BRIM Days Out


BRIM Days Out codes are defined to break down the days that the house must remain empty between placements. The Days Out are used in planning BRPA placements. The Days Out No will be assigned in BRIM>Houses>BPRA Days Out Detail tab where the number of days for each code will be defined.


Table Name: BrimDaysOutCodes


BRIM Days Out is used in BRIM Houses.

Create BRIM Days

  1. In Admin>Business>Poultry>BRIM/TIM,  select Days Out.

  2. Select to create a new record.

  1. Enter the Days Out No to identify the category. (alphanumeric, maximum 20 characters)

  2. Enter the Days Out Name to describe the category. (alphanumeric, maximum 50 characters)

  3. Save and Close the record.