freight invoice

Freight Purchase Invoices are used to process freight transactions, and are only used for transport vendors and freight costs that have been posted on a product receiving transaction. Multiple receiving transactions can be processed on one invoice. This document outlines the steps to create a freight purchase invoice.


The following options are outlined in the Freight Purchase Invoice:

Create a Freight Purchase Invoice

  1. In General>Purchases>Invoices, select the drop-down menu on the button and select Freight Invoice.

  1. In the New PO Invoices box, enter the details related to the vendor's freight invoice and select 'OK' to create the invoice.



Freight Invoice Header

The purchase invoice header contains the base data for the invoice, such as vendor, invoice number and invoice date. The purchase invoice header is divided into three sections within the header grid.


  1. The freight invoice header details will default based on the details entered in the invoice prompt.
  2. The Invoice Type will be set to Freight Only.


Invoice Line Details

The Details grid contains two tabs:

  1. To add the purchase invoice lines, click on the Details grid and select .
  2. In the PO Invoice Freight Only selection dialog, select the purchase order that is to be prepaid and select 'OK' to add the purchase invoice lines. Multiple lines can be selected if the vendor invoice has more than one shipment on the invoice.


  4. The purchase invoice lines will default to the Details grid based on the freight details that are recorded in the receiving transaction. Freight details can be modified if the price mode is set to 'Invoice'.



  1. PO Line Item is assigned by default and indicates the purchase order for the selected invoice line.

  2. Entity No is an optional field to identify the entity that received the order.

  3. Record Type indicates the location type.

  4. Vendor SKU No represents the freight vendor sku that was received.

  5. Vendor SKU Name will automatically default from the selected Vendor SKU No, and displays a description of the selected product.
  6. Invoice Quantity  will not be populated for freight invoices as the quantity is recorded to the product that was transported.
  7. Invoice Price is not populated for freight invoices.
  8. Invoice Amount indicates the value of the freight amount. Depending on the Price Mode this field may or may not be modified.
  9. Invoice Premiums represents the total amount of premium add-ons defined on the purchase order and calculated based on the receiving transaction. Add-on details can be viewed and defined on the Premium Add-Ons tab of the child grid.
  10. Invoice Discounts indicates the total amount of discounts defined on the purchase order and calculated based on the receiving transaction..

  11. Invoice Taxes indicates the total amount of applicable taxes as defined on the purchase order and calculated based on the receiving transaction based on the rate that is in effect on the received date.

  12. Invoice Bonus is not applicable to freight invoices.

  13. Invoice Penalty is not applicable to freight invoices.

  14. Invoice Total Amount indicates the total amount payable to the vendor for the freight invoice line.

  15. Received Quantity is not applicable to freight invoices.

  16. Received Unit Price is not applicable to freight invoices.

  17. Received Amount is the freight amount calculated on the receiving transaction based on the received quantity and the purchase order price. This may be different than the Invoice Amount if the user modified based on the Price Mode.

  18. Received Premiums Total is the total amount of premiums as calculated on the receiving transaction based on the received quantity and the purchase order details.  


  1. Received Discount Total is the total amount of discounts as calculated on the receiving transaction based on the received quantity and the purchase order details.

  2. Received Bonus is not applicable to freight invoices.

  3. Received Penalty is not applicable to freight invoices.

  4. Received Total is the calculated total amount of the receiving transaction including product, add-ons, penalty/bonus and taxes.

  5. Received Tax Total indicates the total amount of applicable taxes as defined on the purchase order and calculated based on the receiving transaction based on the rate that is in effect on the received date.

  6. Price Variance indicates the difference between the Total Invoice Amount and the Total Received Amount. If the Price Variance is equal to 0, the invoice is automatically Approved. Otherwise, there is a threshold switch in setup to determine if the variance is within the acceptable tolerance. If the tolerance factor is set to 0%, all variances must be manually approved. This tolerance is established in Registry>Product Types>PO Invoice Percent Approval Threshold.

  7. Currency Effective Date is used for multi-currency transactions. The field will define the date for the rate that is applicable to the purchase invoice.

  8. Currency Exchange Rate automatically sets to the current exchange rate based on the rate that is in effect on the invoice date. If the rate is different than the exchange rate incurred at receiving, the difference in the converted amount payable will be coded to the foreign exchange gain/loss account.

