Bill of Materials Packages - Feed

Feed Bill of Materials (BOM) Packages are generally used for bagged feeds. The package defines the products that are required to repack the bulk feed to bagged feed. Based on the products defined, the product usage will be created automatically when the repack transaction is created. The products must be in inventory at the feed mill that is repacking the feed prior to the repack transactions being created. Products must be predefined in General>Products>Field Products prior to being added to the BOM package.

Create a Feed BOM Package

  1. In General>Products>Feed, select BOM Packages.

  2. In the Feed Bill of Material Packages index, click to create a new bill of material package.

  3. In the Program Name prompt, enter the name of the program required. The details from the predefined BOM package will default.

  4. Under Versions, select to create a new Effective Date to  indicate the first date that the package  will become available. Any items placed on or after this date will assume the package based on the defined effective date. The package will remain in effect until the next effective date is entered.

  5. Under Details, click to add a new product to the BOM package.

  6. Select the Product Type from the pre-defined options. Available options are: Field Products, Medications or Vaccinations.

  7. From Product No, select the code of the required product.  The list of products will be filtered based on the selected product type. Products must be predefined in Field Products prior to being added to the BOM package,

  8. Product Name automatically identifies a description of the selected product.

  9. The Quantity reflects the BOM units per inventory unit that will be required to be ordered for the product. Use the calculator to determine the quantity required. For example, if 25 bags are placed on a pallet, then the quantity is calculated as 1/25 = 0.04. If 50 bags are produced, then 2 pallets will be required.