Graphics and Dashboards Creation


The following manual is intended to show an example on how you can develop a basic chart type under tabular reports, tilt and pivot.


It is important to note that reports pivot, the graphics alone can be developed print mode and not in the visual report, this is because the graphics in this report are dynamic and are generated by selecting only the variables shown.


This document also describes tools to create a Dashboard.


This manual does not seek to replace any training course on reports and graphs; the intention is to help the user remember or the basic steps for generating graphics.


The Graphics and Dashboards Creation document contains the following components:



The Summary section contains the following components:


Creating Graphs from the Report

To create a new chart select chart from the main menu:


  1. In the Report Builder, click the Chart drop-down menu and select Add Chart.



Once the chart wizard is open, follow the next steps:

  1. Chart Type - Select the graphic type in the screen below. For example: Spline.



  2. Appearance - This option allow to select the color style used in the graphics. For example - Palette: Module. Click `Appearance` in the Construction left-hand size menu to access the Appearance section.



  1. Series - In this option, it is possible to select the number of variables to be defined graph. Press the `Add` button to create the variables. Define the name to each series. In the example below, we defined two series (Feed Conv and Feed Del).




In the Point Options tab, we will define the Value format: Number, Value precision: This will apply for both series.


  1. Data - This section describes the fields to be graphed that are defined. Select the Series Binding tab to assign the data. In this example, we will use the Age argument and the average weight sold (Series Feed Conv), as well as the Total Food delivered (Series Feed Del).




  1. Diagram - In this section, we define an axis and further, since the 2 values we want to graph (Feed Cons x bird and total shipments of food) have a very big difference in range. For this, select the Element tab on the right menu and click on ADD in the Secondary Y-Axes section.


  1. Axes - In this section, we set the name for each of the axes (X and Y). For this, select each of the axes and select elements tab from the right menu. Mark option “Visible” and in the text field, write the name to be displayed under or beside each of the axes.


  1. Additionally, when we select the axis that was created again (Secondary Axis Y1), we head to the General tab on the right menu and change the Alignment option near. This will change the position from axis Y from the right and paste it to the left, next to the axis Y.



  1. Series View - This section is assigned under that axis (X, Y or Y1). Feed Conv. and Feed Del are the series to be modified. In this example, you can graphic the series under the Axis X (Primary AxisX), in series Feed Del under Axis Y principal (Secondary AxisY), and also in series Feed Del under Axis Y created as (Secondary AxisY1). This configuration will be executed in the General tab to the right side of the screen.



  1. Point Label - This section is set if we want to display the numeric value of each intersecting point between the axes X and Y. The Visible option is checked by default which means that the values are displayed. For this example we will leave enabled.



  1. Chart Titles - This section is set to define the graphic title. In the right side of the main menu, type the desire title. For this example, use “Cons x Bird vs Feed Del”.

  2. Finally, press the Finish button at the bottom of the Chart Wizard.



  1. To assign a title to the chart tab of the report, we address the following path: Chart Rename Chart.



Creating Charts from Print Design (Vertical, Tabular y Pivot)

The graphs reports PIVOT type must be created in this way.

To create a report from the print design, it is important to follow the next steps:


  1. From the MT Report Builder menu, select the  Report option and any of the two following options, depending on the case:

    1. Create Default - To create a new print design starting from scratch

    2. Modify Existing - To use an existing design



  1. In Report Designer, select Standard Controls from the menu, in the left side corner of the screen, and then double-click on the Chart option.


  1. This option automatically generates the "Chart Wizard”, after which we can follow the same steps mentioned at the beginning of this document (Creating graphics from the report).


Add Graphic Design Print (Vertical y Tabluar)

If there is already a chart created in the report and we want it to be displayed in the print layout (output), then we must complete the following steps.


  1. In the MT Report Builder menu, select the Report option, and any  of the following 2 options as appropriate:
    1. Create Default - To create a design print from scratch.
    2. Modify Existing - To use and existing design print previously created.


  1. In the Report Designer, select Imported Controls and then double- click in the “Imported Chart “option.



  1. From the “Property Grid” located in the right sight of the screen, locate the section group “Data”. Select the option Chart Layout Name, then the name of the report you want to add (this step should be repeated as often as we want to add graphics). Finally, we locate, expand or reduce the graph to the desired size.



Dashboard Creation

  1. To create a Dashboard, select File and Report Dashboard from the main report builder screen.



  1. In the Report Dashboards section, click the button.

  2. Fill out the following fields: Dashboard Name and Dashboard Description. The yellow fields are mandatory, the option auto Refresh Frequency could be filled with the amount, in order to refresh automatically. *Note: The option Auto Refresh Frequency does not apply to reports in their search filter ranges have specific dates.



  1. To create the Dashboard, you need a report from either creating it from scratch or based on an existing one.



  1. To use an existing report, take in consideration that changes made from within the Dashboard development, will not be reflected in the original report. This generates a new Report.



  1. Once the report has been selected, is possible to add to the Dashboard: Graphics, Gauges, Grid, Filter (Additional filter to the main report).



  1. To mobilize each of these elements within the design panel Dashboard, click the right mouse button to find the option to customize.



  1. In the Hidden Items tab, all objects that are deleted from the Dashboard will be added, while in the Layout Tree View, you can find all objects that are used within the Dashboard, allowing rearranging as required.



  1. The graphics, gauge, grid and filters can be added within boxes, groups and tabs on the Dashboard. The first step is to add an Empty Space Item. Once this is done, and being in the design option, the selected object will appear within that space.

  2. By right-clicking on an Empty Space Item, this will allow you to make it a group or a series of Tabs.

  3. Having selected the object used in the Layout Tree View, you can customize all the properties requiring that object (size, font, color, etc.)




Graphs can be created from scratch, or, if part of a report has been graphed and designed, these may be used and are available on the right side of the Designer.





Like graphics, this can be created from scratch or starting from a Gauge associated with the report being used.



  1. Here are some of the meters that can be used: Speedometer, tachometer or tachometers, digits, among others. Each of them can be fully customized, including alerts, colors, ranges, number of digits to show sizes, etc.






  1. It is essential, once the Gauge is selected, and before saving changes, to right-click on the gauge (Gauge) added and as expected, add the information that applies.




  1. Each Gauge has the option to customize the design (colors, ranges, sizes, add or decrease number of digits, create or delete scales, etc.) To access, right click on the Gauge and select `Gauge Designer`.




On the right side of the Dashboard Designer, all associated with the report layout being used will be found.







The Filter option allows adding additional filters to be added the main report.  This prevails those of the report in the Dashboard.




The following are examples of already developed Dashboards:


Broiler Forecast


Broiler Sold Flock Performance



Breeder Performance