
The Plants tab contains the configuration for plants, BRPA and LHS.

  1. In Admin>System>Registry, click Poultry Registry.
  2. Select the Plants tab and then click the Pmts Plant child grid to open it up.



BRPA Plant

The BRPA Plant section contains all registry settings related to BRPA to create processing schedules.


  1. Actual Weight Days is the number of days prior to harvest to look for BRIM field weight transactions or to process the receiving transaction

  1. If the Allow Mix Flock Placements flag is selected, the program will create products with mixed flocks when necessary.
  2. BRPA Mode is used to select the model for BRPA Planning schedules. Available options are: FIFO (First-In First-Out), First Pickup Thin with Lock, Thinning or Thinning with Lock.
  3. Catch Time is the start time used to update the catch date time when a new record is created.
  4. Feed Consumption Mode is used to project weight using feed consumption by farm or house up to the last inventory date. Weight is projected based on previous week feed conversion and the total feed consumed for the entity. If Feed Consumption is not used, select Off to improve performance when projecting weight.
  5. Feed Factor Error Threshold is the allowable variance (plus or minus) of projected weight adjusted by feed consumption to be marked as outside range when projecting weights.
  6. Head Capacity Mode determines the capacity mode for BRPA projected placements. Available options are:
    1. House Capacity - BRPA will utilize capacity when created projected placements.
    2. Density - projected placements will utilize the house area and month density (area/density) to determine head place.
  7. Hours Prior To Catch Time (Raise Feeders) is the default time prior to kill time to turn feed off.
  8. Hours Prior To Catch Time (Feeders Off) is the default time prior to kill time to turn feeders off.
  9. When the Include Factors flag is selected and the weight mode is percent deviation, the logic will include the weight factor, farm factor, seasonal factor, breed factor and parent age breed factor when calculating the projected weight. If the flag is not selected, only the weight factor will be used to calculate the projected weight.
  10. Minimum Cleanout Days is used to enter the minimum days to clean out a house.
  11. Out Of Target Priority has two available options:
    1. Next Available - will select the flock to be harvested if it exceeds the weight or max product age but select it at the next available target.
    2. Exceed Target - will select the flock to be harvested if it exceeds the weight or max product age even if it is going to exceed the target head.
  12. Parent Age Break 1-4 fields are used to group breeder parent flock ages at the time of egg set, into age ranges. The BRPA Performance Profile will analyze broiler flock performance based on this. Parent Age Break 1 will include all broiler flocks who parent flock age was capitalized up to a selected value; Parent Age Break 2 will include all flocks whose parents were greater than Age Break 1 up to a selected value.
  13. If the Post Placements Create Chick Transactions flag is selected, Post will automatically create a chick transaction for every placement entered.
  14. If the Post Movement Create Transfer flag is selected, Post will automatically create a transfer for every placement with a source entity entered.
  15. Projected Weight Calculation Mode is the calculation mode for projected weights. Available options are:
    1. Farm or House - the BRPA performance factor will look at the house and if it is not defined there, it will look at the farm; if the farm does not have a value, `1` will be used.
    2. Farm and House - the BRPA performance factor will use the house BRPA performance factor and farm BRPA performance factor; f they do not have a value, `1` will be used.
  16. Split House Threshold specifies the minimum head inventory for a single house for which BRPA can schedule a split pickup for the house. Any house with less birds than this threshold will be scheduled as a single pickup for the entire house.
  17. If the Time Precision flag is selected, projected weights will calculate to a fraction of a day based on harvest time.
  18. If the Truck Capacity Rounding flag is selected when the head count of a pen exceeds the truck capacity, it will add another truck to pickup the remaining head. If the flag is not selected, the head count will be added to another pen in the house.
  19. If the Use Fixed Cycles flag is selected, BRPA will use the specified parameters in the BRIM House master to create brood placements and grow movements when generating projections.
  20. If the Validate Processing Health Status flag is selected, BRPA logic will schedule the entities based on the processing control status. If Processing Control Status is set to End of Day and the entity has at least one positive result at the time that the projection is run, the entity will be scheduled to be processed at the end of the processing day. If Processing Control Status is set to End of Week and the entity has at least one positive result at the time that the projection is run, the entity will be scheduled to be processed at the end of the last processing day of the week. LHS will schedule the pick up at the end of the day that the entity is scheduled to be processed.
  21. Weight Factor Error Threshold is the allowable variance (plus or minus) of projected weight adjusted by test weight to be marked as outside range when projecting weights.
  22. Weight Mode determines the weight mode for weight calculations related to kill. Available options are:
    1. % Deviation - the program calculates the bird weight using all factors for the same age as the actual weight is captured, then it calculates the % deviation from the actual and applies the same deviation to the kill age projection.
    2. Weight Gain - weight gain per day is re-calculated based on the actual weight captured, and then the new weight gain per day is used moving forward to create the kill age projection.
  23. Weight Mode Priority determines the priority for weight mode. Available options are:
    1. Field Transactions Only - will only utilize a field transaction.
    2. Processing Transactions and Field Transactions - will always utilize the most current transaction date closest to Harvest date.
    3. Processing Transactions Only - will only utilize a processing transaction.
    4. Processing Transactions then Field Transactions - will utilize a processing transaction and then a field transaction if there is no processing transaction.
    5. None - will bypass the logic and no weight will be used.
  24. Weight Projection Mode determines the mode for weight projections.
    1. Date Sold - the standard weight and total weight gain to harvest will be calculated up to the date sold age.
    2. Date Sold Minus One - the standard weight and total weight gain to harvest will be calculated up to the date sold age minus one.

