Egg Distributions is the projection of specific eggs allocated to the orders of that date by hatchery. If the distribution date and hatchery have the actual eggs in inventory, then the HPA projection will populate the allocations automatically for the user to adjust. The HIM Egg Distributions screen allows the user to allocate eggs to egg orders, poult orders and internal placements
The following items must be created prior to using Hatchery Capacity.
The Egg Distributions document is comprised of the following sections:
The Egg Distribution process is comprised
of numerous sections. This screen will just be used for allocating eggs
in the initial stage of the process. The eggs can be initially allocated
from HPA projections with an option to then select those eggs from inventory
prior to transferring the eggs to the Setter Distribution.
Eggs are allocated to poult placements, poult orders, egg orders and embryos. There will be options to allocate manually using either inventory or planned quantities, or automatic allocation based on a set of established rules. The automatic allocation can also occur either using actual inventory or planned quantities. Eggs will be committed to inventory at the Egg Distribution stage prior to being transferred to Setter Distribution or Order Shipments. This process will need to use the option by breed to establish priority by LIFO or FIFO.
The Entity Allocation section contains the following components:
the Egg Distributions main
index, click the button to add a new distribution.
From the Hatchery No drop-down menu, select the hatchery where the order is assigned.
Select the Profile No from the drop-down menu.
Click 'OK' and the HPA Egg Distributions screen will appear, importing all orders for that egg date in the Entity Allocation screen.
The Demand is sourced from Sales Orders, BRPA planned placements and BPA planned placements to determine the egg demand. There will also be a Surplus Set for any eggs that are required to be set, but not assigned to a specific order. The grid can be filtered for any field available in the grid.
In the Demand section, select the required line and right-click. Select Import Allocations From HPA, and then select Inventory.
The Entity Allocation grid is populated with the HPA projections for the highlighted order.
Profile No identifies the profile.
The Profile Name will display
Hatchery No identifies the hatchery for the egg demand.
The Hatchery Name will display.
Date displays the date the demand was created.
Transaction Type identifies the type of transaction for the egg demand.
Chick Sale - sourced from sales orders through HPA profiles based on poult orders that will be set on the selected date for poult orders to be shipped after the defined incubation period
Egg Sale - sourced from sales orders through HPA profiles based on eggs orders that are to be shipped on the selected date
Embryo Sale - sourced from sales orders through HPA profiles based on embryo orders that are to be shipped on the selected date after the incubation period defined on the embryo product.
Placement - sourced from TPA through HPA profiles based on placements that will be set on the selected date for the poults to be placed after the defined incubation period
Surplus Set - additional eggs that will be set to meet capacity that are currently not assigned to orders or placements.
Transaction ID represents the sales order number or planned entity number for the demand line.
Dest Entity No will represent the customer number for external sales. For internal placements, the field will represent the entity number of the placement.
Dest Entity Name displays the name of the customer or placement.
Transaction Date displays the date of the transaction
Chick Sale - date that the poults will be shipped, which is defined as ship date less incubation date.
Egg Sale - date that the eggs will be shipped, which is the current distribution date.
Embryo Sale - date that the poults will be shipped, which is defined as ship date less incubation date.
Placement - date that the poults will be placed, which is defined as placement date less incubation date.
Surplus Set - date is undefined.
Product No identifies the product that will be shipped or placed.
Product Name displays a description of the product.
Product Type indicates the type of product that can be shipped.
Sex identifies the sex of the entity. Chicks and poults will indicate Male, Female or Straight Run. Eggs and embryos will not have any sex defined.
Animal Type identifies the type of entity. Egg and embryo products will have animal type undefined. Chick/poult products will be defined as one of the following:
Chicken |
Layer |
Turkey |
§ Breeder Female |
§ Breeder Female |
§ Breeder Female |
§ Breeder Male |
§ Breeder Male |
§ Breeder Male |
§ By Product Female |
§ By Product Female |
§ By Product Female |
§ By Product Male |
§ By Product Male |
§ By Product Male |
§ By Product Straight Run |
§ By Product Straight Run |
§ By Product Straight Run |
§ Broiler Female |
§ Commercial Layer |
§ Commercial Female |
§ Broiler Male |
§ Commercial Male |
§ Broiler Straight Run |
§ Commercial Straight Run |
Primary Breed No identifies the primary breed type of the entity that produced the egg.
Primary Breed Name displays a description of the breed.
Primary Generation Code identifies the parent type of the entity that produced the eggs.
Sales SKU No identifies the type of the entity used to produce the eggs.
Sales SKU Name displays a description of the entity.
Deliver-To/Ship-To/Bill-To Customer identifies the deliver-to/ship-to/bill-to customer.
Deliver-To/Ship-To/Bill-To Customer Name displays the name of the customer.
Deliver-To/Ship-To/Bill-To City identifies the city in which the customer is located.
Deliver-To/Ship-To/Bill-To City Name displays the name of the city.
Deliver-To/Ship-To/Bill-To State displays the state i which the customer is located.
Deliver-To/Ship-To/Bill-To Zip displays the zip code of the customer.
Deliver-To/Ship-To/Bill-To Country displays the country where the customer is located.
Process Sequence is a user-defined field that is used to prioritize the sales orders in the manner they are to be sourced and distributed on hatch day.
Order Type will display Confirmed or Tentative if the order is a sales order. Internal placements will be undefined.
Order Pre Post Status will display as Posted or Active if the order is a sales order. Internal placements will be undefined.
Posted - locks the order quantity and indicates that the order is available for shipment.
