Cell Pod Farm is used to assign cell pods to farms which are used for tracking and reporting.
Table Name: SmtsCellPodFarm, SmtsCellPodFarmDetails
Prior to creating a cell pod farm, the following items must be created:
In Admin>Business>SMTS>Definitions, select Cell Pod Farm.
Select the button to create
a new record.
Enter the Effective Date for the Cell Pod Farm.
From the Cell Master No drop-down menu, select the Cell Master.
Cell Name will default in from the Cell Master No.
Select the Pod No from the available list.
Pod Name will default in from Pod No.
The Cell Manager No and Cell Manager Name will default in based on the selected Cell Master No.
In the SIM/GIM Farms section, click the
button to add a new farm.
In the Select Farms dialog box, select all farms to be added to the cell pod by clicking the Selected flag. Click the OK button and all selected farms will appear.
Farm No identifies the farm.
Farm Name displays a description of the farm.
Growout No identifies the type of farm.
Growout Name displays a description of the growout.
Production Type displays the type of production.
Farm Stage identifies the stage of the farm.