Protein General

  1. If the Processing Auto Reference No flag is selected, the program will generate the next sequential number. Reference number field will be read-only.

  1. If the Zero Weight Required flag is selected, the program will enter Farm Gross Zero Weight before entering Farm gross Weight, along with Plant Tare Zero Weight before Plant Tare Weight.

LHS Plant

The LHS Plant section defines the parameters that will be used in LHS for projecting live haul loads.

  1. Transportation Model refers to the driver/crew team area. Drivers and crews stay together as teams work in certain designated areas. Available options are:

    1. Single Unit Truck - used when no trailers are defined. The truck stays with the birds right through until the end processing time.
    2. Single Unit Truck Driver `til Processing - used when trucks and trailers are defined. The truck and trailer stay together until the end processing time.
    3. Single Unit Truck Driver `til Unload - used when trucks and trailers are defined. The truck and trailer stay together until the end unload time.
    4. Trailer Drop And Hook - used when trucks and trailers are defined. Trailers are unhooked when taken to the farm and unhooked later, possibly by another truck and driver.
    5. Unhook At Plant - used when trucks and trailers are defined. The truck stays with the trailer at the farm but unhooks when brought back to the plant at the end unload time. The truck then takes a different trailer if one is available.
    6. Unhook At Plant and Hook an Available Trailer - used when trucks and trailers are defined. The truck stays with the trailer at the farm but unhooks when brought back to the plant at the end yard time. The truck then takes a different trailer if one is available.
  1. Default Travel Time is used for Crew To Farm, Plant To Farm, and Farm To Farm. Travel time is calculated using the Travel Time defined within the Farm master. If no travel time is defined, then the distance within the farm master is multiplied by Average Truck Speed. If not distance is entered, then Default Travel Time is utilized.
  2. The Calculate Plant/Line Speeds Based on Head flag will adjust the line speed based on the had to be processed during the day to meet the plant hours work time.
  3. Balance Crafts in a Load will balance the number of birds in the crate for each load; it will adjust the number of birds and crates per truck. Available options are:
    1. Balanced - based on the number of loads projected, the birds in the crate will be balanced following the Min and Max parameters defined.
    2. Max Capacity - the crate will be filled with the maximum capacity of birds specified on each line.
  4. Max Travel Time Reduction Percent will reduce the travel time by the percent specified only if it is necessary to be on time to pick up the next load.
  5. Processing Transactions Post Mode determines how processing transactions will be created, based on Planned Live Haul or Projected Schedules.
  6. Pickup House Priority indicates the order in which houses/pens from a single farm will be uplifted. This order is applied after the plant line product order.
  7. Max Truck Weight Capacity Mode will load the truck based on the maximum number of crates defined or its maximum weight capacity.
  8. Max Threads is  the maximum number of threads used by the optimizer.
  9. Time Interval is the length of the time period display. All times will be rounded to the nearest `Tim Interval`.
  10. Initial Travel Time specifies what value will be used to calculate the travel time on the first load of the day. Available options are Plant to Farm or Resource Travel Time.
  1. Calculate Crates Mode is used to set how the calculation of crates is performed.

  1. Crew Starting Hours Mode working hours for a crew will begin from their last catch time until their last load finish time, or from the time they start to drive to the farm until the time they arrive back at their starting location.
  2. Multiple Crews Per House Mode determines how the crews are scheduled in the hosues. Available options are:
    1. Multiple Crews - schedule a crew to begin a house and end their shift before finishing a house, and then schedule another crew to finish the house.
    2. One Crew Per House - strictly schedule one crew per house.
    3. Simultaneous Crews - schedule more than one crew per house.
  3. House Catching Gap determines how a crew operates once it starts catching a house. Available options are:
    1. Allowed - allows a crew to start catching a new house to complement their last load if their last load is a partial load
    2. Not Allowed - one a house has begun to start catching, the catching cannot stop until all birds from that house have been caught.
  1. Driver First Load Preparation Time is the time, in minutes, for a driver to prepare the truck for the first load of the day.

  1. Next Load Preparation Time (Minutes) is the maximum number of minutes it will take to prepare for the next load.
  2. Driver Switch Truck Time is the number of minutes required for the driver to prepare before driving a new truck.
  3. Max Driving Time Without Break is the maximum number of hours a driver can driver without taking a break.
  4. Driver Break Time is the time designated for the driver`s break, in minutes.
  5. Max Driver Wait Time At Farm is the limit on how long a truck would wait if it could arrive early. This field is only utilized when the Transportation Model = Trailer Drop And Hook.
  1. Average Truck Speed is used with Travel Time. Travel time is defined using the Travel Time defined within the Farm master. If no Travel Time is defined, then the distance within the Farm master is utilized, multiplied by  `Average Truck Speed`.

  1. BIO Security Cleaning Time is the number of minutes taken to clean the vehicle before it leaves the farm. This time will be added after the Catch End Time and before the Drive To Plant Start Time.
  2. Forklift Crate Adjustment is the amount of crates that need to be removed from the truck when taking the forklift back to the plant.
  3. Farm Trailer Load Time is the time, in minutes, to hitch up the trailer when the driver brings the truck to pick up a load at a farm. This field is only utilized when using Transportation Model = Trailer Drop And Hook.
  4. Unload Time (Minutes) is the unloading time, in minutes, that a driver must wait before taking the truck to the next farm
  5. Truck Down Time Mode determines how the truck operates once it starts unloading in the Plant. Available options are:
    1. Finish Current Load First - once a truck has begun unloading the crates, it cannot stop until all the crates have been downloaded.
    2. Stop Processing Immediately - once a truck has begun unloading the crates and there is a break time in the line, the truck has to wait until the line starts again to continue the process.