Age Assignments


Age Assignments define the default minimum and maximum age that the bird can be processed.


Table Name: ProteinSpeciesDefinitions


Age Assignments are not specifically assigned to any products or screens, but used in logic throughout the system.

Create Age Assignment

  1. In Admin>Business>General>Definitions, select Age Assignments.
  2. Select to create a new age assignment.

  3. From Farm Type, select the appropriate code for the type of farm. Options are: BIM, BRIM, GIM, LIM, SIM and TIM.
  4. From Species Type, select the type of species required. Options will default depending on the Farm Type selected. Available choices are: Chicken, Swine, Layer and Turkey.
  5. In the Min Age field, enter the minimum age required for the species.
  6. In the Max Age field, enter the maximum age allowed for the species.
  7. From Age Mode, select whether the age is measured in Weeks or Days.