  9. In the Comments field, enter any additional comments related to the purchase invoice line.
  10. The Approved flag will be selected if the transaction was approved.
  11. Tax Override should be selected in order to correct the taxes if they were improperly defined on the invoice lines.
  12. Approved User ID indicates the name of the user that approved the transaction.
  13. Approved Date represents the date that the transaction was approved.

Taxes tab displays the calculated tax amounts for the freight invoice. Taxes must be added to the purchase invoice if the taxable flag is marked on the vendor sku or any of the attached premium or discount add-ons.  



  1. Tax No identifies the tax code that is applied to the product and add-ons for the selected line item. The Taxable flag must be selected in the product and add-ons for taxes to calculate.

  2. Tax Name describes the selected tax code.

  3. Amount will display the calculated amount of the tax based on the tax calculated on the receiving transaction. If the amount is required to be modified, the Tax Override option must be selected on the invoice line and the tax amounts modified in the Taxes tab located in the child grid.

Additional Purchase Invoice Details

Within the PO Line Item tab, there is a child grid with additional tabs that can be created. The details in the child grid will default from the vendor sku with the option to modify. Click  to display the child grid for the PO Line Item.



The add-ons default from the receiving transaction based on the received quantity and the add-on details defined on the purchase order. Depending on the Price Mode, the amounts may or may not be modified. It is important to note the different type of add-ons and those that will transfer to the invoice based on the Payment Type. The following guidelines are the same regardless of whether the add-on is a premium or discount.


Payment Type

Receiving Transaction

Purchase Invoice



Yes, if Payee Type = not set










  1. If the add-on is defined as Payment Type=Transaction and the Payee Type=Not Set, the add-on Product No will default to the invoice line from the receiving transaction. Depending on the Price Mode, the amount may or may not be modified.
  2. Product Name is a read-only field that displays the description of the add-on product type.
  3. Transaction Basis is a read-only field that defaults from the receiving transaction as defined on the purchase order.

  4. Payment Type determines when the add-on payment is made. The Payment Type on the invoice will only be Transaction as the other modes do not transfer to the purchase invoice.

  5. The Payee Type will always be 'Not Set' as those are the only transaction types that default to the purchase invoice.

  6. Transaction Entity ID will always be blank as those are the only transaction types that default to the purchase invoice.

  7. Taxable is a read-only field defined on the vendor sku that identifies if the item is taxable or non-taxable when the item is purchased. Tax codes are assigned to the purchase order for the taxes to be calculated.
  8. The Rate will default as defined on the purchase order  and calculated on the receiving transaction. Depending on the Price Mode, the rate may or may not be modified.

Tax amounts will default from the receiving transaction based on the rate that is in effect at receiving. If the tax codes are missed on the purchase order or the tax amount is incorrect, there is a tax override option to adjust the amounts. The Tax Override flag must be selected for the taxes to be modified.

  1. Tax No identifies the tax code to be applied to the product and add-ons for the selected line item. The Taxable flag must be selected in the product and add-ons for taxes to calculate.

  2. Tax Name describes the selected tax code.

  3. Amount will display the total amount of taxes on the product. If the Amount needs to be modified, select the Tax Override flag and enter the required amount.


The Receiving screen displays the receiving transactions entered for the purchase invoice. The view is read-only for information purposes only.



  1. Click to save the freight purchase invoice and close the transaction.

Post the Freight Invoice

Once the Freight Purchase Invoice has been created and saved, the invoice needs to be posted. The posting process locks the purchase invoice to prevent edits, and creates the journal transaction to record the liability. The UnPost option unlocks the invoice and reverses the journal transaction.


In order for the invoice to be posted, it needs to be in Approved status. The invoice will automatically default to Approved status if the invoice amount matches the received amount exactly or within the defined tolerances.


  1. If the invoice is not in Approved status, select the purchase invoice and right-click to select 'Mark Approved'.
  2. In the Purchase Invoice index, select the required purchase invoice and right-click to select 'Post' or click the button in the main menu.

Journal Transaction

The posting process creates the journal transaction. The journal will reverse the accounts payable accrual that was incurred when the product was received and record the payable amount to the vendor.


DEBIT Accounts Payable Accrual
CREDIT Accounts Payable