Scale Operators


Scale Operators are set up to identify the person responsible for operating the scales at the feed mill. Scale Operators are set up by Feed Mill.


Table Name: FmimScaleOperators


Prior to creating a scale operator, the Feed Mill  must first be created.

Create a Scale Operator

  1. In Admin>Business>FMTS>FMIM, select Scale Operators.

  2. The Screen will be view only and the grid will contain a list all the Feed Mills.

  3. Double-click on the Feed Mill required to define the scale operator, or click the button in the menu.

  4. In the Feed Mill Scale Operators screen, select to add a scale operator.

  1. Enter the Scale Operator No to Identify the person operating the scales. Alphanumeric, maximum 20 characters.

  2. Enter the Scale Operator Name the person responsible to operating the scales. Alphanumeric, maximum 50 characters.

  3. Save and Close the record.