Product Profiles are created to define the based parameters for FDSA projections. A profile must be created for each animal product that requires feed delivery projections.
Prior to creating FDSA Products, Animal Products must be created. See: General>General>Products>Animal>Animal Products.
In FMTS>FDSA>Master Data, select Products.
Click the button to add a new product.
Min Withdrawal Time is based on the withdrawal mode and is used to define the number of days of lbs/kgs that are required for withdrawal.
Min Age Debit Delivery Consumption is used to enter the age in days to determine when debit transactions are recognized and available for feed consumption. This field is used when the feed is left on the farm for the next flock, as the feed must be transferred to the flock using Feed Deliveries>Transfers. If this happens to be the case, the FDSA will ignore the debit transactions created from the feed transfer until the flock reaches the age specified in this field.
Click to save the product.