amounts, but excluding taxes.

  7. Vendor Calculation Type  determines if the payment is calculated based on the base add-on logic using Transaction basis or if the add-on amount is only deducted from the vendor payment.
      1. Normal - the add-on is calculated based on the rules established by Transaction Basis and the Payment Type defined in the vendor SKU and sales SKU.

      2. Deduction Only - the add-on is calculated based on the rules established by Transaction Basis, however the add-on is only deducted from the vendor payment.

  1. Taxable identifies if the item is taxable or non-taxable when the add-on is purchased.

  2. Currency No defaults based on the currency assigned to the freight-only purchase order, with no option to modify. Currency Name defaults from Currency No and displays a description of the currency type.

  3. Amount displays the total cost of the add-on.

Freight Taxes

If the product or add-ons are taxable, the tax code must be assigned on the Taxes tab. The tax amount will then be calculated based on the taxable order amounts.

  1. Tax No identifies the tax code to be applied to the product and premiums/discounts for the selected line item. The Taxable flag must be selected in the product and premiums/discounts for taxes to calculate.

  2. Tax Name describes the selected tax code.

  3. Amount is the total amount of tax applicable on the product.

  4. Click to save the transfer transaction, and then close the transaction.

Create a Transfer-In Facility Transfer

After the Transfer-Out Facility Transfer has been created, the Transfer-In Facility Transfer needs to be completed. There is an option in Registry> Product Type> Facility Receiving Transfer Mode which will automatically create the Transfer In transaction if selected.


  1. Select the required transfer-out transaction, right-click, and select 'Receive'. Alternatively,  if the Switch is set to ‘Automatic’, it is not necessary to right-click, as the transfer-in transaction will be automatically created. Selecting 'Receive' is only required if automatic switch is not selected in set-up.

  2. This process will create the transfer-out facility (Receiving transaction). All details in the header and details will derive from the transfer-in transaction.

  3. Save the transaction.



Post a Facility Transfer

Once the facility transfer has been created and saved, the transfer needs to be posted. The posting process locks the transaction to prevent edits, and creates the journal transaction to record the liability. The UnPost option unlocks the transactions and reverses the journal transactions.


  1. In the Warehouse Facility Transfer index, select the required transfer-out facility transfer and right-click to select 'Post'.
  2. To un-post a transaction, select the required product and right-click to select 'UnPost' or select Options>UnPost. This process will set the transaction status to Reversed which allows the transaction to be edited. The unposting process will also reverse the journal transaction created in the post process.

Journal Transaction

The posting process creates the journal transaction. Depending on the type of transaction, the journals will be different.

Transfer from Warehouse to Farm/Facility

 The journal process will credit the warehouse inventory and debit the destination product inventory for the farm or facility.


Transfer to Farm/Facility

DEBIT Destination Product Inventory
CREDIT Warehouse Inventory


Transfer from Warehouse to Entity

The posting process will create two journals. The first journal will credit the warehouse inventory and debit the destination product inventory for the farm. The second journal will credit the farm product inventory and debit the entity inventory for the usage. It is important to note that the period end Field Product Allocation task is required to allocate the usage expense to the proper stage.


Transfer to Entity


Warehouse Inventory


Farm Product Inventory


Farm Product Inventory


Entity Usage