- indicates that there could be changes in quantity. Active records
cannot be posted in the egg distribution. All orders must have
a pre-post status set to Posted in order for the egg
distribution to be posted.
Projected Allocated Eggs displays the number of eggs that have been allocated from HPA projected eggs.
Projected Chicks Allocated From Eggs Set is based on the eggs that have been allocated from HPA projected eggs. The field will calculate the projected poults determined from the projected hatchability of the selected eggs.
Projected Hatch % displays the projected hatchability of the eggs that have been allocated from HPA projected eggs.
Projected Cross Util Chicks indicates the cross utilization poults that have been allocated from HPA projected eggs. The cross utilized poults are selected from existing allocated eggs for the opposite sex.
Actual Allocated Eggs displays the number of eggs that have been allocated from actual egg room inventory.
Actual Chicks Allocated From Eggs Set is based on the eggs that have been allocated from egg room inventory. The field will calculate the projected poults determined from the projected hatchability of the selected eggs.
Actual % Hatch displays the projected hatchability of the eggs that have been allocated from actual egg room inventory.
Actual Cross Util Chicks indicates the cross utilization poults that have been allocated from egg room inventory. The cross utilized poults are selected from existing allocated eggs for the opposite sex.
Actual Eggs Variance indicates the number of actual inventory eggs that have been over-allocated or under-allocated to the demand line.
Actual Chick Variance indicates the number of actual projected poults based on the projected hatchability of the inventory eggs that have been allocated to the demand line.
Total Eggs Allocated represents the total number of eggs that have been allocated from projected eggs and actual eggs.
Total Chicks Allocated represents the total projected poults based on the projected and actual eggs that have been selected for the demand line.
Total Cross Util Chicks represents the total number of cross utilization poults that have been allocated from projected and actual eggs selected for the demand line.
Total Hatch % represents the average projected hatch percentage based on the projected and actual eggs that have been selected for the demand line.
Eggs Demanded displays the required eggs based on the actual and projected eggs selected and the total projected hatch % of the selected eggs. This field is static and will change based on the selected eggs.
Chicks Demanded displays the number of poults required for the sales order or placement.
Eggs Variance indicates the difference in the total eggs allocated and the eggs demanded.
Chick Variance indicates the difference in the projected chicks based on the total eggs allocated and the total hatch percentage of those eggs allocated.
Pre Post Status defines the status of the distribution as either Active or Posted.
Selecting the Void flag will cancel the distribution.
Creation Date indicates the date the transaction was created.
Last Mod Date indicates the date the transaction was last modified.
The Egg Allocation grid identifies the eggs that have been allocated to the order using the HPA projection or allows the user to assign the eggs to an order for direct assignment from inventory. Based on the demand that is determined in the Demand grid, the eggs can be allocated based on projected egg availability or actual egg inventory. For each method , there will be an option to select eggs from egg room inventory or projected available eggs. When using automatic allocation methods, the logic needs to look to the product to determine breed requirements and then the breed code to determine if the eggs are distributed using FIFO or LIFO assignment . The eggs will also be restricted to the breed and generation assigned to the product on the sales order or placement. Grouping options will be required to group eggs by Buggy, Entity, Breed, etc. In order to accomplish this functionality, the filter bar will is required to be added to the Egg Sources and the Group By feature added. In order to allocate eggs to the demand, the user will select the required demand line and then select one of the following options to allocate eggs:
Allocate Direct – manual allocation feature that selects eggs from projected or actual inventory. The available actual or projected inventory will be filtered by breed and generation defined on the product.
Allocate Cross – this option is used to allocate males or females for cross utilization. Cross utilization allocation must be filtered by breed code and generation.
Import Allocations From HPA – imports projected egg allocation from HPA based on established rules.
Match from Projection – process transfers the projected allocation quantity to the actual inventory quantity. If the entire projection cannot be transferred, the remaining quantity will be left in the Projected column. The user will then need to use the Allocate Direct option to allocate the remaining eggs.
Clear Projection – the user will select the order line and right-click to select the Clear Projection option. This will delete the projected lines allocated to the order.
The Egg Allocations section is compromised of four components:
The Flock Age graph displays the age of the flocks in graph form.
The Egg Age Distribution graph displays the age of the eggs in graph form.
The Breed Distribution graph displays the breeds utilized in graph form.
The Cross Utilizations section displays the highlighted line from the Entity Allocation screen the entities that were cross utilized for that order. The Cross Utilization tab is used to allocate sexed poults to orders. For example, the eggs are allocated to a poult order for female poults. The cross utilization tab will allocate the projected male poults to an order where the product is a tom. It is important to note that this tab allocates projected poults and does not select eggs from inventory or planned production. The screen is read-only.
The Entity Utilization tab, along with the Chick Order Utilization tab,
is used to view the allocated data. The Entity Utilization view will be
used to analyze the allocation
of entities to orders to ensure that the entities have been allocated
as required. The screen will be refreshed each time that the user accesses
the view. The view will be read-only. All allocation is completed in the
Allocation tab. The user will select the entity line and be able to view
the allocated orders in the grid located at the bottom of the screen.
The Chick Order Utilization view will be used to analyze the allocation of poult orders to ensure that the orders have been balanced for sexed poults. The screen will be refreshed each time that the user accesses the view. The view will be read-only. All allocation is completed in the Allocation tab. The user will select the order line and be able to view the allocated entities in the grid located at the bottom of the screen.
Once the Egg Distribution record as been created and saved, the distribution needs to be posted. The posting process locks the distribution to prevent edits, and creates.... The UnPost option unlocks the distribution and reverses the record. A journal transaction